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This article presents a brief report of a first-person investigation through drawing, discussing how serially developed drawing can be understood to express the becoming of 'now' – the present moment in time. By employing a... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlDrawingPhilosophy Of Drawing
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    • Philosophy Of Drawing
Paper placing the drawings within 'The Elemental Force of Charcoal: Drawing at the Borough' in a wider context, with reference to seismic shifts that occurred in arts education and drawing practices of the 20th century, as well as the... more
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      Art HistoryDrawingDrawings (Architecture)British art
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      Architectural EducationPhilosophy of DesignDrawings (Architecture)Art and Design Education
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
A study is a subcategory of drawing in which an artist tests elements that may not be worked out with the full clarity of a finalized composition. When such sketches depict fragments of bodies or forms in freefall with no contextualizing... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTheologyEarly Modern History
"Le sacrifice et la création dans l’œuvre d’Antonin Artaud, Georges Bataille et Sergueï M. Eisenstein », in Le sacrifice et le don : Représentations dans la littérature et les arts francophones, sous la direction de Irène Chassaing et... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryCreativity
A montagem é uma operação mencionada com recorrência nas reflexões sobre cinema, literatura e fotografia, mas pouco presente quando se discute desenho. Apesar disso, a montagem lhe é fundamental. No desenho, elaboram-se as partes... more
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      Contemporary ArtDrawingPrintmakingPhilosophy Of Drawing
The publication of the First Report of the National Advisory Council on Art Education (1960), otherwise known as the first ‘Coldstream Report’, is a graspable moment of displacement. It represents a shift between an educational system... more
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      Art HistoryBritish HistoryDrawingBritish art
The production, style, and aesthetic status of script was a persistent theme in eighteenth-century British handwriting manuals, known as copybooks, where penmanship was put in the service of burgeoning global commerce and the display of... more
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      Gender StudiesPrintsPrint CultureArt History
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      PaleontologyJean-Luc NancyBernard StieglerJacques Derrida
Some distinctive drawings by the brothers Carracci were categorized by certain seventeenth-century writers as " caricatures. " This essay attempts to square this ad hoc categorization with the multifarious images this categorization... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)PortraitureWittgensteinPhilosophy Of Drawing
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      DrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingDrawing collectingPrints and Drawings
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      DrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingDrawing as a research toolDrawing as a tool for design
This practice-based research sets out to explore new ways of visualizing and conceptualizing the notion of aura in art. It departs from Walter Benjamin’s widely known critique of aura, the thesis of which is that aura as ‘uniqueness’ of... more
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesInner AlchemyPaintingAlchemy
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      DrawingDrawings (Architecture)Philosophy Of DrawingLife Drawing
Critical edition of the drawings in the original manuscript of the Trattato d'Abaco, by Piero della Francesca, kept in the Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence. The author applies an new methodology called "philology of drawing" to the... more
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      PhilologyHistory of MathematicsRenaissance StudiesHistory of Art
From early modern to modern times, drawing was firmly anchored in the realities of European society as a cultural technique . Based on this fact, the present volume asks for the first time about the significance of drawing and drawing... more
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      History of EducationDrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingHistory and Theory of Drawing
As a both graphic and narrative medium, the relationships between comics and other media have been continuous since their encoding as such in the late XIX century, and architecture is not alien to this overlap. Academic disdain... more
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      CommunicationArchitectureComics StudiesArchitectural History
Drawing is a process by which the mind commits itself to ideas that can only be expressed visually, but is also an embodied form of knowing, crossing distinct areas of inquiry and pedagogy — from arts to humanities and sciences. As this... more
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      DrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingSketchingSketchbooks
This petition argues that erotic comics are an important cultural record of the way in which diverse sexualities are understood and portrayed, and sexual fantasies explored. An Erotic Comics Anglophone Archive (ErotiCAA) will preserve... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesVisual Studies
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      Design TheoryDrawings (Architecture)Philosophy Of DrawingHistory and Theory of Drawing
Raphael's most successful productions during his early career in Florence (ca. 1503-8) were paintings of the Madonna and Child. This essay examines his practices of full-scale drawings (or cartoons) to execute such paintings, to present... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPhilosophy Of DrawingDrawings and PrintsOld Master drawings
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      Philosophy Of DrawingFelix RavaissonNineteenth Century Spiritualism
This 2019 winter/spring issue of EAP includes an “in memoriam” for geographer David Lowenthal, an early figure in environmental phenomenology, who died in London in September at the age of 95. We feature two “book notes”: first, architect... more
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      Space and PlacePhenomenologyGoethean PhenomenologyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      DrawingPhilosophy Of Drawing
