Recent papers in Hearing
A growing body of evidence is available about the functioning of fetal sensory systems during gestation. This article aims at reviewing data concerning (i) the presence of potential sensory stimulation in the fetal milieu, (ii) the... more
Background:The Bluetooth wireless headset has been promoted as a ‘hands-free’ device with a low emission of electromagnetic radiation.Objective:To evaluate potential changes in hearing function as a consequence of using Bluetooth devices,... more
Human beings with power of senses (Ḥawās) for the purpose of feeling through seeing, touching, smelling, hearing and tasting with the aids of major organs of man, ranging from eye, hand, nose, ear and tongue or mouth. It is with this... more
Processing of human temporal bones is a long, expensive process and the resulting celloidin sections are difficult to use for immunohistochemistry. We tested the ability of immunohistochemical assays to work in human temporal bones that... more
This study investigated the relation between linguistic and spatial working memory (WM) resources and language comprehension for signed compared to spoken language. Sign languages are both linguistic and visual-spatial, and therefore... more
The hypothesis is tested that an open-canal hearing device, with a microphone in the ear canal, can be designed to provide amplification over a wide bandwidth and without acoustic feedback. In the design under consideration, a transducer... more
can correct the atelectasis in some cases, but the tympanic membrane often remains atelectatic with conductive hearing impairment in many cases. Our hypothesis is minimally invasive contraction myringoplasty using CO2 laser is effective... more
An experimental model for emotional stress is described. Emotional stress can affect hearing if severe enough or if it lasts long enough. The noxious effect on the ear can be explained by the high level of blood catecholamines and... more
This article examines social integration of deaf children in inclusive settings in The Netherlands. Eighteen Grade 1-5 deaf children and their 344 hearing classmates completed 2 sociometric tasks, peer ratings and peer nomination, to... more
The paper reports on the ability of people to rapidly adapt in localizing virtual sound sources in both azimuth and elevation when listening to sounds synthesized using non-individualized headrelated transfer functions (HRTFs).... more
The current study was performed to understand the level of sound produced by ventilated racks, animal transfer stations, and construction equipment that mice in ventilated cages hear relative to what humans would hear in the same... more
This paper introduces the use of magnetic field tomography (MFT), a noninvasive technique based on distributed source analysis of magnetoencephalography data, which makes possible the three-dimensional reconstruction of dynamic brain... more
Phillips-Silver and Trainor (Phillips-Silver, J., Trainor, L.J., (2005). Feeling the beat: movement inXuences infants' rhythm perception. Science, 308, 1430) demonstrated an early crossmodal interaction between body movement and auditory... more
OBJECTIVES: To examine the longitudinal relationship between sensory functioning and a broad range of cognitive functions after 6 years follow-up and whether cataract surgery or first-time hearing aid use affected cognition. DESIGN:... more
The purpose of this study was to compare out-
Animal experiments in this laboratory have led to the suggestion that a major pathway in bone conduction stimulation to the inner ear is via the skull contents (brain and CSF). This hypothesis was now tested in humans. Auditory nerve... more
This article is a review of the genes and genetic disorders that affect hearing in humans and a few selected mouse models of deafness. Genetics is playing an increasingly critical role in the practice of medicine. This is not only in part... more
Biphasic electrical pulses are the standard stimulation pulses in current cochlear implants. In auditory brainstem recordings biphasic pulses generate a significant artifact that disrupts brainstem responses, which are magnitudes smaller.... more
Reception of certain environmental energy patterns can allow organisms to successfully respond to present or future environmental conditions. Sensory systems are the means by which this reception occurs. The bioelectric components of this... more
Older adults are known to have reduced inhibitory control and therefore to be more distractible than young adults. Recently, we have proposed that sensory modality plays a crucial role in age-related distractibility. In this study, we... more
Bilingual individuals have been shown to access their native language while reading in or listening to their other language. However, it is unknown what type of mental representation (e.g., sound or spelling) they retrieve. Here, using... more
A system with potential for middle-ear screening and diagnostic testing was developed for the measurement of wideband energy absorbance ͑EA͒ in the ear canal as a function of air pressure, and tested on adults with normal hearing. Using a... more
The "one size fits all" approach has not yet successfully been applied to programming hearing aids. Despite our attempts to start with the best hearing aid settings for each patient, two patients who walk in our door with the same... more
Frequency-following responses (FFRs) were recorded to two naturally produced vowels (/a/ and /i/) in normal hearing subjects. A digitally implemented Fourier analyzer was used to measure response amplitude at the fundamental frequency and... more
history instrument for standardised collection of information about the characteristics of the tinnitus patient. Since then, a number of studies have been published which characterise individuals and groups using data collected with this... more
Recordings of single neurons have yielded great insights into the way acoustic stimuli are represented in auditory cortex. However, any one neuron functions as part of a population whose combined activity underlies cortical information... more
The round window placement of a floating mass transducer (FMT) is a new approach for coupling an implantable hearing system to the cochlea. We evaluated the vibration transfer to the cochlear fluids of an FMT placed at the round window... more
El proceso civil predominante en Iberoamérica, dominado por la escritura, ha sido criticado por ser el causante de la lentitud de los trámites legales y la demora en resolver los pleitos como por desmejorar la calidad de la justicia, ya... more
Jisuat reaction time is facilitated by a simultaneous or near simultaneous auditory event. This finding poses a problem for proponents of a single channel theory of attention since the auditory and visual events should be mediated... more
Abbreviations: CI, cochlear implant; RIB, research interface box; 2I-2AFC, twointerval two-alternative forced choice; pps, pulses per second; PSE, point of subjective equality; PTA, pure-tone average; SE, standard error of the mean *... more
Background: Complex working memory (WM) span tasks have been shown to predict speech-in-noise (SIN) recognition. Studies of complex WM span tasks suggest that, rather than indexing a single cognitive process, performance on such tasks may... more