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John Davenant, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity and a British delegate to the Synod of Dordt, was a widely praised English Reformed theologian, but his exposition of the doctrine of predestination has been largely neglected. The... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation HistoryCalvinism
Are all God’s activities identical to God? If not, which are identical to God and which not? Although it is seldom noticed, the texts of Aquinas (at least on the surface) suggest conflicting answers to these questions, giving rise to a... more
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      Thomas AquinasDoctrine of GodScholastic PhilosophyDoctrine of Creation
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      Second ScholasticismSpanish ScholasticismDomingo BañezScholasticism
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      Theological AnthropologyThomas AquinasThomismSupernatural
Scripta Theologica 54 (2022) 229-232
Club del lector (6/4/2021). URL = <https://www.clubdellector.com/entrada-de-blog/libertad-y-gracia>
Hispania Sacra 74 (2022) 328-329
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      PhilosophyTheologyThomas AquinasThomism
El cultivo de la filosofía, particularmente el de la metafísica, constituye el fin último del hombre y cuyo acto tiene por objeto la contemplación de Dios ut auctor naturae. Ahora bien, la Revelación cristiana introduce dos factores... more
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      MetaphysicsThomas AquinasChristian PhilosophyHenri de Lubac
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      Thomas AquinasThomismDoctrines of GraceProblem of Evil
Planteamiento del estado de la cuestión del tema del conocimiento intelectual del singular en santo Tomás de Aquino.
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      AquinasThomas AquinasScholastic PhilosophyThomas Aquinas (Philosophy)
Against an interpretation of Saint Thomas Aquinas's thought that understands the divine motion of the created will only providing a generic impulse to it, in this article is defended that God moves specifically for every good choice. This... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Introducción a "La actualidad del ser en la “Primera Escuela” de Salamanca. Con lecciones inéditas de Vitoria, Soto y Cano", Eunsa (“Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista”), Pamplona, 2004, 515 págs. Sólo índice e introducción.... more
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      Francisco de VitoriaDomingo de SotoTomás de AquinoEscuela de Salamanca
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyTheodicyRené DescartesRené Descartes (in Philosophy/History Of Philosophy/17th Century Early Modern Philosophy)
“Physical premotions” are a concept associated with Baroque Catholic theological debates concerning grace and freedom. In this paper, I present an argument that the entities identified in this debate, physical premotions, are necessary... more
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      Thomas AquinasCompatibilism and incompatibilismFreewill and DeterminismDomingo Bañez
Aquinas held that there is a real distinction between being (esse) and essence (essentia) in creatures. After proving this real distinction, Aquinas typically adds a phrase describing this relation between essence and existence as that... more
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      MetaphysicsThomas AquinasThomismFrancisco Suárez
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      Etienne GilsonTomás de AquinoEscuela de SalamancaDomingo Bañez
written in 2012 for a doctoral course on grace, based in part on my Master’s thesis in Philosophy (2010-2011), which was based largely on stuff I wrote as a teenager (c. 2001-2003), thus not the most mature treatment of this incredibly... more
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      Thomas AquinasThomismBernard LonerganDe Auxiliis Controversy
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      ChristologySacramental TheologyDomingo BañezMelchior Cano, de locis theologicis
A diferencia del orden natural, el hábito de los primeros principios sobrenaturales no es una especie átoma sino un género de hábitos intelectuales, en el que sobresale el don de intellectus. Para una adecuada comprensión del mismo,... more
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      Thomas AquinasThomismCardinal CajetanDomingo Bañez
En la interpretación y desarrollo por parte de la escuela tomista de las tesis de Tomás de Aquino sobre el conocimiento intelectual del individuo material, han predominado dos tradiciones: la que encuentra en Cayetano su máximo... more
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      IntelligenceSituated CognitionThomas AquinasThomism
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      Catholic TheologyThomas AquinasBernard LonerganPredestination
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheologyPhilosophical TheologyCatholic Theology
This is a rough translation of part of Banez' commentary on question 1, article 10 of the second part of the second part of St. Thomas' Summa Theologiae. It deals with the question of whether the pope loses his office by embracing... more
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      EcclesiologyThomismScholastic PhilosophySedevacantism
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      Thomas AquinasThomismFree WillPersonalism
Con el fin de difundir el vastísimo pero desconocido pensamiento de Santiago Ramírez, este trabajo procura reproducirlo fidedignamente en sus cuatro notas esenciales que son la ciencia divina - tanto filosófica como teológica - y la... more
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      Thomas AquinasIbn Bajjah (Avempace)Henri de LubacDomingo Bañez
The aim of this paper is to make a first approach to the late scholastic debate concerning the love of God towards possible creatures. I start with brief exposition of the historical background of the debate and the main positions of... more
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      MetaphysicsJesuit historyEssentialismDuns Scotus
