European Avant Garde
Recent papers in European Avant Garde
Fifty international contributors from various arts fields reflect on the meaning of the avant garde today.
This research studies the concept of musical experimentalism in the manifestos of musical avant-garde. It theorises the concept of musical experimentalism, clarifies the confusion between the concepts of avant-garde and modernism in music... more
L’évolution de la littérature et des arts est communément envisagée comme une succession de ruptures, dont chacune définit une école ou un mouvement dit d’avant-garde. Mais il serait temps de s’interroger sur la face cachée de ce récit :... more
For a painting of such tiny dimensions, Salvador Dalí’s Apparatus and Hand (Aparell i mà) stirred up a rather large polemic upon its hanging at Barcelona’s Saló de Tardor in October of 1927. The previous summer found the painter on three... more
In: Poslanje filologa, ur. C. Pavlović, T. Bogdan, 2008. Proučavanje filma često se temeljilo na dosezima i metodologijama drugih znanosti – od psihologije (primjerice, psihologije percepcije i kognitivne psihologije), sociologije i... more
Sarah Lucas is one of the greatest artists I know belonging to the generation that rose during the Clinton Nineties. She has a feeling for her materials that quite simply takes your breath away, a formidable command over sculptural form,... more
“At the lunatics’ night”. The Formists in the distorting mirror of the interwar art criticism Most Polish critics, especially those educated to respect the 19th-century naturalist aesthetics, could not accept any sort of anti-mimetic... more
The first institutional history of European avant-garde cinema in the 1920s. Through the lens of the Stuttgart "Film and Foto" exhibition, the film portion curated by Hans Richter, this essay intertwines the history of European... more
Essay on a hungarian fauve painter. Language: english.
Beginning first with a general overview of the term avant-garde, this paper next examines roughly Meiji politics as one of the core reasons behind the perception of the early Japanese avant-garde in the 1920s as a simple imitation of the... more
The Situationist International (SI), led by the revolutionary Guy Debord, were active throughout the 1950s and 60s. They published the journal Internationale Situationniste that included many incendiary texts on politics and art, and were... more
This article explores the close personal and professional relationships between the Austrian-American designer, artist, and architect, Frederick Kiesler; and designer, theorist, and co-founder of the De Stijl movement, Theo van Doesburg.... more
The activity of the “Eight” Group and its members in 1919, during the Hungarian Soviet Republic.
A Nyolcak művészcsoport és tagjainak tevékenysége 1919-ben, a Tanácsköztársaság idején
A Nyolcak művészcsoport és tagjainak tevékenysége 1919-ben, a Tanácsköztársaság idején
Modernist Cultures 12.3 (2017): 331–344. This essay reconsiders Reyner Banham's classic study of early twentieth-century architecture and design, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, originally published in 1960. Banham surveyed... more
National Academy for eatre and Film Arts (NATFA); 108A Georgi S. Rakovski str.,
Essay on the connection between hungarian Jews and the avantgarde art group "Nyolcak", in relation to Ödön Márffy's secret Jewish origin. - In hungarian.
This paper explores Walter Benjamin’s relationship with French Surrealism from sources rarely studied or practically unknown until now. First, I will set out the direct link between the theses on “profane illumination” and the... more
This new series of monographs reflects the range of recent research in modernist studies, contributing to the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural expansion of the field.
Who exactly was Emil Szittya, this figure of the Hungarian and international avant-garde? Writer, poet, sociologist, art critic, art historian, painter? Anarchist, social democrat, liberal, fascist, antifascist, communist? Fraudster,... more
This paper considers references to Byzantium in the architecture and philosophy of Zenitism, an Eastern European avant-garde movement founded by Ljubomir Micić in 1921. I analyze the visionary projects for the Zeniteum, designed by the... more
Study on Emil Szittya, his relationship with the fine arts and his own paintings. - In hungarian
An overview of the involvement of artists with the anarchist movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, and how they used their art as a weapon in the struggle against capitalism and the state.
Picasso, Klee, Kandinszkij. A svájci Rupf-gyűjtemény remekművei. (Kiállítási katalógus, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2007)
The contradictions and tensions in Carl Einstein’s last art publication are evident already in its title, Georges Braque. For as he wrote a friend, “The Braque book is of course not a book about Braque.” Yet, with illustrations of 102... more
Parts of this have since appeared in publications elsewhere. Posting the file because it contains additional detail/ ideas/ correspondence on various topics. Discussion of Lennon, McCartney, Duchamp & Stockhausen is unique to this, though... more
Texts in Georgian and English written for: Ketevan Kintsurashvili, David Janiashvili, "DAVID KAKABADZE," Bekur Sulakauri Publishing, Tbilisi, 2013
Una ola de sueños -"el otro manifiesto del surrealismo", como se lo llama en el estudio preliminar de este libro- es a la vez el texto inaugural del movimiento surrealista y un verdadero inventario de sus actividades hasta 1924. Publicado... more
Following his acclaimed history of the Situationist International up until the late sixties, The Beach Beneath the Street, McKenzie Wark returns with a companion volume which puts the late work of the Situationists in a broader and deeper... more
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Full text of my monograph
At the 40th anniversary of its inauguration, the Pompidou Centre represents by no doubts one of the most relevant achievements within the history of construction of the past century. Its realisation is the result of a unique joint venture... more
This essay discusses Frederick Kiesler's theory of Correalism as a philosophy of design based on concepts of energy and iteration, and its relationship to his famed Endless House project of the 1940s and 1950s.
Nearly as familiar as Surrealism's imagery is the movement’s fixation on Freudian psychology: used not as a therapeutic tool, but as a thread to plumb the untapped depths of the unconscious, its drives and desires. Far less recognized... more
The Cubist Art Exhibition organised in the Galeries J. Dalmau in Barcelona, in the spring of 1912, was the first display in Spain of this avant-garde movement. The document shows Juan Gris’s significant support to the cubist event... more
If we want to understand how and why classicism could become such a key concept for T. S. Eliot’s criticism, we must absolutely go back to the origins of this concept, that is to French literature and especially to one of the main... more
This essay focuses on the writings of the architectural historian Manfredo Tafuri, who was at the center of a group of historians and theorists at the University of Venice’s School of Architecture. It considers how his works dealing with... more
Las publicaciones sobre el pintor de la Escuela de Madrid Francisco Arias no facilitan apenas información sobre su situación personal y actividad artística durante la Guerra Civil Española. Este documento muestra su labor artística... more
We must invent and rebuild ex novo the modern city like an immense, tumultuous building yard, agile, mobile, dynamic in all its parts, and the modern house like a gigantic machine. Elevators must not huddle in stairwells like solitary... more