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      Ancient HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryContemporary History
Hosts the Cluster of Excellence “Beyond Slavery and Freedom”, which aims to overcome the binary opposition of “slavery versus freedom”. For that we approach the phenomenon of slavery and other types of strong asymmetrical dependencies... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryLabor HistoryFree and Unfree LabourDependency Studies
Syllabus--Composition II
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      Composition and RhetoricCommunity CollegesHistory of SlaveryExploitation
English title: Independent People: Compulsory Service and Icelandic Society in the 19th Century

English summary in pdf
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      Rural HistoryLabour historySocial HistoryHistory of Iceland
Departing from liberal accounts that understand ‘modern-day slavery’ and unfree labour in isolation from markets and shifting global networks of production and reproduction, this article highlights the need to investigate how far and in... more
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      Gender StudiesSlaveryPoliticsMarkets
Taking the new Canadian legislation on migrant domestic workers as an illustration, this article suggests that framing temporary migrant work programs in a discourse of economic labor markets has a dehumanizing effect and tends to obscure... more
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      Human GeographyHuman Rights LawLabor MigrationPrecarious Workers
Book chapter in WORK, SOCIETY, AND THE ETHICAL SELF Chimeras of Freedom in the Neoliberal Era, available from Berghahn Books https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/HannWork Rather than accept formal commodity-like contractual definitions... more
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      ContractsEconomic AnthropologyGift ExchangeLabor Migration
The use of prison labour in Aotearoa New Zealand weaves its way through every major urban centre, across the pastured grasslands of heartland New Zealand and into Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, the Pacific. Yet despite is entanglement with many... more
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      HistoryCriminologyGender StudiesGender History
A ticket of leave was the third stage of servitude for convicts sent to Western Australia, following periods of separate confinement (in Britain) and hard labour (in Britain or the colony). Unlike other convicts, ticket-of-leave men were... more
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      MortalityAustralian colonial historyConvict TransportationWestern Australia
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      HistoriographyLabour historyGlobal HistoryHistory of Historiography
in: Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 7 (2018), S. 45-46.
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      Early Modern HistoryGerman HistoryBritish HistoryLegal History
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      Ancient HistorySpatial AnalysisMedieval HistoryLabour history
The report of a pilot project examining the employment experience of domestic workers in UK under the Overseas Domestic Workers (ODW) Visa . Our questions were: • Is guidance on domestic worker visa issuance being complied with? Does the... more
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      Sociology of WorkEmployment LawGlobalizationHuman Rights
This volume suggests a new way of doing global history. Instead of offering a sweeping and generalizing overview of the past, we propose a ‘micro-spatial’ approach, combining micro-history with the concept of space. A focus on primary... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
In: Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. Ed. Trevor Burnard. New York: Oxford University Press 2020.
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBlack/African DiasporaRace and Racism
While the economic involvement of early modern Germany in slavery and the slave trade is increasingly receiving attention, the direct participation of Germans in human trafficking remains a blind spot in historiography. This edited volume... more
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      Early Modern HistoryGerman HistoryHistory of SlaveryHuman Trafficking
In Arbeiten zur mittelalterlichen Sklaverei hat das östliche Europa seinen Platz als Region, die die islamische Welt mit Sklavinnen und Sklaven belieferte. Besonders viele Menschen, so wird mit Blick auf die in Ostmittel- und Osteuropa... more
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      Medieval HistorySlaveryHistory of SlaveryCentral Asia (History)
We invite proposals for exhibits for our website https://workplaces.omeka.net. As a group of researchers associated with Workplaces: Pasts and Presents, part of the European Labour History Network (ELHN), we recently launched a website... more
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      Cultural HistoryNew MediaDigital HumanitiesSociology of Work
Contrary to the expectations of liberal and neoclassical economists, as well as many Marxists, the deepening and extension of capitalism appears to be heightening the prevalence of unfree labour. By most accounts, the forms of... more
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      MarxismInternational Political EconomyPhilosophy of Karl MarxKarl Marx
This dissertation follows Fernando Pó’s labour recruiters wherever they went— between the 1860s and 1920s recruiters traversed the entirety of the Gulf of Guinea and enlisted mostly Kru from Liberia and Fang from Rio Muni, Cameroon and... more
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      African HistoryNigeriaEquatorial GuineaGlobal Labour History
This is an essay on the subject of free labor in archaeology. By presenting a diverse material of laws, ethical documents and interviews the inclusion of free labor in archaeology is discussed. The discussion is made through the case... more
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      ArchaeologyEthicsArchaeological EthicsWork Ethic
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      Holocaust Studies20th Century German HistoryWorld War IINazism
This review examines the ambiguous condition of unfree labor in modern, Fordist, or postindustrial systems of exploitation. Unfree labor is reviewed across two multidisciplinary strands of research. The first pertains to forms of coercion... more
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      SlaveryHuman TraffickingForced MigrationPrecarity
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      HistoryLabour historySlaveryHistory of Slavery
La logistica si è recentemente imposta come una prospettiva privilegiata per la comprensione del mondo contemporaneo a partire dall’interazione tra mobilità multiple – di persone, merci, capitali, informazioni. Tuttavia, questa... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Labour MigrationLogistics
Since the early successful colonial enterprises in Brazil’s territory, men and women forcibly transferred from Africa were used as enslaved workers not only on plantations and other agricultural settings, but also in protoindustrial... more
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      Brazilian StudiesHistory of SlaveryFree and Unfree Labour
Colonial and postcolonial port cities in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean regions functioned as crucial hubs in the commodity flows that accompanied the emergence and expansion of global capitalism. They did so by bringing together laboring... more
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      Maritime HistoryAtlantic WorldAbolition of SlaveryCapitalism
This article revisits the agrarian question and the related problematic of so-called unfree labour through the prism of two contending approaches to Marxist theory. In highlighting the limitations of the received approach the conceptual... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationMarxism
The deprivation of liberty is one of the defining components of Christendom-Islam relationships in the Medieval Mediterranean. In this context the Kingdom of Granada is a perfect framework within which to study a frontier society both in... more
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      Modern HistoryIslamic LawMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      ViolenceHolocaust Studies20th Century German HistoryNazism
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      Gender StudiesLabour historyHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe
Desde o final do século XVIII, diferentes administrações portuguesas e brasileiras se ocuparam em criar mecanismos de compulsão ao trabalho, voltados às populações não legalmente escravizadas na Amazônia. Após a abolição do cativeiro de... more
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      História da AmazôniaHistória Social do TrabalhoFree and Unfree LabourTrabalho compulsório
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      Social MovementsRace and RacismLabor MigrationLabour Studies
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      20th Century German HistoryNazismNationalsocialismFree and Unfree Labour
La dicotomía libre/esclavo se ha mostrado insuficiente para explicar la diversidad y multiplicidad de relaciones y de experiencias laborales en el mundo. De esta certeza surge la necesidad de poner en evidencia y estudiar en perspectiva... more
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      Latin American StudiesLabour historyLabor MigrationSocial History
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorSociologyEconomic Sociology
This article revisits the agrarian question and the related problematic of so-called unfree labor through the prism of two contending approaches to Marxist theory. In highlighting the limitations of the received approach, the conceptual... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesMarxismAgrarian Studies
This article pursues two goals. First, it reviews recent literature calling for a revised and extended history of work. Based on that review, it then explores the possibility of a new, empirically based analytical and methodological... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryModern HistoryHistorical Anthropology
This bibliographic essay seeks to contribute to the understanding of convict labour from a global and long-term perspective. First the conditions conducive to the emergence and transformation of convict labour are addressed by framing... more
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      Modern HistoryRoman HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The literature on the unfree character of temporary migrant labour has drawn much needed attention to the poor working conditions faced by migrant workers and opened up an important space to challenge those ubiquitous claims by defenders... more
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      MarxismNeoliberalismMigrant workersUnfree Labor
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      FranquismoGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAForced LaborConcentration Camps
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      History of Central and Southeastern EuropeSoutheastern EuropeHistory of Southeastern EuropeFree and Unfree Labour
"İktisat Tarihinin Dönüşü" içinde, der: Ulaş Karakoç - Alp Yücel Kaya, İletişim Yayınları, 2021.
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      MarxismCliometricsClass StrugglePrison Labor
Dash in pidgin English means an ancillary gift to an exchange. What happened when the dash became attached to the indentured labour contracts that the Spanish Empire brought from Cuba to their last colony, Spanish Guinea? On the island of... more
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      NigeriaIgbo studiesAnthropology of Credit and DebtEquatorial Guinea
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyMarxismSlavery
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      PrecariousnessPrecariatSociología Del TrabajoPrecariedad
The “Labour Question”, a well-known obsession pervading the archives of Africa, was posed by colonial rulers as a calculated question of scarcity and coercion. On the Spanish plantation island of Fernando Pó the shortage and coercive... more
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      African HistoryLabor MigrationNigeriaEquatorial Guinea