Genoese Colonies In Crimea
Recent papers in Genoese Colonies In Crimea
The article addresses new finds of Moldovan coins minted in the 14th —15th c., recently discovered in the suburbs of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. Most notable among them is a copper coin of Alexander I, with a countermark of the... more
Автор монографии, сопоставив гербы на каменных плитах генуэзского нобилитета XIV-XV вв. с их изображениями в гербовниках, прослеживает, как реализовывались задачи геральдической практики в генуэзских факториях Крыма. Публикация... more
The article considers defensive structures of four Genoese cities on the Crimean Peninsula. The sizes of fortified area of the cities are: Caffa (82.0 hectares), Soldaya (18.81 hectares), Vosporo (3.52 hectares) and Cembalo (3.46... more
The author publishes all archaeological materials collected during excavations in 1927—1928 and 2006 on a fortifi cation on Kordon-Oba Mount (Eastern Crimea, Feodosia Municipal Council’s territory). The site was attributed based on... more
На основании аналогий из генуэзской фортификации крымских городов Каффы, Солдайи, Чембало и анализа крепостного ансамбля самого Воспоро мож-но заключить, что крепостные сооружения этого города возводились в два этапа. Цитадель строится во... more
In the suburbs of Simferopol city (Crimea) a buried treasure of Moldavian coins was found under indefinite circumstances, probably in the late 2009 — early 2010. The treasure included 1200 of half groats from Alexander I (1400—1432). The... more
The author determines the territorial boundaries of the Genoese domain in the Crimea – Chembalo Consulate. The transition of the town of Chembalo and its rural surrounding area from the jurisdiction of the Golden Horde under the control... more
The article describes some of the main dangers that the architectural heritage of Genoese period faces in Turkey and Ukraine, the historical and modern tendencies in the attitude towards this heritage and the perspectives of its... more
Ruins of the medieval settlement, one of the names of which in the 14th centuries was known as Lusta, are located on the top of a coastal hill between two rivers in the central part of modern Alushta (Southern coast of Crimea). The... more
The historical topography of the Crimean medieval cities is one of the most important aspects of their history. The growth of the territory, the layout and construction of the city, the placement of public, religious, craft and... more
In the second half of the 14th century, the property of the Genoese Republic in the Crimea covered the whole of the Crimean coastal line and was named the Genoese Gazaria. The historical geography of the various administrative units of... more
Интерес, появившийся в последние годы в золотоордынских исследованиях к городской периферии позволяет мне попытаться привлечь внимание коллег к рассмотрению этой темы на примере округи Каффы (главного генуэзского города Северного... more
The article features a description of strongholds belonging to the Genoese fortress Vosporo located on the European bank of the Kerch Strait. The Vosporo fortress consisted of a citadel fortified by a defensive line, a fosse and an outer... more
The article discusses the town-planning scheme for the development of the city of Kaffa based on archaeological sources. Appearing as a small trading post of the Genoese in the 13th century, the city turns into the largest settlement of... more
Güzelcehisar Village in Bartın Province is a small settlement on the Black Sea coast west of Bartın River. There are the castle structure, architectural elements, tombstones, sarcophagi etc. in this small village that does not mention... more
The article discusses the relationship between two political formations - the Golden Horde and the Commune Caffa in the 60-80s of the 14th century and how the conflict between them influenced the emergence of the most powerful... more
The report focuses on the Mosques of the sity of Kaffa-Kefe in the field of study the Historical topography of the city. In the Genoese period (1275-1475), only one mosque was built in Kaffa. During the Ottoman period (1475-1774), 39 new... more
Настоящая публикация посвящена реконструкции фортификационных сооружений Боспора – Воспоро – единственного городского центра региона, резиденции генуэзского консула. При реконструкции фортификационных сооружений использовались генеральные... more
Der Artikel ist der Lokalisierung der Siedlungen von Soldaia (cazalium Soldaie) und der Bestimmung der Grenzen des Konsulats von Soldaia gewidmet. Nach der Einnahme von Soldaia durch die Genuesen von Caffa vollzieht sich ein Wandel in der... more
Convegno internazionale "Genova, una capitale del Mediterraneo tra Bisanzio e il mondo islamico. Storia, arte e architettura"
En el artículo se considera el tema del comercio regional y internacional de la cerámica en la región del norte del Mar Negro durante el período entre la caída de Constantinopla en 1453 y el establecimiento del Imperio Otomano sobre el... more
At the end of the 13th – 14th centuries the administration of the Republic of Venice thrice tried to establish trading posts on the Crimean peninsula. For this purpose they used at different stages both old Byzantine towns, such as, for... more
VI INTERNATIONAL NUMISMATIC SYMPOSIUM «Pontic Money-Changer: Money of the Local Market»
VI Международный Нумизматический Симпозиум «ПриPONTийский меняла: деньги местного рынка» (Севастополь – Балаклава, 16–20 сентября 2019 г.)
VI Международный Нумизматический Симпозиум «ПриPONTийский меняла: деньги местного рынка» (Севастополь – Балаклава, 16–20 сентября 2019 г.)
The author localized Dzukalai – a medieval settlement on the Kerch Peninsula – on the territory of modern Zolotoe village. This settlement was a Genoese hold in the Black Sea region – the so called Genoese Gazaria, and was part of the... more
In the late XIXe century was exhume a XVe century marble, covered by a latin inscription and two coats of arms, at Louis XIV's kennel of Marly-le-Roi. A century of researches were not able to find any successfull interpretative key of... more
Очередной выпуск «Херсонесского сборника» посвящён 185-летию начала археологических исследований на городище древнего Херсонеса. Основу сборника составляют статьи и публикации по актуальным проблемам античной и византийской археологии.... more
В статье вводится в научный оборот новый термин «археология Латинской Газарии» в общей системе Латинской Романии. Латинская Газария – совокупности владений итальянский морских республик Генуи и Венеции в Северном Причерноморье на... more
The article concerns the question of location the medieval village Possidima. This village was part of the rural districts of the largest Genoa’s city in the Black Sea Region - the city of Caffa. Location of this settlement based on... more
This article about archaeological sites XIII–XV centuries, which located in the Otuz mountain valley (Southeast Crimea). On a local example of one valley we investigated changes in the historical landscape, which occurring on the Crimean... more