Drawing tends to take place in the interval between two hands. Regardless of whether the hand manipulating the chalk, the pen, and the compass, is the right or left one, its counterpart will regularly have a share in the production of the... more
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      DrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingDrawing as a tool for design
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAestheticsArt History
Critic and curator David Sylvester played a pivotal role shaping the intellectual as well as the actual consumption of avant-garde art in the post-Second World War period and yet a key series of exhibitions he curated, focusing on the... more
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      Art HistoryDrawingModernism (Art History)Philosophy Of Drawing
This illustrated paper describes how Thoreau's intimate communion with nature resulted in drawings similar to those created by Chinese Buddhist contemplatives. Qi Journal Vol. 25 No. 2, Summer 2015, is available at some Barnes & Noble... more
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      ZenDrawingChinese Chan chan BuddhismThoreau
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      Cruising SexCommonsContemporary ArtQueer Theory
Die Linearperspektive ist in der künstlerischen Bildproduktion über Jahrhunderte ein wirkmächtiges Paradigma, bis sie in eine Krise gerät. Denn die ästhetische Moderne attackiert das hegemoniale Modell der perspektivischen Formgebung... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryContemporary ArtHistory of Perspective in Painting
This is a full draft of my chapter included in the recent publication: Body, Space and Place in Collective and Collaborative Drawing: Drawing Conversations II, edited by Jill Journeaux and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. A... more
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      Visual CommunicationDrawingPhilosophy of TimePhilosophy Of Drawing
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      Diagrammatic ReasoningDrawingPhilosophy Of DrawingDrawing as a research tool
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      ArchitectureDrawingDrawings (Architecture)Philosophy Of Drawing
Was heißt Entwerfen? Wie lässt sich die Realisierungsoffenheit des Entwurfs denken? Wie bleibt der entworfene Sinn im Entwurf offen für weitere Sinnbestimmungen? Diese und ähnliche Fragen sind Kern verschiedener Randgänge zu Martin... more
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      ArchitectureJean-Luc NancyPhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
Accredited as the provenance of creative art and appreciated for its verisimilar mimetic virtues, drawing is a cathartic form of visual art. Specifically, the curative utility of drawing is anchored on its multifaceted health-enhancing... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArt TherapyPsychology of artAlzheimer's Disease
Der Begriff des Kontradispositivs wird in der vorliegenden Studie zur Beschreibung zeichnerischer Verfahren und Diskurse im Zeitraum von 1955 bis 1975 gebraucht. Als Kontradispositive lässt sich eine dekonstruktive Zeichenpraxis... more
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      AristotleGestureJean-Luc NancyDeconstruction
Animatic; hyperanimatic; animation; hyperanmation; the graphematic; art; artist; the animatic life of the object; illusion; metamorphosis; the riss; plasmaticness; the life of line; virtual animation; the hypervirtual; the author... more
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      Art TheoryAnimationAnimation TheoryGraph Theory
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceRenaissance Art
Monografia apresentada à Escola de Belas Artes da UFMG para a obtenção do título de Bacharel em Artes Visuais, habilitação em Desenho. Contemplado pelo edital de mobilidade internacional da universidade, nesse texto faço um relato de... more
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      Travel WritingArtDrawingPhilosophy Of Drawing
Hold On, We’ve Lost The Thirteenth Century! Twenty years ago Capitalism basked under the belief, that with the fall of Communism, the West had effectively won the Cold War and henceforth, all the various forms of economic models,... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchitectureDrawingDrawings (Architecture)
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      PoetryReadingDrawingPhilosophy of Photography
This study analyzed three different remote sketching paradigms to find recommendations for future remote multidisciplinary co-design systems. These included virtual reality freeform drawing, tablet drawing, and uploading images of paper... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Spatial PracticesContemporary ArtIndustrial Design
Este artigo busca contribuir para um entendimento de desenho que abarque ideia, grafismo e coisa. Perspectivada pelo interesse no processo artístico, a reflexão aborda as ideias de continuum e principalmente de potência para propor a... more
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      Contemporary ArtGiorgio AgambenDrawingPhilosophy Of Drawing
With this brief and unstructured essay, I would like to clarify the connection between geoemtry of representation and cartography, in the hope of soliciting further reflection on all the areas of research related to the representation of... more
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      CartographyOpticsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of Mathematics
Rue Des Martyrs [revisited]. To enter the world of drawing is to give up an element of grounding, in what we understand to be day to day reality. The authorial activity that is able to translate simple marks upon the picture plane... more
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      Cultural StudiesDrawingDrawings (Architecture)Philosophy Of Drawing
Architecture is a form of cultural practice that classically bridges between the disciplines of Fine Art and what we have come to understand as the Social and Physical Sciences, and hence in previous epochs, the tension between these two... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchitectureDrawingDrawings (Architecture)
Sketching is fundamentally a practice of being present: Usus in Praesens. It teaches us to mindfully dwell in the perfection of the moment. A moment that is not just objective but also irremediably subjective. And, when done... more
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      Environmental PsychologySpiritualityDrawingDrawings (Architecture)