Early Christian Epigraphy
Recent papers in Early Christian Epigraphy
In: San Lorenzo in Lucina. The transformations of a Roman quarter, edited by Olof Brandt (ACTA INSTITUTI ROMANI REGNI SUECIAE, SERIES IN 4°, 61) (Stockholm 2012).
Aim of this study is to examine in detail and expand the discussion on two inscriptions from a recently excavated Late Roman domus dating to the third and fourth century a.d. at Messene in southwest Peloponnese. The inscriptions were set... more
This paper aims to analyse the inscription of Paul, found by Orsi in 1894 in the catacomb of San Giovanni. Broken on each side, this slab is very peculiar due to the formula of the curse against any possible violator of the sepulchre that... more
in F. Bisconti, M. Braconi (ed.), Le catacombe di San Callisto. Storia, contesti, scavi, restauri, scoperte. A proposito del cubicolo di Orfeo e del Museo della Torretta, Todi 2015, pp. 159-172.
L’Afrique du Nord présente une densité d’épitaphes tardo-antiques élevée, uniquement comparable à celle de l’Italie. Cette contribution donne un bilan des problèmes et des progrès de la recherche funéraire tardive en Afrique pendant les... more
Inscriptions from the Byzantine period in southern Jordan include a corpus of mainly funerary Christian-Greek and Jewish-Aramaic texts discovered in recent years in the Ghor as-Safi area. Containing more than 456 epitaphs from the An-Naq'... more
The paper deals with the inscription of Markos Julius Eugenios in Laodikea Katakekaumene which may be dated about 340 AD. Until now, the literary description of the Basilica of Tyros by Eusebios was considered an important source for the... more
A I'occasion du 37e Sachsensymposium à Groningue en 1986, j'ai présenté une communication sur la ville de Maastricht et sur la question de la continuité entre l'époque romaine et le Moyen Age. J'ai tiré Ia conclusion que les sources... more
in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 93 (2017), pp. 49-69.
Vranjic è nota per l’abbondanza di materiale lapideo romano e paleocristiano rinvenuto e ritrovato reimpiegato nei muri delle case, evidenziando così, insieme ad altri rinvenimenti fortuiti durante le ristrutturazioni degli edifici, che... more
in C. dell'Osso, Ph. Pergola (edd.), Titulum nostrum perlege. Miscellanea in onore di Danilo Mazzoleni, Città del Vaticano 2021, pp. 375-392.
The recourse to the Biblical text in the epigraphic medium appears a constantly limited phenomenon in respect to all different epigraphic habits in the various geographical and chronological contexts in which it appears. Nonetheless, it... more
Study concerning Honorius' lost iscription in St. Pancratius in Rome and the cathedra in St. Mary the Major in Roma
Este artículo muestra el uso de grafitos y textos epigráficos en el aula de iniciación al Griego Clásico. La experiencia, que une Arqueología y Filología, se ha desarrollado en el segundo curso de Griego del IES San Tomé de Freixeiro... more
I present an overview of the usual addressers and addressees of the Carmina Latina Epigraphica of Gaul. In addition to the epitaphs, there is an abundance of votive poems and others inscribed in churches and in certain objects, as well as... more