Eugène Minkowski
Recent papers in Eugène Minkowski
Dans le numéro spécial de L’Europe en formation sur « Le fédéralisme personnaliste », c’est en en appelant à « Marc au-delà de Marc » qu’il était « vu de Ouagadougou » par Lazare Ki-Zerbo, soucieux d’en compenser la relative insensibilité... more
Se è nel tempo e attraverso il movimento che partecipiamo alla vita, la morte ci nega per sempre questa possibilità. Nei sistemi viventi il tempo funge da organizzatore della situazione vitale dell’organismo. Il metabolismo e le funzioni... more
People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the... more
Français [English abstract follows]. « Sur l’horloge de l’histoire », note Adam Rayski, « les aiguilles avançaient plus vite pour les Juifs que pour les autres populations de l’Europe occupée. Le temps des autres n’était pas exactement... more
Modern psychiatry, as represented by Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), and phenomenology, as developed by Edmund Husserl, began around the same time, namely, during the last decades of the 19th century. Moreover, psychiatry and phenomenology... more
Pouvoir, sexe et climat. Biopolitique et création littéraire chez G. R. R. Martin, Avion, Éditions du Cénacle de France, 2017. (ISBN 978-2-916537-22-1)
Whereas classical Critical Theory has tended to view phenomenology as inherently uncritical, the recent upsurge of what has become known as critical phenomenology has attempted to show that phenomenological concepts and methods can be... more
In this paper I focus on the emergence of the concept of the “historical a priori” at the origin of Foucault’s archeology. I emphasize the methodological function of this concept within Foucault’s archaeology, and I maintain that despite... more
Un passage mène de l’évolution darwinienne à l’ontologie phénoménologique, celle de Heidegger et surtout celle de Merleau-Ponty. Ce passage, c’est l’articulation du temps et de l’être du vivant que Darwin a formulée longtemps avant... more
Arnaud Dandieu (1897-1933), théoricien du groupe personnaliste Ordre Nouveau, s’appuya comme Merleau-Ponty sur la psychiatrie phénoménologique d’Eugène Minkowski (1885–1972) pour prolonger Bergson tout en contestant les termes de son... more
« Syntonie ou agencement ethnopsychiatrique ? », Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2013, pp. 55-68.
Il s’agira ici de saisir les enjeux de la pratique « ethnopsy », c’est-à-dire ethno-psychiatrique et ethno-psychanalytique. Pour ce faire, on définit tout d’abord ses prémisses ; puis on repose la question de l’émergence de la... more
A link to my translation of chapter 3 of the revised (1953) edition of Eugène Minkowski's "La Schizophrénie" as it appears on my blog. An English translation of Chapter 2 of the first (1927) edition has been made available by Cutting... more
The paper discusses two recent approaches to schizophrenia, a phenomenological and a neuroscientific approach, illustrating how new directions in philosophy and cognitive science can elaborate accounts of psychopathologies of the self. It... more
Whereas classical Critical Theory has tended to view phenomenology as inherently uncritical, the recent upsurge of what has become known as critical phenomenology has attempted to show that phenomenological concepts and methods can be... more
"Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2012 (224 p., 23 €, ISBN 978-2-930517-44-5) Jean-Marie Breuvart, À Xavier Verley, en forme... more
The present short study plans to tackle the ontological question of the Ultimate from the perspective of an interpretation of Whitehead’s reformed subjectivism coming to terms with psychosis. The conundrum is the following: understanding... more
"Schizophrenia, Minkowski, & Bergsonism" has been published in April 2018 and it portrays my perspective on the life and work of the great Polish-born French psychiatrist and philosopher Eugène Minkowski (1885-1972). I have written it in... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IV. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2008. (216 p. ; ISBN 978-2-87463-137-5 ; 19, 30 € ;... more
This article has a dual focus. On the one hand, it traces the history of the tradition of the floating and rotating dome and relates it to the idea of the sublime. On the other hand, it delves into the phenomenological component of the... more
Communication donnée le 11 juillet 2014 au colloque « L’histoire et les sens » - 28e colloque annuel de la Society for the Study of French History, St John’s College, Durham, Royaume-Uni.
Through a reference to two contemporary cinematographic narrations, this essay wants to explain the relationship between the fear of death and the awareness of our own mortality. Firstly, we will retrace the reasons why man fears death... more
Time-consciousness has long been a focus of research in phenomenology and phenomenological psychology. We advance and extend this tradition of research by focusing on the character of temporal experience under conditions of mania.... more
This book explores the nature of artistic and literary imagination, creativity, aesthetic experience, and genius, while offering a critique of the post-structuralist assault on transcendent values. This involves distinguishing between... more
Partindo da perspectiva de que a rapidez e a pressa se tornaram imperativos ao modo de vida na atualidade como uma consequência das transformações sociais e de produção das últimas décadas, é importante examinar a relação destes... more
Közismert, hogy az utóbbi évtizedek humán- és társadalomtudományi kutatásainak egyik kulcsszava az emlékezet volt. Amikor az 1970-es években, egymással párhuzamosan Németországban és Franciaországban megindultak az első kutatások, sokakat... more
Arnaud Dandieu (1897-1933), penseur transdisciplinaire personnaliste, et Claude Chevalley (1906-1984), mathématicien du groupe Bourbaki, ont conjointement analysé l'acte créateur d'extraire de l'expérience concrète la généralité... more
Contains the following essays: 1. Robin Fuller: 'More consistent and systematic than any form of writing I know'. Kurt Schwitters' Systemschrift 2. Matthew Mindrup: Kurt Schwitters' Architectural Models 3. Cole Collins: 'From the... more
Recent research in the overlapping field of psychopathology and philosophy of schizophrenia has shown that the self is affected in different ways, on different levels, and at different moments. Although the importance of the disturbance... more
Department of Psychiatry, Sce du Pr Azorin, CHU Sainte-Marguerite, Marseille, France, (Stanghellini) Department of Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences, Section of Clinical Psychology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, (Bezzubova)... more
International vistas on philosophical psychiatry are summarized.Many investigators re-emphasize the continuing relevence for psychopathology of the classical perspectives of Jaspers and Husserl. The Husserlian reduction provides a solid... more