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Research background: Recent developments have raised doubts on future sustainability of the EU as successful political and economic organization. Many phenomena — from euro and sovereign debt crisis to the emergence of right-wing,... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalismNeofunctionalism
This research assignment examines the foundations and historical contexts of both the European Union and the Arab League, emphasizing the motivations and mindsets that brought these entities into existence, alongside the prominent... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical PhilosophyEuropean integration
Much of the scholarly work on Brazilian federalism has long focused on the ways in which decentralization has produced institutional paralysis under intergovernmental conflict. This article, by contrast, suggests that Brazil has been... more
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      Comparative PoliticsLatin American politicsPoliticsBrazil
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      European StudiesEuropean Security and Defence PolicyIntergovernmental RelationsEuropean Foreign Policy
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      European integrationIntergovernmentalismLiberal Intergovernmentalism
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      European integrationEuropean PoliticsEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalism
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsGlobal GovernanceInternational Political Economy
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsIntergovernmentalismHistory of the European Union
Climate change is regarded as one of our times greatest environmental, social and economic challenges. The impacts of climate change on natural ecosystems, human society and economics are potentially severe, making it one of the most... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationClimate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation
This short paper puts the case of Brexit in the context of academic debate regarding the nature of European integration and the future of the European Union. In doing so, it revisits in its first part three major theories of European... more
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      European UnionIntergovernmentalismEuropeanismBrexit
The changes in the institutional structure of the EU brought about by the Lisbon treaty and recent developments in economic governance are offering scholars new fields of interest. In particular, the emergence of the European Council -... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationGlobal GovernanceCrisis Management (Political Science)
Has the neo-functionalism been " defeated " in the debate about European integration theories? Since the 1960's the neo-functionalism has been submitted to criticism and debated among the academics of European studies. Parts of the... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationPolitical Science
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      African StudiesGeopoliticsRegional IntegrationSouth Africa
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      European StudiesRealism (Political Science)European UnionThomas Hobbes
[Published in INDIA REVIEW: Vol 16, No.1. pp 14-41] Abstract: Despite the extensive literature on distributive politics, we still lack a theory of how political and fiscal institutions interact to shape the pork‐barrelling ability of... more
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      FederalismIntergovernmental RelationsFiscal federalism and decentralizationIntergovernmental Interaction
This article aims to critically examine the International Criminal Court, established in 2002 to complement domestic jurisdiction in prosecuting the gravest crimes (was crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and – most recently –... more
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      LawCriminal LawComparative LawConstitutional Law
La construction de nouvelles théories de l’intégration européenne est très étroitement liée au contexte historique dans lequel l’Union européenne et les chercheurs sont en prise. Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson et Uwe Puetter... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalismBrexit
Η Επίλυση της Ευρωπαϊκής Κρίσης Χρέους: Ένα Ακόμα Διαπραγματευτικό Παιχνίδι” (2014) Foreign Affairs, The Hellenic Edition, Απρίλιος, σελ. 130-149.
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      European StudiesEconomic CrisisEurozoneIntergovernmentalism
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      International organizationsIntegration TheoryAfrican UnionThe African Union Peace and Security Architecture
The European crisis is the best case study for examining both the vulnerabilities of Europe's framework for economic governance and the very process of European integration itself. This statement is true for several reasons: first,... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Το δημοκρατικό έλλειμμα και η κρίση νομιμοποίησης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ως αποτύπωση ενός ασταθούς ηγεμονικού μοντέλου. Μια σύνοψη του διαλόγου και μια προσπάθεια υπέρβασης του
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      Jurgen HabermasEuropean Union PoliticsNeo-GramscianismIntergovernmentalism
This analysis aims to examine the perception and assessment of efficiency of Polish European policy by British representatives of public administration, scientists and opinion-forming publicists, as well as representatives of Polish... more
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      PolandEuropean PolicySWOT analysisIntergovernmentalism
Integrasi Uni Eropa merupakan sebuah proses yang panjang serta mengalami berbagai dinamika. Dengan membentuk berbagai institusi supranasional –beberapa masih bersifat intergovernmental— Uni Eropa berusaha untuk mengintegrasikan... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationVoting SystemsIntergovernmentalism
Has the postwar managerial approach to urban governance in the Netherlands and Flanders been replaced by more entrepreneurial and financialized forms? In this paper, we study the transformation of urban governance in the Low Countries... more
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      Real EstateUrban GeographyUrban PoliticsUrban Planning
The EU, already suffering from a long-standing crisis of legitimacy, continues to move further away from the liberal democratic ideals upon which it was ostensibly founded. The crisis is consolidating the “rule by expert” mentality... more
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      Democratic TheoryInternational Political EconomyEuropean UnionDemocracy
This review of Moravcsik, “Negotiating the Single European Act: national interests and conventional statecraft in the European Community” (1991) will look upon its arguments in favour of intergovernmental institutionalism. That being... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalismNeofunctionalism
“Every national of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to and not replace national citizenship.” states Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union. If, according to Rousseau,... more
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      Multilevel governanceIntergovernmentalismEU Multilevel GovernanceNeo-Functionalism
Uluslararası ilişkiler disiplinindeki geleneksel ve çağdaş tartışmalar Avrupa bütünleşmesine dair entellektüel çalışmaları da doğrudan etkilemiştir. Avrupa bütünleşmesi sürecinin ilk yirmi yılındaki kuramsal çalışmalara uluslararası... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalismNeo-Functionalism
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      Irish StudiesBritish HistoryNationalismNorthern Irish Politics
The paper offers a comprehensive study of Hugo Grotius’s vision for the new co­existential paradigm in Europe and ideas of European integration through the prism of political philosophy and international relations. The paper proceeds with... more
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) were introduced in 1945 with the creation of Inter-governmental organisations (Willets, 2011, p.6). It is a notoriously broad term and is applied to a variety of different organisational forms... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Intergovernmentalism
This historical institutionalist (HI) approach to regional integration theorises what role relationships between Europe’s market and state actors and institutions have in the timing of the European Union’s (EU) establishment. This... more
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      European integrationRefugee StudiesFederalismHistorical Institutionalism
The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an international knowledge institution established through the United Nations system. Mandated to “strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity... more
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      Science PolicyEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceBiodiversityEnvironmental Sustainability
Research background: Recent developments have raised doubts on future sustainability of the EU as successful political and economic organization. Many phenomena — from euro and sovereign debt crisis to the emergence of right-wing,... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionIntergovernmentalismNeofunctionalism
Liberal approaches to regional integration, including neoliberal variants preoccupied with institutional cooperation, have informed scholarship on European integration for a long time. They still do today, and for good reason: their... more
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      European integrationPolitical ScienceEuropean UnionTurkey And Europe
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and interpret the effects of the Euro crisis on the European institutional system and on the quality of its democracy and to examine the incomplete European integration process both political and... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawEuropean Politics
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      European UnionIntergovernmentalismEconomic Crisis Management
By the outbreak of financial crisis and by the decrease of trust in the European Community, the intergovernmentalism as an effective crisis management method appears more emphatically in the rhetoric of Member States. During the debt... more
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      European UnionFinancial CrisisIntergovernmentalismEconomic Crisis Management
Since its inception in 2010, the European Semester has undergone a series of institutional clarifications and procedural adjustments aimed at strengthening its legitimacy. Over its first 5 iterations it has significantly reshaped the... more
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      European CommissionIntergovernmentalismEurozone crisisEuropean Semester
This article analyzes how the enlargements, the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the responses to the euro-crisis have altered the institutional balance upon which its stability is based. The institutional framework launched for... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawEuropean Union LawIntergovernmentalism
This essay traces common denominators of federalism in the governing institutions of the European Union (EU) with the United States (US). The purpose of this comparison is to highlight that, while the EU is compositionally sui generis... more
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      FederalismDeliberative DemocracyEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
The normative school of global constitutionalism lacks a convincing model of constitutional politics. As far as the democratic legitimacy of constitution-making at the supra-state level is addressed at all, scholars usually resort to... more
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheorySovereigntyDemocracy
It is a well-known fact that budgetary allocations need to be based on a just formula for balanced service delivery in the modern world. This paper describes the intergovernmental formula designed for Rwanda in 2003 to allocate grants... more
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      Conditional Cash TransfersIntergovernmentalismEquilization
Although Professor Jean Baptiste Duroselle, author of “A European History of Europe,” passionately presents a historical narrative which seeks to explain the European Identity as a conception existing from “…before history was recorded to... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsIdentity politicsFederalism
The concept of asymmetric intergovernmentalism seeks to explain the nature of intergovernmental policymaking in the European Union (EU). This paper elaborates on the main characteristics and theoretical foundations of this conceptual... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean UnionIntegration Theory
Este artigo visa a demonstrar o instituto do direito de integração do Mercado Comum do Sul, assim como realizar, por meio do método comparativo, distinções entre o intergovernamentalismo do Mercosul e o supranacionalismo da União... more
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      International PoliticsRegionalismRegionalismoIntergovernmentalism
This project reflects on the ambivalence of the EU member states in their relationships with the new institutional arm of European diplomacy – the European External Action Service, headed by the High Representative. While trapped in... more
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      European StudiesSovereigntyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union