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This 736 page book with 2200 illustrations and images is the outcome of a project conducted between 2008 and 2012 in the Herat Museum in the frame of the German-Afghan Archaeological Research Missions, under the auspices of the Eurasia... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic ArtIslamic HistoryHistory of Afghanistan
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsAfghanistanAncient History of Afghanistan
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      AfghanistanHistory of AfghanistanAfghanistan Society and Politics
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      History of AfghanistanKushan historyKushan Empire
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      South Asian StudiesPakistanHistory of AfghanistanTaliban
Abstracts of Sikh Studies Journal has published a review of the book, Afghan Hindus & Sikhs History of a Thousand Years written by G.S. Khurana, retired Judge.
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      SikhismAfghanistanHistory of AfghanistanSikh Studies
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      AfghanistanHistory of AfghanistanAfghanistan Society and Politics
Afghanistan’s opium production has soared despite eradication efforts. This is partly due to a prolonged drought linked to climate change. But it is also due to the collapses of traditional irrigation systems and the social cohesion upon... more
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      HistoryGeographyAnthropologyDevelopment Studies
This book is now available in paperback and has been revised, updated along with a few minor corrections. It is available from all the usual outlets or from Reaktion Books website. In Australasia it is distributed by New South Wales... more
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      History of AfghanistanAfghanistan Society and PoliticsAnglo-Afghan WarsIndia Pakistan Afghanistan Relations
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      Cultural HeritageAfghanistanAncient Near EastHistory of Afghanistan
It is seen that Nadir Shah once enthroned as a king in 1148/1736 in Persia, added his own name to the coins. Four types of coins were produced by him during his twelve years rule of Persia. During the period of Ahmad Shah (Durrani) Abdali... more
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      Museum StudiesNumismaticsHistory of AfghanistanResearch
When Muhammad b. Tekesh became Khwarazmshah in 1200, he needed some years to consolidate his position. In the process, a tactics of winning over local power-holders is particularly striking. The paper gives some examples and a brief... more
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      Medieval HistoryIranian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesHistory of Iran
The Hazāras By Hassan Poladi Several American scholars have studied the Hazara culture and tradition, but the most important among them is a noted anthropologist, Dr, Robert L. Canfield. Professor Canfield lived among the Hazaras for... more
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      History of AfghanistanHazarasHazarahsHazara Refugees
Famous King of Kartli Giorgi XI (Shahnavaz II, Gorgin/Gurgin Khan) was destined to waste his own efforts, talents and his life for the Safavid Empire fighting to whom he had lost Kartli’s reign. In this letter we tried to express a modest... more
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      History of AfghanistanHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Safavid IranGeorgian-Persian Relations
More than 20 years after its initial report, Afghanistan submitted its second periodic report to the Committee against Torture (CAT) in 2016. While highlighting political and legal challenges as well as relevant legislation, the state... more
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      Human RightsHistory of AfghanistanPeace EducationPeace Research
Essay für ein Masterseminar an der Universität Potsdam im Wintersemester 2o21/22 über Afghanistans Geschichte
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      History of AfghanistanAfghanistan Society and PoliticsOpium
This history of modern Iran is not a survey in the conventional sense but an ambitious exploration of the story of a nation. It offers a revealing look at how events, people, and institutions are shaped by currents that sometimes reach... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranOttoman EmpireModern Middle East History
In the early 1970s we made more than 100 hours of tape recordings, as part of our ethnographic fieldwork among the Piruzai, Pashtun farmers and semi-nomadic pastoralists in northern Afghanistan. These village voices create a remarkable... more
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      EthnohistoryAnthropology of GenderAfghanistanOral history
This study aims to analyze the ethnic dilemma in the Pamir region, or Badakh Mountains of the Badakhshan region, that became the reason for the call of independence of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region from Tajikistan. This paper also... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsAfghanistanRace and Ethnicity
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      War StudiesAfghanistanPakistanHistory of Afghanistan
La guerre par le droit Les tribunaux Taliban en Afghanistan E t si les Taliban, aux capacités militaires et technologiques bien inférieures à celles des armées occidentales, avaient gagné la guerre par le droit ? Tandis que la coalition... more
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      International LawCourtsLegal AnthropologyWar Studies
The question of legality of the Durand Line is not much of an interest for the international political and academic community. Most of the Global Powers readily buy Pakistan’s legal argument and agree that the Durand Line is a sacrosanct... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawLegal History
Во второй половине 1918 г. Туркестанская советская республика, отрезанная от Центральной части России белогвардейскими войсками в силу своего важного стратегического положения, оказалась в поле внимания Дели и Лондона, с одной стороны, и... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHistory of AfghanistanRussian Civil WarTurkistan
The British Government of India took a decision in 1838 to relinquish the Afghan ruler Dost Muhammad Khan, whom he claimed to be approaching Russia and Iran, and to return Shah Sjuha, the ex-emperor Shah, who was in exile, to the throne.... more
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    • History of Afghanistan
En 1989, las últimas tropas soviéticas cruzaron, sin muchos honores, la frontera entre Afganistán y la URSS, de vuelta a sus hogares. Esta es la historia de cómo vivieron y murieron, de cómo lucharon, y de cómo lucharon sus oponentes.... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)AfghanistanHistory of the USSR
This book offers a new Persian edition and the first English translation of the Ibrat-afza, the memoirs of Hasan Ali Shah, the 46th Imam of the Nizari Ismailis and the first Ismaili Imam to bear the title of Aga Khan. The Ibrat-afza was... more
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      History of IndiaIndian studiesIranian StudiesAfghanistan
During Cold War era, the US supported the armed groups in Afghanistan in terms of training and ammunition against the Soviet Union by fuelling Islamic jihadism. After failed invasion of Soviet Union, the US withdrew completely leaving the... more
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      AfghanistanHistory of AfghanistanTalibanAfghanistan's history
this chapter assesses the enduring structural features of Afghanistan's chronic instability. Many of Afghanistan's problems are deeply rooted in the country's history such as its underdevelopment, weak ability to raise revenue and... more
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      AfghanistanInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)History of AfghanistanCounterinsurgency
Sandy Gall’s biography of Ahmad Shah Massoud arrived in bookshops just as the humiliating events of August 2021 unfolded. It was Massoud’s assassination by Al Qa'ida just two days before 9/11which deprived Afghanistan of its most skilful... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorism
Abstract The Bala Hissar was the royal, military and administrative heart of Kabul for a significant period before it was occupied by British forces during the first two Anglo-Afghan wars in the nineteenth century. Despite its... more
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      AfghanistanAncient History of AfghanistanConflict ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Management
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      AestheticsLiterature and cinemaCritical Race TheoryAfghanistan
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      HistoryArtAfghanistanBritish Empire
The Islamic world produced some of the greatest minds of the Middle Ages, including a number of remarkable female scholars. Arezou Azad examines who these women were and why their place in history has been neglected.
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      Islamic EducationIslamic HistoryHistory of AfghanistanWomen and Gender Studies
This 2005 article discusses the value of the Guy Liddell diaries, 1939-45. Liddell dictated these as a kind of rolling aide memoire. One part of the question posed at the conclusion of the artlcle - whether he continued the practice in... more
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      Irish PoliticsHistory of AfghanistanBritish IndiaNorthern Ireland and the Troubles
This article investigates the intellectual production of the celebrated scholar Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1210) during the decade or so he spent in the service of the Ghūrid sultans, from ca. 591/1195 to 602/1206. Operating exclusively... more
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      AfghanistanIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Studies
In Search of Peace for Afghanistan is a collection of twenty-two essays on war and peace making in contemporary Afghanistan. The volume is inspired by the discovery in 2019 of three historical letters of President Najibullah and historian... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHistory of AfghanistanPeace NegotiationAfghanistan War
The forgotten people of India who were enslaved by Islamic marauders. This paper connects their historicity with the use of genetic studies.
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      History of IndiaGypsy AnthropologyIslamic HistoryHistory of Afghanistan
We found totally 1020 word with common meaning and pronouncing in Bulgarian and Hindi; ancient Bulgarian ethnonims in India; and names of Vedic gods in Bulgarian language and family names. We found 328 word with both similar meaning and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
The presence of Iranian émigrés in the Durrani Empire has garnered minimal attention, even though the formation of the polity by Ahmad Shah Durr-i Durran (r. 1747–72) was accompanied by a steady rise in Iranian migrations to the Durrani... more
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      South Asian StudiesIranian StudiesAfghanistanSouth Asia
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      Gender StudiesImmigrationWomen's RightsGender and Sexuality
Theories on the Iranian Theater History often name the Seleucid Amphitheaters as evidences on existence of Theatrical Traditions in Ancient Iran. But the archeological findings are largely ignored by researchers, who worked on this... more
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      Middle East StudiesIraqi HistoryIranian ArchaeologyIranian Studies
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      Persian LanguageHistory of Afghanistan
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      AfghanistanSufismHistory of AfghanistanIsmailism
The work led by the Soviet-Afghan Mission directed by I. T. Kruglikova from 1969 to 1979 in northern Afghanistan, and especially the excavations made by V. I. Sarianidi, remains until today the base of any research on Iron Age in Central... more
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      AfghanistanAncient History of AfghanistanBactria (Archaeology)History of Afghanistan
It is known to very few, that five hundred years ago, before the arrival of the Mughals, the demographics of the northern regions comprising Pakistan were much different. There existed a substantial and well established Tajik (Persian)... more
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      HistoryForensic AnthropologyPopulation GeneticsIranian History
Книга представляет собой первую в постсоветской историографии попытку изучения истории среднеазиатской эмиграции советского и пост-советского периодов. Основное внимание уделено почти миллионной массе таджиков, узбеков, туркменов,... more
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      HistorySoviet HistoryInternational MigrationIslamic History
According to local lore, modern day Pashtuns assert with a certain justification that they originally came from the Sulaymān mountain area in the Afghan-Pakistani border land, east of Kandahār. For this reason any reference of the name... more
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      Iranian StudiesAncient History of AfghanistanIranian HistoryHistory of Afghanistan
The Shansabānid dynasty of Ghūr (ca. 545–612/1150–1216) emerged from the mountains of Afghanistan to become a world power stretching from the Oxus River in Central Asia to the Ganges delta in Bengal. This study seeks to answer a central... more
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      AfghanistanHistory of IranCentral Asia (History)Seljuks (Islamic History)
The main purpose of this work is to provide a cartographic representation of the process of Islamization of the vast area of “Kafir” cultures and Indo-European languages here styled “Peristan”. This area once extended from present-day... more
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      EthnohistorySoutheast Asian StudiesEthnographyPolitical Anthropology