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In the Gymnasium, nds from deep trench- es located in the western part of the pal- estra indicate a construction around 330– 320 BC. It remained in use until the end of the 1st c. AD if not later, whereas the eastern part seems to have... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyGreek ArchitectureGreek SculptureEuboea
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      EuboeaEarly Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseasEretria
The final fieldwork campaign in at Karystos-Plakari (southern Euboia) we devoted to completing the previous year's excavations of the terrace on the northeast side of the hill top and the Final Neolithic remains that had come to light... more
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      GeoarchaeologyCeramics (Ceramics)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Aegean Archaeology
Μια υπέροχη, νοσταλγική περιγραφή της μόλις απελευθερωμένης απο τους Τούρκους Χαλκίδας, απο τον διάσημο ιστορικό, ακαδημαϊκό και πολιτικό, περιηγητή Αλεξάντερ Μπυσόν το 1841.
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Στον δεύτερο τόμο της σειράς Αρχαιολογία εξετάζεται η Εύβοια και η Στερεά Ελλάδα, η ευρεία γεωγραφική ζώνη που εκτείνεται από τις δυτικές ακτές του Αιγαίου έως τα παράλια του Ιονίου Πελάγους. Στην ιστορική και αρχαιολογική αυτή περιήγηση... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)ThebesEuboea
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEuboea
Περιγραφή της Στενής και των εθίμων της απο τον συντάκτη της εφημερίδας ΕΥΡΙΠΟΣ με το ψευδώνυμο "Vallanchy"
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      EuboeaChalkisΕΥΒΟΙΑΕφημερίδα Εύριπος
This paper looks at the chronological and geographical context of “killed” weapons, their relationships to the types of burial in which they appear, and the other grave goods which accompany these burials. It suggests that the swords... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Early Iron AgeLate Bronze Age, Early Iron Age
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek sanctuariesEuboeaAlphabetic Writing
Exhaustive strength tables of ALL German coastal positions and their map locations in the beginning of August 1944 in the Peloponnese, Attica, Avoia, the Cyclades and the island of Zakynthos (Zante), LXVIII Corps' area
of responisbility.
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      Military HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistorySecond World War
The subject of the present study revolves around the burials of warriors in the area of Greece during antiquity, with emphasis on the phenomenon of burying the dead with arms. The time period, which is examined here begins from the Iron... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Iron Age
Agrıboz, Mora, Rodos , Tırhala  ,  Thessaly , Dodecanese
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman BalkansAncient Greek History
Figurines féminines d’Eubée (Grèce) de l’époque classique et hellénistique. Usages votifs et funéraires Les figurines recueillies depuis le xixe s. sur les principaux sites d’Eubée, Chalcis, Érétrie, Histiaia-Oreos et Karystos, sont... more
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      Terracotta FigurinesEuboeaEretriaKarystos
The aim of this paper is the study of the now destroyed fortifications of the Greek city of Chalcis (Evripos / Negreponte / Egriboz). Having been an important urban centre during the Early and Middle Byzantine Period, Chalcis was occupied... more
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      EuboeaChalcisNegroponteDefensive Architecture
It contains a review of prehistoric research on the island of Euboea with all the relevant bibliography up to 2015.
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      Aegean PrehistoryEuboea
This book collects the first volume of the proceedings of the Ischia conference (14-17 May 2018) on Euboic colonisation
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      PhoeniciansGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)EuboeaEarly Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseas
SOMMARIO DEL VOLUME A. Di Vita, Presentazione A. Di Vita - N. Yalouris - S. Karousou, Saluto ai Convegnisti RELAZIONI DI CARATTERE GENERALE M. Sakellariou, La Grecia continentale ed insulare nei secolo VIII e VII a.C. G.... more
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      Greek colonies in Magna GraeciaGreek ArchaeologyGreek PotteryGreek Sicily
Revision 2017.1 of Master Thesis 2015 | Keywords: Abantes, Centaurs, Chiron, Cheiron, Dark Age, Euboea, Kouretes, Lefkandi, Myth, Ritual | See links attached for plates volumes.
