Extrinsic Motivation
Recent papers in Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic rewards refer to gifts used as a form of motivation for students' to attain an academic goal, or given when that particular goal is reached. Though the use of extrinsic rewards have been proven to have some impact on' behavior... more
Americans have a lot of stuff, but are not necessarily happier for it. One possibility is that even if we want what we have, we want more. Wanting more may increase have-want discrepancies and reduce well-being. In this paper, we... more
The old adage goes, “If you can find a career doing something you love and get paid for it, you’ve got it made.” On the surface this may sound all good and a sound strategy, but based on research focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic... more
"What High School Didn't Teach Me: A Recent Graduate's Perspective on How High School Is Killing Creativity" explains how high schools all over the nation are killing creativity by forcing students to memorize factoids, rather than... more
Background: Although there is abundant evidence to recommend a physically active lifestyle, adult physical activity (PA) levels have declined over the past two decades. In order to understand why this happens, numerous studies have been... more
Being motivated to read for external reasons, for example, to achieve good grades in reading
The importance of motivation in teaching students at primary school. PLAN: 1.What is the motivation? 2.How many kinds of motivation?What are they? 3.What is the importance of motivation in the learning process at primary school? 1.What is... more
The aim of the study is to identify the main motivational factors within a multinational company. The first objective is to identify work functions, formulated on Abraham Maslow's pyramid, following the identification of the key... more
The current research uses the principles of reinforcement theory of motivation and self-determination theory and investigates how motivation and rewards impact on job performance of employees. Motivation and rewards are examined from... more
Motivation is an internal state that causes us to direct attention or engage in or maintain a behavior. So, how do we motivate students to learn? This is the crux of it all. This chapter excerpt describes several theories of... more
This article explores three sources of motivation in goal pursuit: obtaining external rewards, obtaining internal rewards, and maintaining a positive self-concept. First, when people pursue a goal to obtain an external reward (outcome... more
Motivation is one of the main determining factors of success in developing a second or foreign language. However, motivation is a complex phenomenon and the more its constructs are understood the better we are able to understand the... more
This study examines the job satisfaction and how it influences turnover intentions of music teachers working in commercial music schools around Klang Valley, Malaysia. The main significance of this study is that it attempted to explore... more
The aim of this report is to explore the level and nature of motivation of ESL teachers at a vocational college in Saudi Arabia (KSA). There is a basic premise that teaching is a profession that engenders or requires a high degree of... more
Common to all who undertake the study of motivation and language education is the notion that the more self-determined, internalized, the motivation is the more successful an L2 learner can become. However, common experience indicates... more
This study focuses on the effect of extrinsic factor of motivation on employee productivity in public sector. The study was carried out in Kwara State University, Malete Kwara State. This thesis intends to study the effect of training,... more
Low motivation in university students is a common factor for several careers in many countries. This element is recognized as a cause of scarce learning of students, and as a generator of attitudes which conspire against success. The kind... more
This study examines the job satisfaction and how it influences turnover intentions of music teachers working in commercial music schools around Klang Valley, Malaysia. The main significance of this study is that it attempted to explore... more
The study was about the effect of employees’ motivation on employees’ performance. A case study of National Social Security Fund: Head Quarters. The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of employees’ motivation on the... more
In this paper, I argue that the distinction between valuing something intrinsically and valuing something instrumentally (that is, valuing as an end and valuing as a means) is useful because it can further our understanding of intrinsic... more
This study investigated the motivational factors of tertiary students for learning English in Aceh, Indonesia. It further examined the year of study and urban/rural provenance influences on their levels of motivation. Approximately 56... more
The aim of the research was to evaluate the structural validity of the Lithuanian version of the Sports Motivation Scale in the context of the disability sport. This study included 66 athletes with hearing and visual impairment (45 men... more
The purpose of this research project will be to ascertain and identify the key motivations of people who participate in endurance running groups in Co.Louth, Republic of Ireland. There has been a significant rise in the numbers of... more
Self-determination Theory explains the factors of intrinsic motivation (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) and of extrinsic motivation (internalization and integration) that support personality development and behavioral... more
This study aims to examine the job satisfaction among employees in one of the Malaysian banking institutions. In particularthe study explores the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction factors. Multistage sampling was... more
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between university students' attitudes towards learning and their academic motivations. This is a relational survey model study and the population composed of university students... more
This literature review examines language-learner motivation in Saudi Arabia. There has been a great deal of investment by the Saudi government in English as a Foreign Language education, but unfortunately the results have not matched... more
This paper gives an overview of knowledge sharing in workplace. Based on the review of critical literatures by the authors, they infer that knowledge sharing in workplace can be influenced by motivators and demotivators. Activities of... more
Understanding human behavior in workplace has been one of the most prioritized tasks for any organization. This is due to major changes like globalization and technological advancement that change in the structure of the business done,... more
I am interested in motivation as this seems to be the most relevant student-related problem within my current teaching environment (I teach mainly low-level learners at a private language school in Saudi Arabia). It is my perception that... more
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) scheme acts as an extrinsic intervention. To study the effect of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) scheme on academic motivation the research was designed to compare the motivational aspects... more
The complex nature of human beings makes it inevitable to manage and direct them. The insatiability of human needs unavoidably remains in existence such that man must work to meet his needs. Human Resource Management has always seen the... more
This conceptual paper describes the important role of motivation in organizations and the Self-Determination Theory that is an approach to human motivation and personality based on humans' evolved inner resources for personality... more
Purpose -This paper aims to investigate the respective influences of price and country of origin (COO), as extrinsic cues, on consumer evaluations of product quality when all intrinsic cues are experienced through sensory (taste)... more
Abstract This study intended to investigate Saudi undergraduates' preferences for extrinsic/intrinsic motivational constructs as well as to identify any statistically significant difference in the perception of English major (EM) and... more
The current research uses the principles of reinforcement theory of motivation and self-determination theory and investigates how motivation and rewards impact on job performance of employees. Motivation and rewards are examined from... more
In cerebral ischemia, there is no enough blood flow for the metabolism of brain tissue. • Apoptosis has a major role in cell death following cerebral ischemia. • Apoptosis occurs through two general pathways of intrinsic and extrinsic... more
Workplace learning is a critical tool for both employees and organisations in their continuous adjustment to various global trends reshaping our workplaces, economies and societies. Workers learn most when engaging in new and challenging... more
This paper attempts to illustrate how bureaucracy and the type of leadership can affect the motivation of employees in an organization. I seek to clarify the concept of rationalization of work and the charismatic leader to describe how it... more