En 1588, el jesuita Luis de Molina publicaría su famosa Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, en la cual intenta defender –contra el fatalismo protestante- la libre determinación de la voluntad con respecto a su fin último... more
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      Philosophical TheologyThomas AquinasScholastic PhilosophyTheology of Thomas Aquinas
On several occasions, Báñez considered Suárez the main supporter of the Molinist doctrine along with Molina himself. According to Báñez, the main mistake of Molinism is its misunderstanding of freedom. This led him to refine his personal... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Religion17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
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      CalvinismThomas AquinasThomismJohn Calvin
En el contexto de la famosa e importante controversia filosófico-teológica "De auxiliis divinae gratiae", se demuestra, por parte del reconocido teólogo tomista Norberto del Prado, O.P., que no es en manera alguna posible un término medio... more
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      MetaphysicsTheologyAquinasThomas Aquinas
With the publication in France in 1636 of De praedestinatione et reprobatione auxiliis divinae gratiae, Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) comes back to the themes of divine grace and predestination, which had already engaged him, especially... more
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      Tommaso CampanellaDe Auxiliis ControversyDomingo BañezSecond Scolasticism
Nell’estate del 1594, il Consiglio dell’Inquisizione chiede a Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), di essere informato sulla diversità di opinioni tra domenicani e gesuiti sui temi della grazia, della predestinazione e del libero arbitrio. Il... more
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      Metaphysics of Free Will and Moral ResponsibilityFree Will and Moral ResponsibilityFrancisco SuárezEarly Modern Philosophy
Este capítulo de libro trata de la explicación que da Xavier Zubiri acerca del problema clásico de cómo conciliar el libre albedrío del hombre con la providencia y la presciencia atribuidas a Dios. De esta manera se trata de fijar su... more
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      Free WillXavier ZubiriDivine ProvidenceLuis de Molina
This study analyses the philosophical difficulty in interpreting the act of being comes from the multiplicity of meanings of the term “esse” (to be) according to the most significant authors of the Thomistic school. They are intended to... more
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      ThomismCardinal CajetanFrancesco Silvestri (Ferrariensis)Domingo Bañez
This article intends to examine the problematic question of the ontological status of “physical premotion,” that is, the divine motion of created free will. This idea was developed by the Dominican Báñez and was strongly criticised by the... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionJesuit history
Scripta Theologica 54 (2022): 229–32
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      De Auxiliis ControversyDomingo BañezTomismo
The study of the reception of Aristotelian syllogistic in the sixteenth century and, in particular, the philosophy of Domingo Bañez, is very important to show how Aristotle’s philosophy was taken up within the cultural environment of the... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyAristotelianismSecond ScholasticismEscuela de Salamanca
This work seeks to analyze a revisionist movement within Thomism in the 20th century over and against the traditional or classical Thomistic commentatorial treatment of physical premotion, grace, and the permission of sin, especially as... more
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      AristotleCalvinismAugustineJohn Calvin
Se discute la tesis de Etienne Gilson de acuerdo con la cual el hecho de que Cayetano afirme que no se puede demostrar en sentido estricto la inmortalidad del alma depende de su concepción de que el ser es el "acto último" del ente, a... more
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      Etienne GilsonFilosofía medievalTomás de AquinoEscuela de Salamanca
This article exposes the concept of "second" Salamanca's School, i.e. the followers of Vitoria in a second generation that teach in Salamanca during the last years of the sixteenth century and the first years of the seventeenth. The... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy Of Religion
Breve presentación y comentario del tratado de Domingo Báñez sobre la existencia creada que se encuentra en su comentario a la Suma teológica I, q. 3, a.4. (Scholastica commentaria in Primam Partem Divi Thomae) de 1584.
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      Tomás de AquinoEscuela de SalamancaDomingo BañezMetafísica
In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Catholic theologians debated how to reconcile God’s predestination and grace with human free choice. The de auxiliis controversy had as its touchstones the works of the Dominican Domingo... more
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      AugustineThomismSoteriologyDe Auxiliis Controversy
This article deals with the historical position of Domingo Báñez in the De Auxiliis Controversy. He was a protagonist of the beginning of the dispute and his name was used by the defenders of Luis de Molina to describe the traditional... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
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      Sor Juana Inés de la CruzDomingo Bañez
Tommaso Campanella, a differenza di Giordano Bruno, non smise mai di essere un domenicano. Relegato storiograficamente alle giovanili opere naturalistiche di ispirazione telesiana, confusa la sua irrequietezza intellettuale con il... more
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      Tommaso CampanellaEarly Modern PhilosophyLuis de MolinaDomingo Bañez
This book argues that Augustine assimilated the Stoic theory of perception and mental language (lekta/dicibilia), and that this epistemology underlies his accounts of motivation, affectivity, therapy for the passions, and moral progress.... more
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      Moral PsychologyPatristicsHistorical TheologyVirtue Ethics