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Diptera are the second most important order among flower-visiting (anthophilous) and flower-pollinating insects worldwide. Their taxonomic diversity ranges from Nematocera to Brachycera, including most families within the suborders.... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyDiptera EcologyDipteran Taxonomy
Estuaries and salt marshes are important coastal ecosystems that present unique characteristics in terms of nutrient cycling, salinity, habitats, flora and fauna. Despite their ecological importance, there is scarce knowledge on the... more
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      Insect EcologyDiptera: TipulidaeDiptera EcologyNeotropics
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      PollinationPollination ecologyDiptera EcologyPollination biology
This paper comprises Part II of a review of flower visitation and pollination by Diptera (myiophily or myophily). While Part I examined taxonomic diversity of anthophilous flies, here we consider the rewards and attractants used by... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyDiptera EcologyPollination biology
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      BotanyTropical EcologyPollinationDiptera Ecology
Phytotelmata are temporary pools of rainwater impounded on plants. These pools provide aquatic habitats in which immature stages of insects live. Zingiberales plants can have two types of phytotelmata, the bract pool on the inflorescence... more
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      Insect-Plant InteractionsEcologyZingiberalesDiptera Ecology
Understanding species’ interactions and the robustness of interaction networks to species loss is essential to understand the effects of species’ declines and extinctions. In most studies, different types of networks (such as food webs,... more
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      OrnithologyPlant EcologyAgroecologyEcology
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      PaleontologyPaleoclimatologyIsland StudiesInvertebrate Biology
Enterobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae) causing enteric diseases can be carried and dispersed through insects that act as mechanical vectors, especially flies (Insecta: Diptera). In this study, enterobacteria associated with synanthropic... more
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      Medical EntomologyDiptera EcologyBacteriaBacterial Diversity
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      Aquatic EcologyStream ecologyNational ParksBenthic macroinvertebrates
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyPollinationMutualism
The fauna of blowflies (Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae) in three localities of primary Amazon forest coverage in the Amazonas-Negro interfluvial region was assessed. A total of 5066 blowflies were collected, with Chloroprocta idiodea... more
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      Forensic EntomologyDiptera:CalliphoridaeDiptera EcologyDiptera
The cross-pollination of most alpine plants depends on insects, whose altitudinal distribution is limited by temperature. However, although global warming is causing shifts in temporal and spatial species distribution, we are still... more
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      EntomologyHigh altitude environmentsEcologyPollination
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      EntomologyDiptera EcologyDiptera
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyEntomologyGeography
Mitochondria contain a small yet essential set of genes retained from their endosymbiotic α-proteobacterial ancestor, even though most genes from the respiring invader were either transferred to the host genome or lost very early in... more
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      BotanyAnimal BehaviorPollinationDiptera Ecology
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      BotanyPollinationDiptera Ecology
Date-locality records for seven species of the genus Tetanocera Diptera: Sciomyzidae) are presented for the west of Ireland (Co. Clare, Co. Galway, Co. Mayo, Co. Roscommon and Co. Westmeath). These data include five new records for Co.... more
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      Diptera EcologySpecies Distribution
"The effects of sample fixation with alcohol and formaldehyde on length (L)-weight (W) relationship of chironomid larvae were quantified. Using the obtained relationships between fresh and preserved weights of larvae, the available data... more
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      Aquatic EcologyAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)BiogeographyBenthic macroinvertebrates
Recently, populations of flies have increased in numbers given the elevated levels of organic matter waste produced by anthropic activities and domestication of animals. Such increase represents a worldwide health concern, since flies can... more
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      EntomologyColombiaLife historyEcology
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      Diptera EcologySeasonalitySynanthropic speciesHouse Fly
Recent records of Ornithomya chloropus in Caithness from hosts - Short-eared Owl; Starling; House Sparrow; Sedge Warbler
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      Diptera EcologyEctoparasites
Context: The synthetic insecticides used to control Diptera are harmful to the environment and humans. Extracts and compounds from plants are a more sustainable source for the development of bio-insecticides. Aims: To evaluate the... more
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      Traditional MedicineTraditional Ecological KnowledgeMedicinal PlantsBiological Control
A B S T R A C T In low intensity agri-ecosystems such as wet grassland habitats, the inclusion of invertebrates in conservation assessments and monitoring is usually limited to charismatic groups such as bees or butterflies. However, wet... more
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      BioindicatorsDiptera EcologySyrphidaeDiptera Sciomyzidae
In contrast to well-known and frequently collected invertebrate groups such as butterflies, dragonflies, ground beetles and spiders most dipteran families including long-Iegged or dolichopodid flies are quite obscure, even to most... more
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      EcologyBelgiumDiptera EcologyHabitat
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Negrobov O.P., Fursov V.N., Selivanova O.V. A new species of Dolichopus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Japan. – Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev, Ukraine), 2014, Vol.48, № 5, P.471-474. (in English) — Dolichopus satoi Negrobov, Fursov et... more
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      EntomologyEcologyAgricultural EntomologyJapan
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      EntomologyModel-Driven DevelopmentPest ManagementIntegrated Pest Management
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      Biocontrol of Plant PathogensAgricultural EntomologyDiptera EcologyAsparagus
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAquatic EcologyStream ecology
This study investigated pollinator assemblage diversity and richness in four forested ecosystems of southern Punjab, Pakistan, with different landscape types. Pirowal is situated in the plains of irrigated Punjab, Lal Suhanra is part of a... more
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      Insect EcologyDiptera EcologyHymenopteraStudy of Insects and Others Pollinators on Ravenala Madagascareinsis
Rediscovery of Cyclopodia sykesii Westwood (1834) from southern Odisha after 107 years.
