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Interpreting Lucretius as an atomist was one of the biggest interpretive errors in the history of philosophy and science.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
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      Information SystemsSemioticsLanguagesBuddhism
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      Gilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzscheSpeculative RealismNihilism
Panpsychism, the view that phenomenal perception is a fundamental property of the universe, is one of the oldest theories in philosophy of mind. While it may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, panpsychism deftly avoids many of the... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMetaphysics of Consciousness
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      Ecological EngineeringGeologyGeomorphologyOntology
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      Richard RortyDaniel DennettRortyReductionism
Advances in artificial intelligence and neuroscience claim to have begun to undermine the assumptions of the arts and educational theory community by explaining consciousness through either a reduction to mathematical functionalism or an... more
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      NeuroscienceCultural TheoryNeurophilosophyNarrative and Identity
This paper aims to provide a rational reconstruction of the claim of eliminative materialism (EM), espoused by Paul and Patricia Churchland. It will identify and clarify alternative understandings of that view, and assess which version is... more
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      Folk PsychologyNeurophilosophyEliminativismEliminative materialism
A critical outline is given of Rorty's early, 'eliminativist' attempt to formulate a materialist version of the mind-body identity theory that does not fall foul of the 'irreducible properties objection' (the thought that if mental states... more
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      Philosophy of MindMaterialismRichard RortyEliminative materialism
This is a review of neuroscientist Peter Ulric Tse’s book “The Neural Basis of Free Will: Criterial Causation” (2013) and his later book chapter “Two Types of Libertarian Free Will Are Realized in the Human Brain” (2018). See also the... more
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      NeuroscienceQuantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsPhysicalism
Nörofelsefe denilen akım felsefeciler tarafından bazen indirgemeci, bazen eleyici ama çoğunlukla hem indirgemeci hem eleyici olarak nitelenir. Bunun kuvvetle muhtemel gerekçesi eleştirmenlerin itirazlarının altında yatan şu varsayımdır:... more
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      Philosophy of MindFolk PsychologyNeurophilosophyConsciousness
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      Philosophy of MindPainNeurophilosophyStress
In this paper, I attempt to show that Thomas Nagel and Patricia Churchland, two seemingly very different philosophers of mind, in fact resemble each other quite closely in their severe critique of folk psychology. Due to folk psychology’s... more
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      NeurophilosophyConsciousnessPhysicalismNeutral monism
Does consciousness exist? In “The Meta-Problem of Consciousness” (MPC) David Chalmers sketches an argument for illusionism, i.e., the view that it does not. The key premise is that it would be a coincidence if our beliefs about... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of MathematicsConsciousnessMetaethics
Este trabajo tiene tres partes. Su objeto es ofrecer insumos para la discusión y motivar investigaciones sobre el tema. En la primera sección se brinda una introducción al problema mente-cuerpo, dando cuenta de su origen y naturaleza. La... more
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      Philosophy of MindFilosofia De La MenteEliminative materialismMaterialismo
Jim Slagle claims that eliminative materialism (EM) denies some of the mind's self-evident properties, such as intentionality, qualia and the view that beliefs are real or veridical. I, herein, will argue that what EM denies is actually... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of Psychology
An analysis of arguments for pain eliminativism reveals two significant points of divergence between assumptions underlying biomedical research on pain and assumptions typically endorsed by eliminativist accounts. The first concerns the... more
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      PainEliminativismEliminative materialismMechanism
The antireductionist arguments of many philosophers for example, Fodor and Davidson, are motivated by a worry that successful reduction (whatever that would be) would eliminate rather than conserve or explain the mental. This worry... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PsychologyTheory of Mind
ABSTRACT: This chapter argues that appeals to actual scientific practice show that higher-level psychological explanations are not precluded by reductive explanation, much less rendered extinct. To exemplify this conclusion, the case of... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophical PsychologyPhilosophy of PsychologyDecomposition
I argue that S knows that p implies that S is properly committed to the truth of p, not that S believes that p. Belief is not required for knowledge because it is possible that one could know that there are no beliefs. Being ‘properly... more
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      EpistemologyPragmatism (Philosophy)KnowledgeAmerican Pragmatism
Critics of Paul and Patricia Churchland claim that the two philosophers deny many entities of so-called folk psychology and throw them into history’s dustbin. They say doing this denotes eliminative materialism. According to them, the... more
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      Philosophy of MindMetaphilosophyFolk PsychologyNeurophilosophy
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      MetaphysicsOntologyEliminative materialismMereological Nihilism
Paul Churchland, Eliminative Materialism and The Propositional Attitudes
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      Eliminative materialismPaul ChurchlandThe Churchlands
In passing remarks, some commentators have noted that for Nagel, physicalism is true. It has even been argued that Nagel seeks to find the best path to follow to achieve future physicalism. I advance these observations by adding that for... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhenomenologyFolk PsychologyConsciousness
Empathy and outrage in a “tungsten-carbide stomach" . An echo-chamber sans space "that eats your words your images, critique, even hate are incorporated”.

