Evaluation of Legislation
Recent papers in Evaluation of Legislation
How to Design Impactful Laws - Treatise on Legistic and Legisprudence in the Age of Soft Law La loi peine toujours plus à « faire la loi » à l’ère du droit souple et de la globalisation. Afin de produire un impact législatif aussi... more
Cilem knihy je otevřit cestu k možnemu pochopeni toho, jak vznikaji normativni texty – zakony. Na rozdil od mytických vypravěni totiž za nimi stoji konkretni lide, se kterými můžeme o procesu psani hovořit. Jsou to předevsim legislativci,... more
La presente exposición tiene por objeto ilustrar las diferentes etapas del proceso legislativo, por medio del análisis crítico y reflexivo de la creación de leyes mexicanas, reconociendo en ello factores importantes como los actores... more
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/blfandomsurvey http://sainsbury-institute.org/news-events/legislating-manga-workshop/ This talk will explore the implications of the Prohibited... more
This paper describes a test and case study of self-evaluation of online courses during the pandemic time. Due to the Covid-19, the whole world needs to sit on lockdown in different periods. Many things need to be done in all kinds of... more
The legislation of the EU and the Republic of Serbia in the area of municipal solid waste landfill leachate management is not strictly defined. It was systematized through an integrative approach. A complete picture of leachate management... more
O persoană poate beneficia de pensie de invaliditate dacă este încadrată într-un grad de invaliditate prin decizie emisă de medicul expert al asigurărilor sociale, iar în cazul personalului militar de comisiile de expertiză medicomilitară... more
The need for government to meet the needs of the citizens has led to an upsurge in the creation or proliferation of administrative agencies. Consequently, rules and regulations promulgated by administrative agencies are far more in number... more
Débats du LIEPP n°3, mars 2017. Special Issue. Axe "Evaluation de la démocratie". in Olivier ROZENBERG (dir.), La révision constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 a-t-elle renforcé le Parlement français ?
The legistic, in an incipient way, must fill the gap left by the distancing of the people to power. As long as the holders of the powers dictate the rules for the people who do not have the power to comment on matters that are of interest... more
From the beginning of the COVID-19 all Governments around the world have had to lockdown cities, flights and economies for what is tantamount to a Seasonal flu. The author first started mapping the Coronavirus confirmed cases; recovery... more
O artigo apresenta metodologia de orientação e controle dos interesses político-criminais, baseada na estrutura trifásica do dever de proporcionalidade e nos conceitos de merecimento, carência e dignidade penal. Propõe-se uma análise... more
This study has the following primary objectives: Review the legislative framework, assess its compliance with the CRC and identify the most important legislative reforms and amendments in each of the countries and territories vis-à-vis... more
Author decsribe about legislative framework for investment activities in Gagauzia region, Republic of Moldova. pages 74-79.
The criminal law is adopted as a means of achieving the common good; it is interpreted and applied by the court. The judge chooses the type of legal theory and method to employ in the interpretation and application of the criminal law.... more
In 2012, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a law to control health care spending growth while improving access and quality-- Chapter 224. As part of this law, the Legislature tasked the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) with conducting... more
A atividade de pesquisa desenvolvida ao longo do projeto Inovação Tecnológica para a Defesa Agropecuária que fundamentou-se na identificação de que a legislação do setor representa um gargalo para o desenvolvimento do agronegócio no... more
Purpose To examine the trend of pharmaceutical stocks and their correlation to public policy, particularly in the handling of COVID-19, we must assess potential conflicts of interest for profiteering by participating actors (each... more
Abstract Drawing on the ‘from below’ perspective which has emerged in transitional justice scholarship and practice over the past two decades, this article critically examines the dealing with the past debate in Northern Ireland. The... more
‘Driving hour and rest time’ or ‘hours of service’ (HOS) regulations are regulations that limit when and for how long drivers of commercial motor goods or passenger vehicles are allowed to drive and/or work during a particular period. The... more
Una delle principali novità contenute nel c.d. “Codice Rosso” (il disegno di legge di contrasto alla violenza di genere) è rappresentata dalla introduzione nel codice penale, precisamente all’art. 612-ter, del delitto di «diffusione... more
Celem artykułu jest zasygnalizowanie wybranych problemów dotyczących ochrony wolności i praw jednostki w sytuacji zagrożenia zdrowia w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się choroby COVID-19 na przykładach pojawiających się w orzecznictwie... more
Sponsored by the elected hereditary peer Lord Lucas (12th Baron Lucas and 8th Lord Dingwall) The Equality (Titles) Bill was a private member’s bill to: “make provision for the succession of female heirs to hereditary titles; for... more
La presente tesina pretende presentar, en el ámbito académico español, un mapa de la situación legal de las personas lesbianas, gays, transexuales, transgénero, bisexuales, intersex y queer (en adelante, LGTtBIq) en los países de Uganda y... more
This paper contains a few analytical remarks pertaining to specific referring provisions created through a clause “unless the law indicates otherwise” or a clause “except when provided otherwise”. In the study made, both types of... more
Each legal system has its own theory of statutory formation, both countries that apply civil law and common law legal systems. The tendency to form laws in Indonesia after the realization of the need for regulatory reform has resulted in... more
Institutional barriers in public policy implementation The main obstacles in the implementation of public policies emerge in the earlier stages of agenda setting and formulation of goals, due to institutional constraints. They comprise... more
It is argued that, in the absence of legislation, the outcome of decentralisation initiatives in forestry remains limited in terms of devolution of power and assigning authority to politically weak forest-dependent communities are... more
In a series of recent split decisions interpreting criminal and tort-like legislation, the Supreme Court has purported to give statutory causation requirements their ordinary, plain meaning. Armed with dictionaries, examples from everyday... more
The privileged right of domestic Russian archivist to invent regulations for archives of their region causes contradictions between their rules and federal legislation. In particular, the management of Moscow archival municipal system... more
Broad legislative works conducted in interwar Poland and concerning various branches of law focused, on the one hand, on the uniformization and reform of particular district systems inherited from the annexing powers, and on the other... more
The aim of this paper is to discuss the core topics related to the legal nature and effects of the Constitutional Tribunal's judgments declaring unconstitutionality of a legislative omission. Firstly, it is explained what a legislative... more
Il diritto penale è quel che dice: pena gestita dal diritto. Il diritto penale è crudele: infine ne soffre la libertà dell’uomo. Il diritto penale è presuntuoso: dice la sua anche in casa di altri diritti. Il diritto penale è tanto altro... more
Our considerations will begin by presenting the theoretical premises of the Polish law making system (definitions, the theory of rational law making). Next, we will discuss the characteristics of particular types of normative acts (such... more
In 2012, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a law to control health care spending growth while improving access and quality-- Chapter 224. As part of this law, the Legislature tasked the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) with conducting... more
The aim of this paper is to evaluate, through indexing techniques, the performance of Neo4j and OrientDB, both graph databases technologies and to come up with strength and weaknesses os each technology as a candidate for a storage... more
Esta obra se inscribe en el marco del Estado Abierto, Gobierno Abierto y Parlamento Abierto. Consiste en una propuesta metodológicaa para evaluar integralmente el trabajo realizado en los Congresos (funciones de legislación,... more
This article deals with the analysis of the administrative and legal mechanism of the procedure for the registration of religious communities and current changes in the legislation of Ukraine. Based on the texts of constitutions and... more
As Henryk Konic observed in 1903 in his study of the marriage law in the Kingdom of Poland, a profound dispute on the nature of marriage split Polish society in the 19th century into two camps. In his words, “while one of these camps... more