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      ZoologyBehavior (Behaviour)Social insectsBats (Mammalogy)
Pinzari M., Pinzari M., Sbordoni V. – Notes on life-history of Erycia furibunda (Diptera Tachinidae), a parasitoid of Euphydryas aurinia provincialis (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) In this paper we present new data on the larval-pupal... more
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      Systematic EntomologyDiptera EcologyEntomologiaLepidopterology
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      Diptera: HybotidaeDiptera: EmpidoideaDiptera EcologyFinland
Species-level identification of male dolichopodid flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) is based on the structure of genitalia and secondary sexual characters. The effect of parasitic nematodes on the diagnostic features was studied in a sample... more
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      Diptera SystematicsDiptera EcologyHost-parasite interactionsDipteran Taxonomy
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      EntomologyDiptera EcologyEcology and biodiversity of insectsSarcophagidae
Acrocerid flies are endoparasitoids of spiders. New host associations are reported for Ogcodes melampus Loew 1872, O. eugonatus Loew 1872, and Acrocera sp. (Group IV; sensu Sabrosky 1944) from reared individuals of two Salticidae... more
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      Diptera EcologyParasitesDiptera
Chemical analyses of the inflorescence odours of 11 species of Arum^ 20 species of Amorphophailus and two species of Pseudodracontium are presented and compared to the limited published data that are available on pollinalurs of these... more
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      BotanyTropical EcologyPollinationDiptera Ecology
ABSTRACT Phytotelmata are temporary pools of rainwater impounded on plants. These pools provide aquatic habitats in which immature stages of insects live. Zingiberales plants can have two types of phytotelmata, the bract pool on the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyNatural HistoryEcology
The Diptera are the second most important order among flower-visiting (anthophilous) and flower-pollinating insects worldwide. Their taxonomic diversity ranges from Nematocera to Brachycera, including most families within the suborders.... more
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      ZoologyTaxonomyPollinationPollination ecology
This paper comprises Part II of a review of flower visitation and pollination by Diptera (myiophily or myophily). While Part I examined taxonomic diversity of anthophilous flies, here we consider the rewards and attractants used by... more
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      PollinationPollination ecologyDiptera EcologyPollination biology
The Diptera are the second most important order among flower-visiting (anthophilous) and flower-pollinating insects worldwide. Their taxonomic diversity ranges from Nematocera to Brachycera, including most families within the suborders.... more
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      ZoologyTaxonomyPollinationPollination ecology
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyPollinationReproductive Ecology
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This study investigated pollinator assemblage diversity and richness in four forested ecosystems of southern Punjab, Pakistan, with different landscape types. Pirowal is situated in the plains of irrigated Punjab, Lal Suhanra is part of a... more
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      PollinationInsect EcologyDiptera EcologyHymenoptera
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      Diptera EcologySeasonalitySynanthropic speciesHouse Fly
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      Diptera EcologySeasonalitySynanthropic speciesHouse Fly
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      PollinationPollination ecologyDiptera EcologyPollination biology
Philornis downsi (Dodge and Aitken) is a bird-parasitic muscid fly native to mainland South America that recently invaded the Galápagos Islands where it is parasitizing Darwin’s finches and other land birds. This parasite was previously... more
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      ParasitologyEntomologyOrnithologyDiptera Ecology
Maslova O.O., Negrobov O.P., Fursov V.N. A new species of Dolichopus Latreille, 1798 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Japan. – Caucasian Entomological Bulletin (Russia), 2014, Vol. 10 (2), P.317-319. (in English) Новый вид Dolichopus... more
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      EcologyAgricultural EntomologyJapanDiptera Systematics