Recent papers in Desing
Согласно данным Национальной Ассоциации по управлению проектами IPMA в мире неуклонно возрастает доля проектного управления, в частности в серийном производстве она доходит до 50%. Представленная на конкурс работа также посвящена теме... more
RESUMEN La industria de la publicidad exterior utiliza estructuras de grandes dimensiones. La forma prismática y la flexibilidad de su estructura producen efectos aeroelásticos, con separación de vórtices. La separación de vórtices ha... more
Additive manufacturing (AM) or, more commonly, 3D printing has grown in double digits in past years. It has shown its potential example in the medical, automotive, aerospace, and spare part sectors. Personal manufacturing, complex and... more
Eğitim ortamındaki fiziksel koşullar, eğitime olumlu veya olumsuz yönde etki edebilir. Etkili eğitim için bu çevrenin öğrenme-öğretme faaliyetlerine uygun, çocukların öğrenmelerini destekleyecek özelliklerde olması önemlidir. Fiziksel... more
Le Corbusier is, without a doubt, one of the most important figures of the twentieth century architecture scene. His ideas changed the basis of architecture. Most of his thoughts were reflected not only in his built Works but also in his... more
This study aims to articulate the students' perception about cyber bullying, particularly on social media. Even though ICT technology provides a large number of benefits, particularly those who are young, as Campbell (2005) has pointed... more
Virtual Reality simulator designed with the purpose of bringing the context and real life experience closer to the learning process of first aid and pre hospitalary medical care students.
Icaza (Mexico/ The Netherlands) Patricia Kaersenhout (The Netherlands/Suriname) Alanna Lockward (Dominican Republic/ Germany) Ovidiu Tichindeleanu (Rumania) Madina Tlostanova (Circassia/Sweden)
When consulting Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees, the authors of "Our ecological footprint, reducing human impact on the land", it is clear the importance of being aware of the type of human development that currently is generated and... more
Conferencia de Norberto Chávez sobre que es el diseño, teoría del diseño, teoría vs diseño.
Furniture sizing for architecture
Bu araştırma, sürdürebilir okul kültürü ve ekosistemi için, okul yöneticilerinin ve öğretmenlerinin farkındalık ve üst bilişlerini artırmak üzere yapılmış Empati Projesi ile ilgili görüşleri almak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2015... more
The study reported in this paper compared the effects of two approaches of blended learning on students’ learning outcomes in courses on intellectual property rights and patents. One group of students followed three weeks of online... more
In the changing environment of the 21st century, universities should develop very innovative ecosystems by doing right investments on human capital, research and development, buildings, laboratories, dorms, and other facilities on the... more
In the first instance, prior to getting deep into the most significant points of discussion with regard to environmental recycling; would be better to know what recycling is; subsequent to knowing the real concept would be easy to get... more
Debido al incremento de complejidad en las operaciones de producción, y a los bajos tiempos de entrega que exige el mercado actual del sector naval, es necesario el manejo de aplicaciones CAD/CAE que adquieran el papel de integradoras... more
Even though STEM Education, including Arts has dominantly become very strategic in the education systems, most of the school administrations, particularly those of the high schools are struggling in applying properly in their... more
Este artigo trata do desenvolvimento de uma inovação no Ensino de Geografia baseada no alinhamento de ferramentas do Design voltadas à Educação. Utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa pautada nos procedimentos metodológicos do Design... more
It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of... more
RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe el proceso para determinar la vulnerabilidad sísmica de una zona del centro histórico de Tapachula, Chiapas. Es en esta zona donde históricamente se han presentado daños estructurales importantes por... more
RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe el proceso para determinar la vulnerabilidad sísmica de una zona del centro histórico de Tapachula, Chiapas. Es en esta zona donde históricamente se han presentado daños estructurales importantes por... more
ÖZET HEMOFİLİ VE MEKÂN İnsan-mekân ilişkisinin disiplin altına alınması ve bu ilişkinin kaliteli yaşam için sürdürebilirliğinin sağlanması bir zorunluluk olarak kabul edilmelidir. Çağdaş mekân algılamaları ile kaliteli bir yaşam için... more
The key aspects of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education arerelated to the effective leadership at the high schools in order to empower the entire school. Therefore,in the 21st century, most of the school... more
Sardis has been the name of the settlement here for more than 3,000 years. The oldest occupation levels excavated at Sardis date back to the late Bronze Age, around 1400 B.C. But much older artifacts, going way back to the Early Bronze... more
From the introduction of CAD/CAM technologies in the 90’s, the paradigms of architecture were questioned and new ways to represent were included in architecture studies such is the case of Gehry and Associates, which was one of the first... more
Guia para diseñar instalaciones sanitarias adecuadas para personas especiales
El Diseño Industrial es una disciplina que proyecta y permite observar una problemática para posteriormente desarrollar un producto que dé respuesta y facilite las acciones de los clientes que dan uso a dichos productos, de modo que pueda... more