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Summary in English (text is in German): The purpose of this contribution is firstly to say something about the relations between Gestalt theory and didactics and secondly to explain some assumptions and concepts of Gestalt theory which... more
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      Teaching and LearningDidacticsLearning and TeachingGestalt Psychology
How can we describe movements in animated films? In Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics, Ryan Pierson introduces a powerful new method for the study of animation. By looking for figures--arrangements that seem to intuitively hold... more
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      Animation TheoryHistory of SciencePhenomenologyFilm-Philosophy
In this afterword to an important collection of essays that address the clinical aspects of the new phenomenology's concept of "atmospheres" in terms of psychopathology, I consider whether gestalt therapy may be an hospitable modality for... more
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      Field TheoryExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingPhenomenology
I vissuti corporeo-relazionali in psico-oncologia: la Gestalt Therapy oltre il limite del modello della Kübler-Ross Analizzando i vissuti corporeo-relazionali nella triade paziente-familiari-curanti, l’autrice Paola Argentino presenta la... more
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingGestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Biography and work of Bluma Zeigarnik.
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      Gestalt PsychologyGestalt TheoryGestalttheoretical Psychotherapy
More than any other medium, the image and the diagram are fundamental to contemporary architectural production. Through contemporary digital platforms, architectural production has swerved at once towards more realistic images and towards... more
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      ArchitectureGestalt PsychologyUrban DesignColin Rowe
In recent debates on empathy in various disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, psychopathology, cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, the discussion has focused on empathic experiences within the intersubjective context, either... more
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      AestheticsMax SchelerAnimationAristotle
Esta tese discute o trabalho psicoterápico da gestalt-terapia. Tem como foco seu caráter de experimentação, buscando ampliar seu significado e seus fundamentos epistemológicos. Os experimentos gestálticos nasceram no contexto original da... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
One of a series of digital montages, many of which consist of faux (virtual) book page spreads. Constructed on computer, using public domain components, they can also be printed on paper.
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      PhotographyCreativityContemporary ArtPoetry
Организационная терапия и организационный коучинг как этапы организационного развития в гештальт-подходе Почему я работаю с организациями? © 2020, Виталий Елисеев
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      Organizational ChangeOrganizational CultureGestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Nel lavoro viene presentato uno schema di classificazione delle psicoterapie individuali quale strumento di analisi differenziale e filo conduttore all'interno dell'attuale panorama di principi e tecniche di psicoterapia. Principio... more
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      PsychologyGestalt TherapyGestalt PsychologyPsycotherapy
Encontro com Carl Rogers. O título para o livro bem que poderia ser esse, mas o escolhido foi outro, Carl Rogers no Brasil. De toda forma, as palavras são distintas, mas os sentidos são bastante similares. Os depoimentos dos participantes... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
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      PsychologyPsychotherapyGestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural Science
A consciência é o que torna o problema mente-corpo realmente intratável. Talvez seja por isso que as discussões atuais dão tão pouca atenção ou tratam o problema de forma enviesada. A recente onda de euforia reducionista produziu diversas... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
In this paper the long-established Gestalt laws of cognitive organisation are employed as a tool to map the complex realm of rhetorical tropes, which have been organised in a number of other ways since the days of Aristotle's pioneering... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophy Of LanguageCommunicationRhetoric
The study of visual Gestalten can be defined broadly as all activity that seeks an answer to Koffka’s famous question: “Why do things look as they do?” Within this larger framework a more narrowly defined scientific project is possible,... more
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    • Gestalt Psychology
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingGestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Este estudo surgiu da necessidade de responder a uma demanda por um trabalho psicoterapêutico de curta duração para os clérigos católicos. Elegeu-se a Gestalt-terapia como suporte teórico para o desenvolvimento de elementos que... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
A psicologia da religião mostra, por meio de seus atuais expoentes, a necessidade premente de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar para enfrentar os desafios do mundo contemporâneo em que, paradoxalmente, ao lado da secularização assistimos a... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Book review: Diversity in Supervision, Coaching and Counselling
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      Coaching PsychologyGestalt PsychologyClinical SupervisionDiversity & Inclusion
Über den Kampf um den Begriff der Gestalt in der KI-Forschung. Baut auf meinem Paper "Die 'Gestalt' der KI" auf und erweitert den historischen Hintergrund.
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      Artificial IntelligenceHistory of AtomismGestalt PsychologyHolism
Resumo: A conciliação é o meio mais eficaz de resolução dos conflitos judiciais por ser ato voluntário, ser menos oneroso e mais rápido, além de possibilitar a restauração do relacionamento. No conflito judicial existe uma dificuldade na... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
In questo contributo viene descritto un modello di intervento terapeutico e riabilitativo, sviluppato dall’Autrice, per i pazienti psichiatrici gravi nella prima comunità terapeutica assistita del dipartimento salute mentale di Siracusa,... more
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      Social PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingGestalt TherapyMental Health Counseling
Reviews the book "Silence and Silencing in Psychoanalysis", edited by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic and Michael B. Buchholz (2020, Routledge).
Die Besprechung ist in deutscher Sprache abgefasst.
