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      Political SociologySocial TheoryPolitical EconomySocial Policy
Bu araştırma Covid-19’un işçilerin sağlığı, işi ve geliri üzerindeki etkilerini ölçmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni DİSK üyesi işçilerdir. Araştırma tüm DİSK üyesi işçileri temsil edecek şekilde saptanan bir örneklemle... more
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      Labour StudiesSOSYAL POLİTİKAÇalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileriCoronavirus COVID-19
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureScottish LiteratureEnglish Literature
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      SociologySocial MovementsSociology of WorkTrade unionism
This book provides an insight into how we see the global trajectories of capitalism from a labour perspective in the specific context and setting in Asia. It represents an ongoing effort by labour activists to challenge capital in their... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsAsian StudiesResistance (Social)
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      Industrial SociologyAfrican StudiesPolitical ScienceLabour Studies
La conflictividad laboral no puede ser comprendida solamente a partir de datos cuantitativos, aun cuando se reconozca la utilidad que presta en la investigación y en los estudios sectoriales sobre la materia. El contexto actual de las... more
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      ConflictLabour StudiesConflict ResolutionSocial Conflict
Reflexão sobre o sindicalismo português e internacional com foco no XIII Congresso da CGTP.
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      SociologyTrade unionismLabour Studies
Abstract This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a... more
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      Industrial SociologySocial MovementsSociology of WorkLabour Studies
Labour law is generally conceived of as private law. Yet from its very inception labour law includes elements of public, and perspectives of public law have influenced private law developments over time. This contribution addresses such... more
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      Labour LawLabour StudiesPublic Law
Nelle scienze economico-sociali una messe crescente di studi ha tematizzato negli ultimi decenni cause e conseguenze della recente diffusione del lavoro precario, analizzando il fenomeno come intrinsecamente legato alla natura della... more
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      Gender StudiesLabour historyLabour StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPakistanSoccerLabour Studies
Radical feminist analyses have always placed considerable emphasis on the crucial role played by social reproduction for the development of capitalism. Early social reproduction analyses – primarily premised on housework but also more... more
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      Gender StudiesPolitical EconomySocial WorkDevelopment Studies
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      Political EconomySociology of WorkGlobalizationSociology of Crime and Deviance
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      HistoryCultural HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesContemporary History
Eastern Sociological Society 2014 Annual Meeting Development Sociology Mini-Conference The Cost of Development: Work, Gender, Ethnicity and Environment Organized by F. Sonia Arellano-López (Binghamton-State University of New York)... more
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      Gender StudiesDevelopment StudiesPolitical EcologyLabour Studies
1. Our recommendations help – A. Entrepreneurs to downsize, right size or close their enterprise without government permission. B. But, all workers who have been laid off must get PF and Severance Pay (as in Europe and Brazil) 2.... more
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
For centuries, animals have worked alongside humans in a wide variety of workplaces, yet they are rarely recognized as workers or accorded labour rights. Many animal rights advocates have argued that using animals for their labour is... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
Bengal in the first half of the eighteenth century was a prosperous and flourishing province, noted for its wealth and manufactures. It was this affluence which induced the contemporaries to describe Bengal in such terms as 'Paradise of... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsPolitical Economy
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      SociologySociology of WorkLabour StudiesSociologia
Delo, nagrajeno kot najboljše magistrsko delo 2015 MSS, je bilo napisano z namenom spoznati poglede različnih družbenih skupin na položaj mladih na trgu dela, da bi lahko bolje in globlje razumeli stanje, s katerim se mladi na trgu dela... more
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      Youth StudiesIdeologyLabour LawLabour Studies
This article assesses the job guarantee (JG) from two angles. First, by tracing some of the JG's intellectual origins in the inflationary crises of the 1970s, it questions the contemporary claims about the JG's potential to increase... more
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      Political EconomyLabour StudiesWork and LabourLabour Economics
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPublic AdministrationTrade unionismLabour Studies
Among other factors such as the employer’s willingness and ability to pay employees, as well as the employee’s acceptance rate, the important institutional role played by labour organizations has been identified through existing empirical... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsQualitative methodologyApplied Econometrics
In this thesis I am examining the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Solidarity’s responses to technological changes at the ArcelorMittal (formerly known as Iron and Steel Corporation of South Africa (Iscor))... more
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      Industrial SociologyTechnologyIndustrial and Organizational PsychologyLabour Studies
En “La organización del trabajo en el neoliberalismo avanzado: el caso de Chile”, Luciana Arcanjo, Isabel Garrido y Belén Soto utilizan una técnica estadística multivariante sencilla pero potente (el análisis de correspondencias) con el... more
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      Labour StudiesMaquila
Migration narratives often resist incorporating a gendered lens, thereby erasing or failing to account for the 'herstories' of women, and for persons from marginal backgrounds who move in search of freedom, survival and autonomy. This is... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesWomen's StudiesMigration
The productivity puzzle: The UK’s lacklustre productivity is a challenge at a national and regional level. The South West appears to have a higher density of firms at this lower end “peak” of the productivity distribution and a thinner... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsManagementEconomics
Developments in the international protection of seafarers: The ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Αθήνα: Ακαδημία Αθηνών, 2015
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      International LawMaritime LawLabour StudiesLabor law
Since the mid-2000s Vietnam has become an important manufacturing hub in garment and, increasingly, in electronics. However, the expansion of an FDI-dominated, export-oriented manufacturing did not contribute to a genuine national... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
Provides a broad understanding of agency in global social governance
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      SociologyInternational RelationsSocial PolicyDevelopment Studies
Labour Market Information Systems serves as a single window that provides all information regarding labour market and which has capability to collect, evaluate and disseminate labour market information to all the stakeholders. It contains... more
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      Labour ProcessLabour StudiesWork and LabourLabour Market
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      Labour StudiesPrecarityFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Labour market policy
Convocatória para inscrições no Grupo de Trabalho: Abordagens etnográficas contemporâneas sobre paisagem: naturezas e culturas na América Latina. XIII Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul – 22-25 de Julho – UFRGS – Porto Alegre. –––––––... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesClimate ChangeEthnography
Публикувана в сп. Ново време, бр. 9/2013 г./ Novo Vreme Journal, issue 9/2013.

