Recent papers in Father-Child
Patterns of interactional synchrony were compared in mother-child and father-child dyads during dyadic and triadic interactions. Forty-two dual-earner families from the French province of Québec, Canada, participated in the study with... more
Examination of relationship between pre-school children and their fathers according to some variables
Purpose: In many middle-class families in Turkey, mothers typically occupy a mediator role in father-child communications, meaning that messages between fathers and children (particularly regarding an important subject) are sent through... more
This study examines how parents' marital relations and the explicit and implicit messages conveyed by mothers to their children about their fathers affect father-child relationships. A homogeneous sampling method was used to select as the... more
Parental emotion socialization is a dynamic process encompassing moment‐to‐moment fluctuations in parents’ emotional displays and responsiveness. This study attempted to examine the within‐ and between‐individual variation in fathers’... more
Wie stellen Väter Beziehungen zu ihren Kindern her und wie gestalten sie diese Beziehungen? Ausgehend von diesen Fragen stehen die Vorstellungen, Selbstbilder und normativen Orientierungen von Vätern im Vordergrund der Untersuchung. Dabei... more
Rodzinę można nazwać małą naturalną grupą, składającą się głównie z małżonków oraz ich dzieci. Stanowi ona względnie trwałą całość, która na przestrzeni swego istnienia, podlega dynamicznym przekształceniom, związanym z biegiem życia... more