Denis Smalley
Recent papers in Denis Smalley
Exploration of issues related to music composed for diffusion over loudspeakers, beginning with a historical overview. Subsequent chapters discuss terminology for the classification of such music, theories of listening, approaches to... more
This paper provides a brief survey of composition in which field recordings or other referential sounds are transcribed for acoustic instruments. Through a discussion of how electroacoustic music and scholarship has conceptualised the... more
This commentary accompanies the portfolio of electroacoustic works realised at the NOVARS Research Centre, and intends to provide insight into methodologies for acousmatic composition as researched at the University of Manchester between... more
This study examines the ways in which a relationship is created between the piano and electronic sound in order to clarify the prismatic structure of the piece. The analysis will both isolate the acousmatic material and consider it... more
Space is not the place (real or logical) within which things are disposed, but rather the means through which the position of things becomes possible. Instead of imagining space as a kind of ether that encompasses everything, or... more
The proliferation of spatialisation technology has encouraged a mass of unclassified techniques for the use of spatial manipulation in electroacoustic music. The complexity involved with theorizing the composers conception, the... more
Este projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo a compreensão da obra teórica do compositor Denis Smalley, a fim de investigar as possibilidades do uso da teoria espectromorfológica como ferramenta de organização discursiva para a Música... more
Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de la obra Alternancias, del compositor venezolano Alfredo del Mónaco (Caracas, 1938 - 2015), estrenada por el cuarteto del pianista ítalo- venezolano Corrado Galzio, en el... more
This article suggests a framework for the articulation of ambiophonic and geometrical spaces in electroacoustic composition and performance. Space-ambiophony explores the global perception of space, which is derived from the archetypal... more
This paper is predicated on the argument that searching for the meaningful in electroacoustic music is to use different means for different pieces, while remaining situated within the historical context of electroacoustic music. The... more
"Con il saggio di Mariachiara Grilli, la direttrice di indagine dei Quaderni volge dal versante ermeneutico a quello analitico: a restare immutate sono però le prospettive multiple dell'approccio, che in questo caso sono gli stessi... more
In this paper, I use the program for a concert of electroacoustic music as a point of departure for discussing issues related to teaching electroacoustic music in the musicology or music theory classroom. Specifically, I examine the... more
Una primera reflexión que apunte en dirección a preguntarnos por nuestra escucha del mundo, en tanto receptores y productores sonoros capacitados para desenvolvernos a partir del sonido que llega a nuestros oídos (y que es producto de... more