Classical piano music
Recent papers in Classical piano music
Since 2003 the three most famous international Liszt-piano-competitions Budapest "Liszt Ferenc International Piano Competition", Utrecht "International Franz Liszt Piano Competition" and Weimar "Internationaler FRANZ LISZT... more
My assignment for the module "The Piano in the Western Music" taught by Dr. Luís Pipa in 1993 at University of Minho.
A recording of original piano work, including the title track (a song without words), the three Slow Movements, and the nine Whole Tone Studies.
Many of Alexander Scriabin's preludes feature quixotic or rhythmically inaccurate notation, including time signatures that do not correlate with rhythmic events in the foreground. From the standpoint of performance practice, I introduce... more
O presente trabalho apresenta-se estruturado em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo pretende introduzir o leitor no contexto biográfico de João Domingos Bomtempo. Este capítulo, destinado ao professor pretende constituir-se como um... more
Overview of the history of extended piano techniques. [Dutch article]
Libros de enseñanza barroca para pianistas
(1) Tangamerican;
(2) Fugal Dance
(2) Fugal Dance
La situación actual del mundo pianístico español es un tanto contradictoria. Acabados sus estudios superiores, un pianista se enfrenta a diversas salidas profesionales. Por una parte está la realidad concertística, por otra la pedagógica... more
"Piano Teaching Methodology" is a textbook for students - future piano pedagogues. For this purpose, the themes for the specifics of the initial training, for the stages of studying a piano work have been extensively developed, with... more
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 36.1 (2023): 58-62. Print.
Though two-phrase thematic units that initiate a composition in Classical style typically follow one of William Caplin’s tight-knit models (sentence, period, hybrid), many Classical main themes demonstrate irregular construction, due to... more
The keyboard toccatas of J. S. Bach, BWV 910-916, present a formidable challenge of interpretation to the modern-day performer. These works contain some of the most unusual compositional techniques to be found in Bach’s output due to... more
TEXTBOOK EXCERPT (under the tab Description,): This is the first book of the NOTUS PIANO COURSE. ABOUT THE PUBLICATION For whom? The NOTUS PIANO FOUNDATION Textbook has... more
Análisis, documentación, recepción y recuperación del catálogo de Ricardo Castro, uno de los más imponentes de la composición hispanoamericana del siglo XIX. El autor no se centra únicamente en una catalogación explicativa de la obra del... more
[Official presentation from the publisher] Is there such a thing as the ideal technique? The past and present of musical performance constantly provide evidence that, among the multiple different ways available of using our body, plenty... more
Analysis of the third movement of L. v. Beethoven's Piano Sonata No 30, Op 109, focusing on the ideas of the features of regularities, of duality, of intervallic third, and of chromatic alterations, shows how the foreground materials and... more
This dissertation introduces the ‘Edna Iles’s Medtner Collection’ (EIMC), held by the British Library in London, and provides a detailed analysis of her ‘Notes on the Interpretation of Medtner’s Works’. Nikolay Medtner (1880–1951) was one... more
Despite most pianists' claims of historical deference and creative agency, their performances of Brahms's piano works are nothing like the early-recorded performances of the composer and his students: gaps that are mediated by... more
Ningún compositor español, incluido Manuel de Falla, ha conseguido expresar la esencia de su país de forma tan completa y elocuente como lo hizo un extranjero como Scarlatti. Supo captar como pocos el percutir de las castañuelas, el sordo... more
Indice e Introduzione della Tesi triennale in musicologia, sulle influenze chopiniane nella musica del giovane Alexander Scrjabin, con analisi del suo primo linguaggio pianistico, sull'esempio dei Preludi op. 11. | [EN] "The Russian piano... more
Restoring classical tuning to the classical musical repertoire of the Fortepiano and 19th century piano reveals dimension of emotion unheard in 150 years. There was a legend that music conveyed different emotions granted by the use of... more
The music of Tōru Takemitsu is often stated to be essentially Japanese. However, previous studies on Takemitsu tend to highlight the composer’s reception of Japanese aesthetics and philosophy rather than his preoccupation with Japan’s... more
Clara Wieck Schumann: vita e amor di donna
un profilo della grande musicista nel bicentenario dalla nascita
un profilo della grande musicista nel bicentenario dalla nascita
Easy Method For Teaching Piano, Learn To Play Famous & Fun Easy Piano Pieces. You can Colored Piano Keys Up On The all pages With RainbowTonic Method. This Book with Online Video & Audio was designed to help the beginning student learn... more
Volumul I, Ludwig van Beethoven, Introducere, Concertul nr. 3 op. 37 în do minor, Concerte pentru pian și orchestră, Analiză muzicală, Context istoric, Interpretare pianistică.
Volumul III, Ludwig van Beethoven, Concertul nr. 5 op. 73 în mi bemol major "Imperialul", Concerte pentru pian și orchestră, Analiză muzicală, Context istoric, Interpretare pianistică.
An original Compendium of baroque and classical voice-leading patterns offers a wealth of historically informed teaching materials for today's pedagogues. Drawing from recent scholarly trends in the German-language music-theoretical... more
Tesis para obtener el título de Licenciado en Música-Piano por la Facultad de Música de la UNAM. Asesor: Dr. Joel Almazán Orihuela. Ciudad de México, marzo del 2020.
In the nineteenth century, listening to a symphony was a rare and precious treat. Few could afford to attend the symphony regularly, and even those who could would be lucky to hear a favourite work once every few years. There was,... more
Edición corregida y aumentada de la Sonata en mi menor del compositor venezolano Redescal Uzcátegui (1871-1943). Esta versión incluye un Scherzo que no apareció en la publicación de la obra que hizo la Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo en... more
Ludwig van Beethoven Concerto n. 1 per pianoforte e orchestra in do maggiore, op. 15 1. Allegro con brio 2. Largo (la bemolle maggiore) 3. Rondò. Allegro scherzando La forma del concerto interessa Beethoven per circa un ventennio, tra il... more