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionGreek Myth
Με τον οδηγό αυτό πραγματοποιείται ένα ταξίδι στα άδυτα και τις ομορφιές του Δήμου Δiρφύων Μεσσαπίων της Κεντρικής Εύβοιας. Από τον τίτλο του βιβλίου, διαπιστώνει ο αναγνώστης ότι πρόκειται για έναν οδηγό με τουριστικό, ιστορικό και... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryCultural HeritageCultural Tourism
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      Landscape ArchaeologyEuboeaTerritoryEretria
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsPottery (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeoastronomyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyAegean Archaeology
Métropole des premiers établissements grecs dans la péninsule italique, Érétrie, sur l’île d’Eubée, est une cité-clé au cœur du bassin méditerranéen, qui a servi en quelque sorte de vecteur pour l’échange des biens et des idées d’Orient... more
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      Archaeology of Ritual and MagicMediterranean archaeologyIron AgeProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyHellenistic PotteryHellenistic Greece
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      Ancient HistoryEuboeaEretriaChalkis
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The Ancient Civilisation Lab (LabSA) of Trento (Italy) announces the second webinar of the webinar series “Conflict Management in Greek Antiquity” (organized by Professor Elena Franchi) which aims to explore experiences of conflict... more
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      HistoryClassical ArchaeologyEuboeaAncient Mediterranean Studies
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      Geometric and archaic GreeceEuboeaGeometric Greece
Abstract: Recent excavations conducted by the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece in the gymnasium of Eretria on the island of Euboea have clarified the layout and chronology of this public institution, built in the early Hellenistic... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek EpigraphyGreek and Roman Epigraphy
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      EuboeaRhodesGreek Geometric Pottery
This paper focuses on trades and contacts between Euboea, mainly Lefkandi, and the coasts of the Thermaic Gulf during the Iron Age. Despite the scanty evidence, the aim of this study is to investigate the existence of a N-S trade route... more
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)EuboeaGreek colonies in Chalcidic PeninsulaGreek transport amphorae
Plants, animals and mythical creatures from the Euboean ceramic corpus. An overview of old and new finds. A number of Attic and Euboean black-figure vases of the late Archaic and early Classical periods from the island of... more
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      ArtPottery (Archaeology)EuboeaEretria
On the basis of a fragment of the pseudohesiodic Catalogue of Women we can infer that in the Archaic Period (or perhaps even earlier) the Chalcidians wove a myth whose main protagonists were Poseidon, Hera and a young mortal called... more
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      Greek ReligionGreek MythEuboeaPoseidon
Numerical notations are virtually unknown for the Early Iron Age Greek world. However, it can be argued that different systems to write down numbers were already in use at that time. Many marks incised on vases might be related to such a... more
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      EuboeaEarly Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseasGreek NumeracyEtruscan numeracy
This paper focuses on a group of potsherds coming from the excavations conducted by the University of Florence in the area known as ‘S. Marco nord-est’, in the archaeological park of Monasterace Marina. All these finds can be dated within... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)EuboeaArchaeology, Classical archaeology, Greek and Roman history, Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily), Material Culture Studies, Funerary Archaeology
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      Fragmentary Greek HistoriographyAristotle's PoliticsEuboea
in: R. Brancato, L. M. Caliò, M. Figuera, G. M. Gerogiannis, E. Pappalardo, S. Todaro (eds.), Schemata. La città oltre la forma. Per una nuova definizione dei paesaggi urbani e delle loro funzioni: urbanizzazione e società nel... more
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      MigrationDiaspora StudiesMediterranean archaeologyEuboea
Using a new chronostratigraphic sequence for Eretria’s Hellenistic Pottery, this chapter revisits the four main destructions sustained by the city in the Hellenistic period and its phases or recovery.... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryGreek Archaeology
ABSTRACT This paper argues, from the analysis of the archaeological evidence and from the analysis of the literary traditions, how from a very early period in the overseas expansion of the Phoenicians, sorne Greeks, coming mainly from... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryGreek PotteryPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyEuboea
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      Greek ReligionGreek MythMigrations (Archaeology)Ionia
In 197 BC, proudly holding Chalcis along with Corinth and Demetrias, the Macedonian King Philip V claimed to be controlling the “fetters” of Greece. Indeed, the site of Chalcis, located at the narrowest point of the strait of the Euripos... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAlexander the GreatAncient Greek History
The article discusses the development of leadership patterns in Early Iron Age and Archaic Greece, questioning the opinion that the Early Iron Age communities were ruled by hereditary kings (basilees) clearly distinct from the tyrants... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryEarly state societies
This paper discusses two important inscriptions for the history of the Athenian Empire, the Chalkis decree of 446/5 (or 424/3?) BC (IG I3 40) and the tribute reassessment decree (“Thoudippos’ decree”) of 425/4 BC (IG I3 71). Based on... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsPolitical ScienceGreek Epigraphy
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      MetalworkingEuboeaEretriaGeometric Period
in: X. Charalambidou & C. Morgan (eds.), Interpreting the Seventh Century BC: Tradition and Innovation, Oxford, 2017, 123-149. This chapter focuses on seventh-century BC pottery from various contexts on Euboea and at Oropos (a closely... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient GreeceGeometric and archaic GreeceEarly Iron Age
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      EuboeaEarly Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseasGreek alphabetEretria
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyEgyptology
We present a first preliminary report on the prehistoric use of space in southern Euboea in an attempt to examine the way the landscape was populated and socially constructed during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in this part of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryArchaeological GIS
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      GeomorphologyCoastal GeomorphologyOSL datingSedimentary geology and stratigraphy