Kalash Valley Myths. Kalash Culture
Recent papers in Kalash Valley Myths. Kalash Culture
The main purpose of this work is to provide a cartographic representation of the process of Islamization of the vast area of “Kafir” cultures and Indo-European languages here styled “Peristan”. This area once extended from present-day... more
Les Kalash du Pakistan sont un peuple dont la langue, la culture et la religion sont restés préservés au milieu d’un océan d’islamisme où les coutumes et traditions locales ont bien souvent été annihilées au dépend d’une observation... more
This study attempts to explore, investigate and analyse causes and consequences of the pliability of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which is showing the signs of disappearing on the eve of extremism in Pakistan particularly of the... more
This is the famous "Azar manuscript" bought in 1929 by Georg Morgenstierne in the Kati village of Bumburet valley, Chitral. Authored in 1908 by a young Kati, born a Kafir and recently converted to Islam, it contains a precious description... more
A synthetic report about a number of findings of historical, ethnographic and archaeological interest recorded by the author in various areas of Chitral District, Pakistan, during ethnographic fieldwork in 2006. The paper features 17... more
The Kalash, the Modern Greeks, and the Islamists ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά δημοσιευθεί την 24η Απριλίου 2019. Στο κείμενό του αυτό, ο κ.... more
I Kalasha sono un popolo ancora avvolto da un alone di mistero, che vive in territorio pakistano. Conosciuti in passato soprattutto con il nome di Kafiri (o Cafiri), sono legati ad un immaginario europeo che ancora rispecchia echi delle... more
The Kalasha dresses are the most conspicuous part of the Kalasha culture. The dresses are important in many ways: They are an important element of the Kalasha tribal and religious identity. They are of Growing economic significance... more
A landmark study on the now converted Kalasha of southern Chitral, who once lived outside the three well-known valleys of Bumburet, Rumbur and Birir. The survey was published in three Parts, respectively dedicated to the Eastern Area, the... more
This study attempts to explore, investigate and analyse causes and consequences of the pliability of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which is showing the signs of disappearing on the eve of extremism in Pakistan particularly of the... more
Cette réédition de l'ouvrage éponyme de 19901 paraît à l'occasion de l'exposition « Fêtes himalayennes, les derniers Kalash », organisée après que les auteurs du livre ont fait don de leur fonds d'archives au musée des... more
Cette réédition de l’ouvrage éponyme de 19901 paraît à l’occasion de l’exposition « Fêtes himalayennes, les derniers Kalash », organisée après que les auteurs du livre ont fait don de leur fonds d’archives au musée des... more