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Der Band resümiert Diskussionen der Jahrestagung des Theologischen Forums Christentum – Islam, die mitgeprägt waren durch die Aktualität des Themas angesichts der großen Zahl Geflüchteter, die seit 2015 auch Europa und Deutschland... more
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      MigrationInterfaith DiscourseMigration StudiesMuslim-Christian Relations
John Wesley's concept of prevenient grace contributes to his 'catholic spirit,' and his openness to God's activity in the lives of people who practice Islam and Judaism, paving the way for interreligious dialogue.
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      Eighteenth-Century British History and CultureInterfaith DiscourseJewish - Christian RelationsMuslim-Christian Relation
Find the updated version under published papers!
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      Indigenous StudiesInterfaith DiscourseInterfaith TheologyInter-religious Dialogue
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
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      New Religious MovementsInterfaith DiscourseInterfaith DialogueScientology
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      DaoismInterfaith DiscourseInterreligious DialogueInterfaith Theology
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, due 2016 Explores the relationship and dialogue between religion and atheism, focusing upon Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and other, e.g. Pagan, traditions in their encounter with secularism and atheism. It... more
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Co-edited with Elizabeth Harris and Shanthikumar Hettiararchi, Brill, Currents of Encounter Series, 2016
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      ReligionTheologyInterfaith DiscourseJewish - Christian Relations
This paper, “Hindu View of Christ”, by Dr. Anand Amaladass, S.J., friend and academic colleague, was presented at the International Conference, ‘Hinduism and Christianity: Prospects for Inter-Religious Dialogue’, at the Edoardo Agnelli... more
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      Comparative ReligionInterfaith DiscourseEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueInterfaith Studies
This paper, concluded on Aug. 11, 2020, is a summary of my work with Professor Gift Siromoney on the invention of the Brāhmī script, up till the time of his death in 1988, as well as my independent discovery, decades later, of where and... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionArchaeologyBuddhist Studies
L’étude retrace les difficultés d’accès au concile Vatican II (1959-1965) pour les interlocuteurs juifs, qui contactent le Vatican au sujet du schéma De Judaeis. Ces difficultés s'expliquent par la forte asymétrie des relations, les... more
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      ReligionHistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational Relations
Durch das Jüdische Jahr" führt Monat für Monat durch den jüdischen Jahreskreis. Rabbinerin Dalia Marx stellt den Charakter, die Feste und Gedenktage jedes Monats vor, beschreibt wenig bekannte religiöse Traditionen, Gebete und häusliche... more
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      TheologyHebrew LanguageJewish HistoryInterfaith Discourse
Conference presentation on idea of justice in Hinduism. PPT. The accompanying talk is also uploaded next.
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      Interfaith DiscourseHindu PhilosophyInterfaith DialogueHindu Studies
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      PhilosophyTheologyJurgen HabermasInterfaith Discourse
Islam wie Christentum definieren Geschlechterrollen und Geschlechterbeziehungen, ›Männlichkeit‹ und ›Weiblichkeit‹ sowie bestimmte Auffassungen von ›Körper und Sexualität‹. Inwiefern haben sie in ihrer Geschichte und mittels ihrer... more
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      Gender StudiesTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureKalam (Islamic Theology)Gender
This short paper is adapted from notes for a talk presented at the Richmond Islamic Center, for their non-Muslim Neighbors, on April 16, 2022/Ramadhan 14, 1443. The aim of the talk, and hence the paper, was to present the message of... more
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      Interfaith DiscourseIslamic StudiesDa'wahIslam and Christianity: relations and exchange of ideas
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryEuropean History
The author explores the differences in the ways of knowing God, with a particular focus on the rational proofs of God’s existence as perceived by noteworthy authors from Christian and Hindu traditions. He deepens the study with insights... more
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      Intercultural EducationInterfaith DiscourseIntercultural IdentityInterreligious Dialogue and Education
This dissertation focuses on the theme of ecumenism as it is embodied in the career of the American Protestant church leader, Douglas Horton. The chapters delineate stages in the development of Horton's ecumenical commitments. First, as a... more
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      American HistoryInterfaith DiscourseProtestantismEcumenical Theology
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      Jewish MysticismInterfaith DiscourseKabbalahInterfaith Theology
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Arabic Translation of :
Feminism, Muslim Theology and Religious Pluralism, Interview with Jerusha T. Lamptey and Nayla Tabbara
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      Gender StudiesMetaphysicsInterfaith DiscourseReligion and Gender
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      ChristianityInterfaith DiscourseInterfaith DialogueEcumenical and Interfaith Dialogue
Muslim religious leaders and scholars lectured on the higher goals of peace in Islam by defining the goals with scripture and hadith, with prophetic sayings and actions, and with attempting to demonstrate that peace is a pillar of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIslamic Contemporary StudiesDialogueReligious Pluralism
Religious communities play an important role in fostering justice and peace in societies. Religious belief can form an inspirational basis for peace and highlights the need for dialogue to build peace. A key issue for careful reflection... more