PDF-file is not original.
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      Political EconomyBolivian studiesHousehold StudiesSlavoj Žižek
Wyzysk pracownika w kontekście pracowniczych praw człowieka oraz ich wpływ na regulacje polskie . Uwagi wprowadzające Prawa człowieka II generacji, a w szczególności prawa pracownicze zaczęły zyskiwać na znaczeniu w wyniku nierówności... more
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      Human Rights LawLabour StudiesWork and Labour
Дутчак О. А. Відтворення робочої сили на українських швейних фабриках у глобальних ланцюгах постачання. – Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата соціологічних наук за спеціальністю 22.00.03 – соціальні структури та... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Labour ProcessUkrainian Studies
“Feminist Sosyal Politika: Bakım, Emek, Göç” adlı bu kitap sosyal politika alanını feminist bir mercekle inceliyor. 1990’lara değin sosyal politikanın odağına oturan erkek işçinin dışında, ev içi ücretsiz emek, güvencesiz kadın emeği gibi... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial PolicySocial CareInternational Migration
This article is entitled “Temporary Agency Worker: Typical Triangular Employment Relationship”, discusses whether the temporary agency worker in the typical “triangular” relationship should be treated as an employee of the agency or the... more
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      LawLegal EducationEmployment LawHuman Rights Law
Emek piyasaları ve çalışma, ekonomik sistemler ve iktisadi yaklaşımların bir nevi muğlâk alanı olarak kabul edilebilir. Bu alana ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve, günümüzde çalışma olarak ifade edilen faaliyetlerin tarihsel dönüşümü ve iktisadi... more
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      Labour StudiesWork and LabourLabour EconomicsLabour markets
This article examines attitudes and behavior of white-collar employees and professionals towards unions in the framework of post-industrial economy which challenges traditional industrial and manual-based model of unionism. We use data... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)SociologyEconomic Sociology
The Indian IT industry has been regarded as a success of neoliberal economic reforms, driven by private initiative and export-oriented growth. Accordingly, employees of the IT industry that are symbolic of the 'new India' are seen as the... more
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      Political EconomyLabour StudiesSoftware and IT Services Industry
Based on an ethnographic study amongst professional caregivers (nurses, nursing aides and attendants) in three medical establishments in Kolkata, this article explores how reproductive/use-value labour when brought into the public realm... more
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      Health CareEmotional LabourLabour StudiesPublic Health
The recommendations in the report are mandated to be sustainable, evidence-based, implementable and dynamic. All recommendations are also aligned with Vision 2030, which is used as a basis for guiding principles: “Jamaica’s transformation... more
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      Sociology of WorkProductivityLabour StudiesWork and Labour
The urban environment is increasingly engaging with artificial intelligence, a focus on the automation of urban processes, whether it be singular artefacts or city-wide systems. The impact of such technological innovation on the social... more
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      Urban GeographyArtificial IntelligenceSpace and PlaceTransportation Studies
The article begins by defining the FIR by examining the key features of industrial revolutions. It goes on to discuss the general roles of technologies in capitalism by drawing on Marxist theories of technologies in production. The... more
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      TechnologyLabour StudiesSociology of LabourThe Fourth Industrial Revolution
Pese al extenso análisis sobre la explotación laboral que la Sociología del Trabajo ha venido investigando respecto al uso económico de la fuerza del trabajo, este desarrollo ha supuesto frecuentemente que la participación en el mercado... more
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      Sociology of WorkLabour StudiesWork and Labour
Work is changing profoundly in new digital age. The whole world of work is in evolution. The old employment system of secure, lifelong jobs with predictable advancement and stable pay is dead. For some time now we’ve observed a greater... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementSocial Change
This manual has been prepared with an assumption that you at least have basic knowledge about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Supply Chain, and, Management. On this assumption, this manual accepts and appreciates an existence of a... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilityLabour StudiesLogistics Management