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Scholars increasingly investigate how the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) is contested and negotiated in practice. Yet little knowledge exists on the politics African regional interventions provoke in the societies affected... more
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      PeacebuildingAfrican UnionThe African Union Peace and Security ArchitectureECOWAS
A comprehensive analysis of the war in the Ethiopian region of Tigray. This builds on the work of Volume 1, published in June 2021 and takes the narrative about the war to December 2021. With a forward by the former New Zealand Prime... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesAfrican HistoryEuropean Foreign Policy
How do regional arrangements construct and respond to threat agendas, and to what extent can the existing literature on securitization theory help us understand this process? This article explores these questions by analyzing how the... more
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      African StudiesTerrorismHIV/AIDSSecuritization
L’intervention occidentale en Libye s’est faite au nom de la défense des valeurs « universelles ». Pour faire respecter ces valeurs, une « guerre humanitaire » a été menée sans prendre en considération une solution politique ou un... more
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      Humanitarian InterventionAfrican UnionKadhafiLibye
Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesEconomicsInternational Relations
Cours droit de l'Union africaine II (droit innovant et en évolution constante )
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      African StudiesAfrican UnionDroit Communautaire Africain
With the budget cuts to peace operations implemented last year and the prospect of even more reduction in resources, debates about UN peacekeeping effectiveness have intensified. One of the areas sorely in need of innovation is... more
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      United NationsPeacekeepingKenyaAfrican Union
K. Magliveras, “International Organisations and Denialism: The Case of the African Union” in H. Nelen, J.C.M. Willems & R. Moerland (eds.), Denialism and Human Rights, Intersentia, 2016, pages 267-284 See the edited volume at:... more
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      African StudiesPolitical ScienceAfrican UnionImpunity
So far, by touching the continent in a positive way and adopting a visionary approach resulted in Africa’s much appreciation for Turkey. While African students started preferring Turkey for their higher education under Turkey’s... more
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      African StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Foreign PolicyAfrican Union
En comparación con el viejo continente que había vivido las revoluciones políticas y las luchas religiosas -con sus efectos positivos y negativos- para cambiar el componente sociológico de la sociedad, y posibilitando así una nueva manera... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisIsrael/Palestine
« Là où sévissent de graves manquements au respect des droits humains, l'Union africaine (UA) doit être la première à condamner et à réagir rapidement conformément à la lettre et à l'esprit de l'Acte constitutif de l'Union et tous les... more
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      African StudiesInternational OrganisationsAfrican UnionInternational law, international relations, human rights law, international humanitarian law, international organisations, law and politics
Morocco’s joining the African Union in January 2017 rectified the empty-chair policy that led Rabat to withdraw from the Organization of African Unity in 1984 after full membership was extended to the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisAfricaMoroccoAfrican Union
Agriculture provides the main support for Zambia’s rural economy, and because of this, growth in the agricultural sector is the clearest avenue through which poverty reduction can be achieved in Zambia. Yet despite widespread recognition... more
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      EconomicsAgricultural DevelopmentFood PolicyRural Development
The end of the Cold War, the accelerating pace of globalization and the end of apartheid have combined to give momentum to the revival of regional and pan-African initiatives. The AU was created at the start of the new millennium, and... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesPan AfricanismRegional IntegrationAfrican Renaissance
THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF AFRICA UNION; Saturday, May 17, 1955- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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      EthiopiaAfrican UnionJulius NyerereKwame Nkrumah
The African Union (AU) has often used mediation as one of its key approaches in its efforts in conflict prevention. As a result, mediation has become a flagship initiative of the organisation, and is undertaken by various actors within... more
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsMediationConflict prevention and resolution
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationInternational DevelopmentUnited Nations
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      MediationAfrican UnionThe African Union Peace and Security ArchitectureCoup D`etats
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      Maritime SecurityAfrican UnionThe African Union Peace and Security Architecture
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      Regional IntegrationAfrican UnionSupranationalism
The African Union gate-keeping role as a regional organization is saddled with the responsibility to find effective solutions to problems inherent within the region. This manifest role as contained in the AU Constitutive Act and the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesAfricaAfrican UnionConflict in Libya
The aim of this article is to place the African Union’s (AU) membership admission approach within the context of the aspiration to deepen regional integration efforts in Africa. Put in more specific terms, to what extent should values... more
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      International LawRegional IntegrationAfrican UnionDemocracy and Good Governance
Référence: GUELDICH (H.), "L'Accord portant création de la zone de libre échange continentale africaine", in BEN ACHOUR (R.) et GUELDICH (H.), Intégration et régionalisme en Afrique: où en est l'Union africaine aujourd'hui?, Journée... more
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      Economic integrationAfrican UnionDroit International PublicRegional Economic Integration in Africa
Les mouvements migratoires africains, de plus en plus croissants, sont majoritairement intra-continentaux, et bien souvent régionaux. C’est pour cette raison que l’Union africaine, en coordination avec les organisations régionales, ont... more
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      Human RightsRefugee StudiesInternational SecuritySustainable Development
This paper, which provides a background to the discussion on the first decade of the PCRD framework, reflects on the institutional and normative underpinnings of the AU’s peacebuilding work and analyses the experiences of the AU’s... more
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      Post-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentAfrican Union
The Responsibility to Protect, or R2P, today finds itself invoked widely among international policy makers as well as academics,1 and Africa is the region with which it has been most closely identified. Edward Luck, special... more
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      Pan AfricanismAfrican Union
Le Code panafricain d’investissements, adopté fin 2016 par un comité d’experts de l’Union africaine, constitue un modèle intéressant de ces nouveaux textes internationaux visant à concilier le droit des investissements étrangers, le... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawSustainable DevelopmentInternational economic law
This chapter examines the relationship between the United Nations and regional organizations and its implications for the effectiveness, coherence, and impact of multidimensional peacekeeping. In particular, it considers the UN’s... more
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      NATOUnited NationsEuropean UnionPeacekeeping
This thesis assesses the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as it has played out in Nigeria. The APRM is an initiative by the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) to promote good governance through... more
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      Development StudiesCorporate GovernanceRegional and Local GovernanceRegional development
À partir de l’évolution de la configuration réticulaire des voies de communication terrestres transfrontalières, cette thèse propose une analyse historique du processus d’intégration régionale entre le Cameroun et les pays limitrophes... more
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      International RelationsCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Postcolonial StudiesTransport Logistics
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None of the borders shaping modern African countries have existed in the same guise prior to the Europeans' arrival. Especially starting from the nineteenth century, European powers increasingly deprived lands in Africa of their native... more
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      Border StudiesAfrican UnionBorders and FrontiersOrganization of African Unity
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    • African Union
South Africa’s voting behaviour on the UN Security Council should not be summed up as that of a rogue state supporting Council dissidents against the large nations and alliances. South African voting behaviour on the Security Council... more
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      United NationsIranAfrican UnionMyanmar
Since the revolution in modern telecommunications that followed the invention of the telegraph, telecommunication networks have provided channels for the fast delivery of communications across national borders. This transnational nature... more
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      African StudiesInternational LawTelecommunicationsUnited Nations
and Keywords The African Union (AU), an international organization comprising all 54 independent states in Africa and Western Sahara, was established in May 2001 to, among other things, promote regional integration, interstate solidarity,... more
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsAfrican UnionInternational and Regional Organization
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      FinanceAfrican UnionThe African Union Peace and Security ArchitectureDependency
Embracing ACIRC during the Golden Jubilee of the OAU/AU anchored on the theme "Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance" sounds as a historical endeavour for AU to give a new impetus and own its peace efforts across the continent.... more
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      AfricaAfrican UnionAfrican Standby ForceThe African Union Peace and Security Architecture
How do concepts emerge and change? This chapter investigates the concept of the 'blue economy'. The concept was originally proposed as an alternative to the 'green economy' and as a way of thinking innovation and sustainability. Over the... more
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      African StudiesOceanographyPractice theoryConceptual change
This article argues for a shift in researching African interventions: from a top-down study of African regional norms and institutions towards a view ‘from below’ on the actual practices of intervention and how they play out on the... more
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      African UnionAfrican Peace and Security ArchitectureECOWASInternational Interventions
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict PreventionPeacebuildingAfrican Union
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      European integrationLatin American politicsGlobal GovernanceEuropean Foreign Policy
Ethiopia, having all the assets [natural and human resources] the rest of Africa have, in addition to being a pioneer in cementing African unity and, forming and hosting the OAU (now AU), and it influence in shaping the African political... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesEuropean UnionSecurity isses in Horn of AfricaEthiopia
المقصود بالأزمة الليبية في هذه الورقة هو الاضطرابات وأعمال العنف التي تشهدها ليبيا وبخاصة بعد صراع الشرعيات بين المجلس الوطني الليبي المنتهية مدته والبرلمان الليبي الذي انتخب دون توافقات ما بين الداعين لانتخابه وأنصار المجلس الوطني الليبي... more
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      African StudiesLibyaAfrican UnionConflict in Libya
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      NkrumahAfrican UnionOrganization of African UnityA model of factors affecting the treatment of disabled individuals in organisations.
The Protection of Civilians (PoC) Military Reference Guide is a revision of the 2013 version published by the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. This version incorporates a modified framework and task set to be... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesUnited NationsPeacekeepingPeace Education
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationSouth African Politics and SocietyEuropean Foreign Policy
La responsabilité de protéger est devenue ces dernières années un enjeu central dans les relations internationales pour faire face aux crises politiques et aux conflits civils. Elle se fonde sur une interprétation de la souveraineté comme... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSovereigntyNATOAfrican Union
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      EthiopiaAfrican UnionEthiopian Legal HistoryMercato