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      Interfaith DiscourseBurma StudiesInterfaith DialogueMyanmar
This summer (2019), I came across Paul Carus’s article, “Buddhism and Christianity”, in ‘The Monist’, vol. 5 (Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1894-95), pp. 65-103, and realized that much of his thinking and attitude, more than a... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionBuddhist StudiesBiblical Studies
Room for Religion: the future sustainability of religion by means of models and contemplation about religious education and meditation rooms Both religious education, as well as build forms of sacred space, seems to increasingly diversify... more
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      Interfaith DiscourseSacred SpacesSacred SpaceReligionspädagogik
This study looks into Myanmar and Singapore, holding the latter as the role model for the former. Even though both countries are homelands to minority Muslims, the situation of Muslims and other minority groups in Myanmar is not as... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyInterfaith DiscourseIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
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      History of ReligionHistory of ChristianityAlbanian StudiesInterfaith Discourse
“Part II: J. Edgar Bruns’ Christian Buddhism!” is the third, and concluding, section of “Buddhist Influence in the Gospels: Two Catholic Views – Part I: Charles Francis Aiken” and the “Interlude: How Crypto Buddhism Won the West!” ¶In... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionBuddhist StudiesBiblical Studies
Amidst on-going conflict that has divided people in Mindanao for hundreds years, some recent interfaith dialogue initiatives have started seeding peace by narrowing the gap between Muslims and Christians. This study examines these... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInterfaith DiscourseInterreligious DialogueInterfaith Dialogue
Swami Vivekananda lives even today through his words that shake the reader to one’s very foundations. He is fulfilling his prophecy: ‘It may be that I shall find it good to get outside of my body—to cast it off like a disused garment. But... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionInterfaith DiscourseInterreligious DialogueWorld Religions
View this journal online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/MUWO w il e y o n li n e li b ra ry / jo u rn a l/ m u w o
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      Interfaith DiscourseTheological EducationIslamophobiaInterreligious Dialogue and Education
This study stages an analysis of religious politics in Dar es Salaam and Tanzania from below. At its heart is an original account of Muslim political mobilisation in Tanzania that foregrounds the everyday lives of urban actors in... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionUrban GeographyAfrican Studies
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
This article applies Alan Race's typology of Christian thought in relation to the salvation of non-Christians to that of the Islamic tradition and uses the exegesis of Muhammad Asad as an example. It argues that Asad's exegesis of the... more
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      TheologyHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsKalam (Islamic Theology)
See pages 38 - 39 for my published article for the Jan./Feb. 2017 issue of Islamic Horizons on chaplaincy
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      Interfaith DiscourseChaplaincy
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
This study of why Buddhist missionary outreach went “underground” when it reached the West – the five Greek kingdoms of the West mentioned by the Buddhist king Aśoka in his 13th Rock Edict – is key to understanding some startling facts... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionBuddhist StudiesBiblical Studies
Dr. Christian Lindtner:– Gematria is a word, a concept that is searched for in vain in the usual conversational lexicons and encyclopedias; and if one finally finds something under gematria in Bible manuals and the like, then the... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionBuddhist StudiesBiblical Studies
[Western writers sometimes refer to Ramadan as "the Muslim Lent." There are deep resemblances between Ramadan and Lent (and some differences). But Ramadan is the Holy month of fasting for Muslims, from sunrise to sunset, where they do not... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
This third book of my studies on the relation of Buddhism to Christianity is now in print, as well as offered here in PDF form. Its title is a purposeful inversion of the title of the late Indo-Spanish Catholic theologian Raimon... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionHistory of ChristianityBuddhist Studies
The conclusion of my book, ’The Unknown Buddha of Christianity’, the heart of which has been the revelation of the remarkable part played by the Royal Library of Alexandria, Egypt, in the origin, first, of Mahāyāna Buddhism, then,... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionBuddhist StudiesBiblical Studies
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
Why would Christians write commentary on the Quran? First of all, Muslims have been commenting on the Bible since the emergence of the Quran itself, so writing about the scripture of another is nothing new. And much Muslim writing on the... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesInterfaith Discourse
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesTheology
The expression ‘Mythicism’ has come to be used to identify the negative side of the debate whether ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ was or was not a historical person. This book examines five major types of challenges to Jesus’ historicity: ¶ I. In... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesOrigins of ChristianityInterfaith Discourse
This essay is an expanded version of the essay published in "John and Judaism: A Contested Relationship in Context," Resources for Biblical Study 87 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017) 265-311. It includes expanded sections on the Johannine... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion