Recent papers in Halabja
Di sedsala dawîn de texrîbata li ser erdnîgarî, rih û derûniya kurdan hatiye kirin bi demê re bûye perçeyek ji bîra hevpar a kurdan ku dîroka nêzîk, serpêhatiyên takekesî, hişmendiya zimên a têkçûyî, bişaftinên pirr-alî, karesatên mezin... more
Towards the end of the decade long Iran–Iraq war, Saddam Hussein launched a deadly attack against the Kurds, known as the Anfal Campaign, killing more than a hundred thousand. One of the largest acts of genocide occurred on 18 March 1988... more
this presentation about internet prepared by a group of student in Halabja university.
genocide against kurdish people