Recent papers in Georeferencing
A 37 COSTRUZIONI & MATERIALI 4 / 2013 INFORMAZIONE MARTINA FRANCA NEL SETTECENTO Strutture architettoniche e immagine urbana Oronzo Brunetti Firenze, Edifir, 2012
The increasing demand for up-to-date 3-D geographic information systems (GIS) in planning, transportation, and utility management applications poses significant challenges to the Geomatics community. Of all the challenges in acquiring,... more
Mappatura delle patologie umane: determinazione dell'impatto ambientale da parte dell'inquinamento su base territoriale georeferenziata
Refúgios úmidos, matas serranas, brejos interioranos, serras úmidas, são alguns dos sinônimos utilizados para designar as formações vegetacionais conhecidas como brejos de altitude. Estes constituem encraves de vegetação úmida no... more
La obra que se presenta a continuación nos enfrenta a la representación de la unión del espacio físico y el espacio virtual. Se parte de la hipótesis de la existencia de no-lugares que funcionan como nodos dobles. Nodos que permiten la... more
A térképmű Földvárt egy stilizált, saroktornyos (bástyás?) castellum jellel ábrázolja. A megjelölt hely azonosítása egy megoldást adhat a mohácsi csata egy kritikus kérdéskörében előállt megoldásokhoz. A térkép arányossága – a nyilvánvaló... more
A csata korabeli, sokszor művészi igényű ábrázolásai, térképvázlatai olyan azonosítható földrajzi elemeket, terepjellegeket tartalmaznak, amelyek a terepen, a korszerű térképműveken azonosíthatók. Egyes csataképek a madártávlati nézetük... more
Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Georeferenzierung von Karten mit QGIS. Sie wurde für die Praxisübung "Digitalisierung archäologischer Artefakte" im WiSe 2018/2019 in der Klassischen Archäologie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität... more
Overlay Analysis penting untuk dilakukan, mengingat pengolahan data dengan informasi terkandung yang berbeda dapat dilakukan dari membuat, memproses hingga menghasilkan peta sesuai keinginan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh dan... more
Il lavoro rappresenta un esempio di metodologia GIS adottata per la gestione delle diverse tipologie di dati scaturiti dallo studio e dalle attività di survey condotti sull'antico insediamento di Ferento; tra questi, le informazioni... more
La tesi illustra le basi teoriche, il contesto sociale dell'operazione, i percorsi progettuali e i primi risultati relativi alla creazione e sperimentazione di Trimap (, un progetto (nato all'interno di questo dottorato) di... more
The contemporary application of georeferencing and geolocation technologies has enabled the review and revitalisation of the method of presenting, disseminating, and making accessible cartographic and photographic documentation stored in... more
The goal of this article is to provide several practical procedures for working within the GIS environment in the archaeological sector, with specific reference to the excavation site, through open source methodologies and software such... more
The term «Maritime Cultural Landscape» was first enunciated by Christer Westerdahl (Westerdahl, 1992; Westerdahl, 2011). This theory includes the analysis of an archaeological site or object not as an independent entity but as an integral... more
An undergraduate requirement.
Archival maps are an invaluable source of information about the state of the geographical environment. They represent the primary research material for analysis of changes in spatial characteristics of the environment. However, a... more
Geoinformasiya modelinin yaradılmasında qarşıya çıxan əsas problemlərdən biri verilənlərin georeferens və interpolyasiya olunması məsələləridir. Məqalədə bu istiqamətdə müxtəlif miqyaslı rastr xəritələrinin transformasiyası məsələlərinə... more
Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are an exciting new remote sensing tool capable of acquiring high resolution spatial data. Remote sensing with UAVs has the potential to provide imagery at an unprecedented spatial and temporal... more
The Search and Rescue (SAR) of individuals who become lost, injured, or stranded in wilderness presents a unique and worthwhile spatiotemporal challenge to investigate. Once incidents are georeferenced they can be spatially queried and... more
La georeferenziazione di una immagine satellitare o di una fotografia aerea rispetto a un sistema di coordinate di riferimento risulta un processo spesso indispensabile per la comprensione del palinsesto archeologico. Al tempo stesso essa... more
El concepto de “Paisaje Cultural Marítimo” fue enunciado por vez primera por Christer Westerdahl (Westerdahl 1992; Westerdahl 2011). Dicha teoría contempla el análisis de un yacimiento arqueológico o un objeto no como entidad... more
Historical cartography constitutes a factual basis for a diachronic analysis of the city, land an places. Historical maps often contain information that cannot be found in other written sources, such as, for example, place names,... more
The research of past cultural landscapes is becoming increasingly popular among archaeologists. The aim of this paper is to present some examples of the possible use of archival maps of Silesia that were issued from the 18th to the first... more
Los mapas antiguos han sido una herramienta básica para la Geografía, como útil didáctico y como elemento de síntesis en el análisis histórico de los territorios, que los geógrafos hemos utilizado habitualmente. Sin embargo, el incremento... more
In this paper, a methodology for the calculation of rough exterior orientation (EO) parameters of multiple large-scale overlapping oblique aerial images, in the case that GPS/INS information is not available (e.g., for old datasets), is... more
3: representaciones alternativas de la realidad topográfica. bio-políticas del espacio 236 237 deambulación y neocartografías : antonio ruíz montesinos 3: representaciones alternativas de la realidad topográfica. bio-políticas del espacio... more
AutoGR-Toolkit verion 1.0 is a set of Python ( scripts converted to “.EXE” files with py2exe v0.6.9 ( The purpose of the toolkit is to facilitate and speedup the process of georeferencing... more
Geographers have widely relied on old maps as didactic devices and as elements of synthesis in the historical analysis of given territories. However, the recent generalization of immediate access to this type of cartographic... more
La georeferenziazione di una immagine satellitare o di una fotografia aerea rispetto a un sistema di coordinate di riferimento risulta un processo spesso indispensabile per la comprensione del palinsesto archeologico. Al tempo stesso essa... more
La cartografía con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías está de moda, el consumo de mapas a gran escala es una realidad gracias a Google Maps y los GPS. Estas tecnologías han hecho llegar su influjo también a la cartografía antigua, a la... more
The digital tools that allow georeferencing may serve as a foothold for the study of the reception of a text that has generated a large number of translation throughout the world over the centuries. In the case of “Oráculo manual y arte... more
During the last decades, the active participation of the inhabitants in the interpretation, management and planning of landscape has assumed an increasingly important role, thanks to the challenges and understandings provided by the... more
This work introduces a Mobile Stereo Mapping System (MSMS) designed for remote operation onboard unmanned vehicles for navigation and rapid collection of 3D spatial data through direct georeferencing and integration of optical and... more
In an historically contextualized overview of the earliest extant version of the Yujitu, engraved on stone under the Liu Yu regime but believed to be a copy of a Northern Song map, the paper analyzes factors that complicate its... more
The 1: 5000 scale Danube maps were surveyed and drawn by the Hungarian civilian hydrological engineers in 1908. The map sheets show the river and the riverside between Dévény (now Devín, in Slovakia) and Gombos (now Bogojevo, in Serbia).... more