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      PsychoanalysisConversation AnalysisPsychotherapy and CounselingSilence
La autora analiza el significado relacional del fármaco desde el punto de vista de la Gestalt Therapy, señalando como, más allá de las específicas cualidades del fármaco, la prescripción asume valor terapéutico por el contexto relacional... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMedical SciencesPsychotherapy
Falar em psicoterapia de curta duração ainda soa como novidade. Contudo, percebe-se que a procura por psicoterapias que sejam úteis e em um tempo relativamente curto tem aumentado. Isto se dá, muitas vezes, em função do preço de um... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Resumo: O texto apresenta a construção da fenomenologia em torno de uma teoria do conhecimento. Principia pelo contexto filosófico do surgimento da fenomenologia, apontando as relações entre a perspectiva de Husserl e a Teoria do... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
This is a translation of the table of contents from Maurice Merleau-Ponty's first book, "La structure du comportement". This TOC is more detailed than the one provided in A. Fisher's English translation, and lays out the structure of the... more
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      PsychologyBehavioural SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
There is a widespread belief in the academic world—above all in the United States and in the scientific communities around the world accepting U.S. mainstream science as their standard —that »schools« have lost their grounds and their... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of ScienceCritical Realism
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      PhenomenologyEcologyGestalt PsychologyEnvironmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
In her latest collection of works Rita Lemesre presents a series of paintings related to architecture as a symbol of identity and of a social and spiritual empowerment.
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      Contemporary ArtPaintingGestalt PsychologyMaltese Art
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
Eine Auswahl an Forschungsergebnissen rund um die Thematik des Umgangs mit Erinnerungen an Träume in der Psychotherapie – umgangsprachlich überwiegend „Arbeiten mit Träumen“ genannt – soll einesteils einen Einblick in die aktuelle... more
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      Gestalt PsychologyDreams (Psychology)Gestalt TheoryLucid Dreams
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      PsychologyTeaching and LearningArt HistoryVision Science
Abstract in English (paper in German): Gestalt psychology, with its concepts of the dynamics of tension systems and the formation of isolated subsystems dating back to Kurt Lewin, offers a dynamic approach to explaining the occurrence of... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPhenomenological PsychologyHumanistic psychologyGestalt Psychology
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      PsychologyPsychotherapyAnthropology of the BodyGestalt Therapy
Resumo: A Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP), assim como qualquer atividade humana, está fundamentada sobre alguns valores, entre os quais o valor da pessoa. Por um lado, a abordagem prevê uma prática profissional em que o psicólogo seja... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Summary For Gestalt psychology and Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy the "top-down approach" is characteristic. The article elaborates the four meanings in which one can refer to this: On the one hand one can speak of "top-down"... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingGestalt PsychologyHolismHolistic Approaches
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt PsychologyGestalt TheoryGestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy
Summary: The article compares theoetical background and therapeutic aims of two therapeutic interventions, psychodramatic role playing and the empty chair technique in Gestalt therapy. Both interventions are used also in Gestalt... more
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      PsychodramaPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingGestalt Therapy
[About the Lewinian concept of powerfields and its relevance for psychotherapy. Part 1 of the article: Kurt Lewin's theory of powerfields, concepts and research. Part 2 of the article published in 2017: Relevance of the concept in... more
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      Social PsychologyExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPhenomenological PsychologyGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
From the 16th DGGO conference in Berlin, June, 18-20, 2015: "Feldkräfte – Was bewegt Menschen, Gruppen und Organisationen?" [Field forces - What is moving individuals, groups, and organizations?] The talk presents and discusses some... more
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      Gestalt PsychologyIntentionMotivationGestalt Theory
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt PsychologyPsychotherapist
Summary in English (article in German): The Intuion can suddenly strike us like a flash of genius, without us being able to say how it came about. In psychotherapy, intuitive processes are of great importance in that they can give... more
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      IntuitionGestalt PsychologyCarl G. JungGestalt Theory
La molteplicità dell'Io e del suo ambiente.
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      Phenomenological PsychologyTheories Of PsychotherapyGestalt PsychologyGestalt Theory
Resumo: O texto discute a história da psicoterapia de grupo, destacando suas transformações até o surgimento dos grupos gestálticos. A história da psicoterapia de grupo revela sua evolução sócio-pedagógica. As primeiras propostas,... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
A escritora e psicóloga Clara Feldman, em seu mais recente livro, Encontro – uma abordagem humanista (2004) chama a atenção para a grandiosidade e o enigma de relacionar-se à luz de uma perspectiva humanista. Desse modo, convida o leitor... more
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      Gestalt TherapyGestalt Psychology
Summary: Gestalt theoretical developmental psychology has always seen the infant as an active being. Current research findings support this view. In addition, they show that the investigations of the mother-child dyad, as they were... more
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      Developmental PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationGestalt PsychologyIntersubjectivity
This qualitative study explores the preparation pastors need to support mentally ill congregational members. The unit of analysis was Missouri Synod Lutheran pastors. The theoretical framework was Maslow’s Transpersonal Theory. Three... more
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      ReligionChristianityPsychologyClinical Psychology