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      Critical TheoryAddictionCell PhonesAffective Neuroscience
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    • Eliminative materialism
An appropriate description for the Buddha's philosophy of persons within the frame of materialist philosophy of mind, prima facie, would understandably be a kind of reductionism. Seeing as the Buddha reduced the self to nothing but a... more
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      BuddhismPhilosophy of MindMaterialismTheravada Buddhism
According to Gold and Stoljar, one cannot both consistently be reductionist about psychoneural relations and invoke concepts developed in the psychological sciences. I deny the utility of their distinction between biological and cognitive... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Cognitive ScienceCognitive Neuroscience
This chapter introduces several versions of mental fictionalism, along with the main lines of objection and reply. It begins by considering the debate between eliminative materialism (“eliminativism”) versus realism about mental states as... more
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      Folk PsychologyMetaphysics of MindPhysicalismIntentionality
This paper argues that the recent politicizing of science in the United States coincides with a necessary turn toward social epistemology and historicist conceptions of science and rationality. It is shown how history, philosophy, and... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPolitical Philosophy
ABSTRACT: 'New wave' reductionism aims at advancing a kind of reduction that is stronger than unilateral dependency of the mental on the physical. It revolves around the idea that reduction between theoretical levels is a matter of... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophical PsychologyPhilosophy of Psychology
[This is an edited and improved version of "You Are Not Your Brain: Against 'Teaching to the Brain'" previously published in *Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning* 5(15), Summer 2012.] Since educators are always looking for... more
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      Philosophy of MindTeaching and LearningSelf and IdentityTeacher Education
Majority of the philosophers regard neurophilosophy as a highly marginal philosophical school of thought and reject it based on either principled reasons or alleged facts about the human brain. Principled objections typically include... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophy of ScienceNeurophilosophyPhilosophy of cognitive neuroscience
Paul Churchland's epistemology contains a tension between two positions, which I will call pragmatic pluralism and eliminative materialism. Pragmatic pluralism became predominant as Churchland's epistemology became more... more
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      PragmatismEliminativismEliminative materialismPaul Churchland
A wide range of theories, starting from American naturalism and pragmatism (Dewey, 1935), Sellars’ views on the myth of the given (1956), epistemological behaviorism and Rorty’s anti-representationalism (1965, 1979) etc. have directly or... more
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      Embodied CognitionPhenomenologyMaterialismIntentionality
Following recent work by Don Ross (Ross, 2000; Ross & Spurrett, 2004), I contrast the influential theories of Daniel Dennett and Paul Churchland in information-theoretic terms. Dennett makes much of the fact that the morphological... more
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      Information SystemsNeurosciencePsychologyClinical Psychology
Jacobs, Isenhower and Hayes (2016) advocate for the use of recent theoretical and methodological proposals in the field of ecological psychology to overcome long-standing problems in the conceptualization of private events in radical... more
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      PrivacyRadical BehaviorismReductionismEliminative materialism
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    • Eliminative materialism
An appropriate description for the Buddha's philosophy of persons within the frame of materialist philosophy of mind, prima facie, would understandably be a kind of reductionism, given that the Buddha reduced the self to nothing but a... more
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      BuddhismPhilosophy of MindMaterialismTheravada Buddhism
Este artigo procura argumentar contra o eliminacionismo e o dualismo de substância ou de propriedade, visando mais especificamente os argumentos reducionistas oferecidos pelo casal Churchland e por versões de dualismo propostas por... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEpistemology
The aim of this paper is to propose a new reading of eliminative materialism concerning propositional attitudes, along the lines of broadly understood Carnapian metametaphysics. According to the proposed reading, eliminativism should be... more
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      Philosophy of MindRudolf CarnapEliminativismMetametaphysics
Lecture on Whitehead's philosophy of organism, contrasted with the eliminative materialism of thinkers like Ray Brassier and with transhumanism.
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      Alfred North WhiteheadProcess PhilosophyPanpsychismRay Brassier
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophy
In this essay, the author challenges both the eliminative idealist’s contention that physical objects do not exist and the phenomenalist idealist’s view that statements about physical objects are translatable into statements about private... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy of MindIdealismRealism (Philosophy)
That the concept of eliminative materialism is not even wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliminative_materialism "Eliminative materialism (also called eliminativism) is a materialist position in the philosophy of mind. Its primary... more
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      Philosophy of MindTheory of MindEliminative materialism
In his essay titled: Are Mental States a Useful Concept? Neurophilosophical Influences on Phenomenology and Psychopathology, Paul Harrison (1991) considers whether the recently emerging field of neurophilosophy, and in particular its... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryPhilosophy of Psychology
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of PsychologyFolk PsychologyCausation
Patricia Smith Churchland, philosopher (b Oliver, BC 16 July 1943). Patricia Churchland earned a BA at the University of British Columbia and completed graduate degrees at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Oxford. In 1969... more
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      NeurophilosophyMaterialismIdentity theoryPhilosophy of cognitive neuroscience