Franz Liszt
Recent papers in Franz Liszt
In 1850, after five years of planning, Liszt began composing music for his Italian opera, _Sardanapalo_, after Byron. It was central to his ambition to attain status as a European composer, but he abandoned the project halfway through. La... more
Colloque international "Lumière et musique : Appropriations, métaphores et analogies" 19-21 Novembre 2018, Paris, Fondation Singer Polignac Programme et inscription :... more
Since 2003 the three most famous international Liszt-piano-competitions Budapest "Liszt Ferenc International Piano Competition", Utrecht "International Franz Liszt Piano Competition" and Weimar "Internationaler FRANZ LISZT... more
Notas al programa realizadas para la Sociedad Filarmónica de Gijón (Asturias), en las que se recoge la relación de Liszt, Bartók y Brahms con la música tradicional zíngara.
Lisztian experimentation with cyclic form and techniques of thematic metamorphosis is generally associated with the masterpieces of the Weimar period (the B minor Sonata, the Grosses Konzertsolo, the final version of the two Concertos).... more
A pianist’s interpretation of a work is the result of long and complex process. During this process he may consult many different sources. This research evaluates the different types of sources on their relevance and added value in... more
Oxford University Press, 2018, 292 pages
Documents and audio from Alexander Siloti's daughter Kyriena.
Franz Liszt has all too often been discarded as the virtuosic showman, despite the fact that his orchestral works have often gained great praise and attracted scholarly engagement. However, one also finds striking development of formal... more
Daß das Verhältnis zwischen Heine und Liszt nicht frei von Reibungen war, ist geradezu ein Gemeinplatz, und es wäre absurd, das Gegenteil behaupten zu wollen. Zu offensichtlich ist die immer wieder zitierte Kritik Heines an Liszt, zu... more
Despite the fact that the tools of narratology have been used to explore a wide range of musical genres, the nineteenth-century lied has never been the subject of sustained narratological inquiry. This article proposes an application of... more
Published in the Liszt Society Journal, London. 2011.
RESUMEN: La cuestión de si la Sonata de Liszt es o no es narrativa todavía aqueja a los analistas. Sin necesidad de un argumento externo, sin programa, Liszt demuestra que la música contiene poder narrativo en sí misma, siendo sus actores... more
The concept of virtuosity in music has changed radically in the past four hundred years.
como equivalentes a las consonancias. Schönberg, al igual que otros 1 historiadores de la música pone a Wagner como uno de los más importantes precursores en la emancipación de la disonancia. Sin embargo, Schönberg también explica que:... more
The chapter focuses on the materiality of emotions from the perspective of the rise of musical celebrities in the early nineteenth-century Europe. It concentrates on Franz Liszt and his affective gravitation, especially on his... more
In this essay, I explore historical and theoretical issues germane to an understanding of an 1885 piano composition with an intriguing title: Liszt’s Bagatelle ohne Tonart—a bagatelle “without tonality” or “without a key.” After briefly... more
Alberto Mammarella La Liedtranskription: Liszt e la riscrittura per pianoforte dei canti polacchi op. 74 di Chopin «[Chopin:] dolce e armonioso genio!» «Il mio pianoforte […] è la mia parola, la mia vita, […] lì sono contenuti tutti i... more
El presente trabajo intenta desentrañar el lenguaje musical empleado en las últimas composiciones de Franz Liszt con el fin de encontrar diversos elementos creativos que hayan contribuido en la creación de un estilo musical propio en... more
This edition, published by Cotta, was created as part of an instructive collection of compositions directed by the pedagogue Sigmund Lebert for the conservatories of Vienna, Stuttgart and Berlin. The first of Liszt's volumes dedicated to... more
Like Franz Joseph Gall and George Sand, the contemporaries of Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886) could have found that the physiognomy (physical appearance) and genius of the musician disclose those "capabilities with which they end up their... more
A könyv az érzékenység és a romantika magyar irodalmáról, a boldog együgyűség elvesztéséről és a művészetek élvezetének „veszedelmes” következményeiről szól. Kazinczy rögeszmés szépségkultuszáról, Ányos „identikus” boldogtalanságáról,... more
Despite its popularity with pianists, Liszt’s first Mephisto Waltz (pub. 1862) has been largely glossed over in musicological studies. In this article, I reconsider the relationship between the piano piece and the excerpt from Lenau’s... more
As Franz Liszt saw the painting "Sposalizio" painting in 1837, an impulse to compose emerged, resulting in the piano piece of the same title. Lizst represents with the piano-compositions “Sposalizio” and “Il Penseroso” (after... more
University of Florida
Piano Literature - Spring 2002
Piano Literature - Spring 2002
Çoksesli müziğimizin gelişmesinde önemli rol oynayan yabancı sanatçılar içinde şüphesiz en ünlüsü Macar piyanist ve besteci Franz Liszt'tir. Çalışmada Liszt'in 1847 yılında çıktığı İstanbul seyahati ve verdiği konserler araştırılmıştır.... more
or many years, conventional wisdom about form in nineteenth-century music assumed that thematic organization and program took precedence over harmonic structure, and that conventional (i.e., Classical) models were limited in their... more
This study examines the genesis of memorization as a piano performance practice, contextualizing it within the major technological, political, aesthetic, and philosophical movements of the nineteenth century. Its significance becomes... more
Cette thèse examine le rôle structurant du timbre à partir du répertoire pianistique de la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle, période exploratoire où le timbre, composé multidimensionnel, occupe une place centrale. Fondée sur une... more
Read at the International Musicological Society Congress in Zürich, 2007; subsequently published in German translation (by Juliane Dorsch) in Passagen. Theorien des Übergangs in Musik und anderen Kunstformen, ed. Christian Utz und Martin... more
The majority of the second section of Liszt's essay on _Lohengrin_ (1851) is presented here in an edited translation, taken originally from the _Monthly Musical Record_'s translation of 1876. It is prefaced with an introduction placing... more
The European press of the late 1830s indicates a glaring disparity between Liszt's questionable status as a composer and his eminence as a virtuoso performer. The staggered compositional history of one particular piano work, Après une... more