French Cultural Studies
Recent papers in French Cultural Studies
This article reviews the issues related to the contemporary Catholic traditionalist movement, with a focus on its Polish branch and noticeable trends within it. Traditionalism emerged in the second half of the 20th century in reaction to... more
« Désenchantée » (1991) est le titre emblématique, la signature sonore de la carrière de Mylène Farmer, peut-être la star la plus méconnue de la musique pop en France. Succès commercial et véritable tube, vers d’oreille... more
This article focuses on the novel Les villes assassines ( 2011 ) by the Martinican writer Alfred Alexandre that shows his decolonial and critical vision of the politics indirectly established from France on overseas territories. The... more
Foucault faisait de la transgression « un geste qui concerne la limite » : qu’en est-il donc de ce geste chez le « provocateur » Houellebecq ? Adoptant un point de vue moral, on s’aperçoit vite que tous les personnages moralement... more
Im Dezember 2021 ist das Centre Français de Berlin (CFB) 60 Jahre alt geworden. Die Onli-ne-Ausstellung trägt dem Jubiläum des deutsch-französischen Kulturzentrums Rechnung und beleuchtet als kleine Institutionengeschichte die hauseigene... more
Every weekday, passengers on a commuter train engage in a "TV conversation", exchanging a few ordinary remarks based on the previous day's news. It's on Canal+ at 6.40pm: eight minutes that send viewers back an image of their own use of... more
In *Here and There*, Stanley Cavell suggests that music, like speech, implicates the listener, so that our descriptions of music "are to be thought of not as discoveries but as impressions and assignments of meaning." Such impressions... more
Symposium in December 2019, Nantes, France.
"Romolo Ferrucci del Tadda, sculpteur animalier à Florence à la fin du XVIe siècle".
Collection "Hors Série"
Presses Universitaires de Rennes
"Romolo Ferrucci del Tadda, sculpteur animalier à Florence à la fin du XVIe siècle".
Collection "Hors Série"
Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Narcisse ? Cambrioleur ? Illusionniste ? Le dandy n’arrête pas de changer de rôles, de se mettre en scène afin de protéger son moi véritable et garder son indépendance. Or, ne l’oublions pas, sa première obligation est d’étonner. En tant... more
En 2012, l’Algérie célèbre le cinquantième anniversaire de son indépendance et la France commémore la fin d’une guerre qui, jusqu’en 1999, n’a pas été reconnue comme telle et qui continue de hanter la mémoire collective. Cet article... more
This article explores the work of the writer, rapper and slam poet Abd Al Malik, who shook up the music world with his message of religious tolerance in the midst of the suburb riots in France in 2005 and the Charlie Hebdo attack in 2015.... more
University students are exploring French history and culture through the lens of cinema. The spanning from the invention of cinema to the contemporary period, allow students to witness moments and mentalities that influenced French... more
Cet article se propose de dégager les aspects essentiels de l’écriture de Maalouf dans Origines. Nous tenterons de mettre en lumière un récit d’une trajectoire à la fois individuelle et collective. Il s’agit aussi de soulever la question... more
Review of Carole Dornier's book on the political thought of the abbé de Saint-Pierre.
Le présent article propose d’examiner la problématique de la migration des œuvres de la littérature française vers le continent d’Asie. Il tentera d’établir l’origine de cette migration, le parcours migratoire des œuvres ainsi que les... more
This study investigates the highly original theories about the origins of human violence developed by the physicist Gérard Gouesbet and the Franco-Mauritian writer J. M. G. Le Clézio. Both authors pinpoint the indifferent, cosmic forces... more
This article examines the early debate over the impact of people listening to phonograph records on musical culture and French cultural health. The new private experience of listening to mechanised music made possible by phonograph... more
This article frames Islamo-gauchisme as a moral panic and discusses how, why, and when it emerged as such in France, its relationship with critical race theory (a moral panic in the U.S.), and the broader societal implications of... more
When the pianist Joe Turner came to New York in 1982, on one of his rare return visits to the country of his birth, I was understandably excited. He was in town for a six week engagement at the Cookery, a Greenwich Village restaurant run... more
"Indignez-vous!" ("चिडून उठा!") नावाचं हे पुस्तक म्हणजे ४००० शब्दांचा एक निबंध आहे. आजच्या तरुणांना उद्देशून केलेलं हे निवेदन आहे. हे पुस्तक फ्रान्समध्ये आज लाखोंच्या संख्येनं खपतं आहे. अनेक परकीय भाषांतही त्याचे अनुवाद होत आहेत. असं काय... more
फ्रेंच माणूस आणि फ्रेंच संस्कृती यांविषयी अनेक समज-गैरसमज प्रचलित आहेत. त्यांत कधी फ्रेंचांचं अति-उदात्तीकरण असतं, तर कधी त्यांच्यावर नको इतकी टीकाही असते. खरे फ्रेंच आतून-बाहेरून कसे असतात याचा अंदाज येण्यासाठी जाक तातीचे चित्रपट पाहणं... more
The years 1870–1960 were a period of vibrant innovation in France when traditional ideas about art and living were challenged. At the turn of the twentieth century, Paris became the epicentre for creative risk, innovation and originality.... more