K'iche'an Mayan Languages and Cultures
Recent papers in K'iche'an Mayan Languages and Cultures
Some Poqomchi' Mayan communities in Guatemala actually practice traditional offering ceremonies. Through the mediation of a ritual specialist, they provide humans with an opportunity to submit requests to divine authorities for something... more
This dissertation describes two related phenomena in the syntax and semantics of K’ichee’ (Mayan), concentrating on the variety spoken in and around Nahualá. The first phenomenon is focus, the special discourse status granted to... more
This paper draws on anthropological linguistics and food studies to examine how K'iche' Maya foodways are elucidated by the study of interactions between language and the materiality of food. The meaning and symbolism of food emerge from... more
Texto en español.
Día del calendario Maya.
Día del calendario Maya.
This paper discusses the semantic domain of irreality and the grammatical means of its expression in Q'eqchi', a Mayan language from Guatemala. Three morphosyntactic devices are examined in detail: the prefix t- from the tense/aspect/mood... more
English text.
A day in the Mayan calendar.
A day in the Mayan calendar.
Sexual encounters have received little attention in previous studies of the Popol Vuh. This article is a study of sexual connotations conveyed through figures of speech in four passages of the k’iche’ text. The figures of speech include... more
El libro “El espíritu del cerro” es una colección de cuentos de la tradición oral Poqomchi’ que fueron narrados por hablantes nativos de este idioma. El Poqomchi’ es un idioma maya que pertenece al subgrupo k’icheano y que se habla en... more
Ensayo sobre ese libro por Luis Enrique Sam Colop, en diez columnas en el diario impreso Prensa Libre (Guatemala) entre marzo y abril de 2006. Columnas compiladas por Popol Mayab' para el blog de Ucha'xik.
[English translation of: Matsumoto, Mallory E. 2015 La estela de Iximche' en el contexto de la revitalización lingüística y la recuperación jeroglífica en las comunidades mayas de Guatemala. Estudios de Cultura Maya 45:225-258. Please do... more
Guatemala es un pais de aproximadamente 7.5 millones de habitantes, de los cuales por lo menos el 70% posee como idioma materno una de las lenguas de origen "indoamericano" Sin embargo, el idioma oficial es el español y en el se escriben... more
Pre-Hispanic America's most celebrated literary monument, the Popol Wuj, was written in the 1550s, although our only copy is an early-eighteenth-century text by the Dominican friar Francisco Ximénez. We lack direct information about the... more
In this paper I explore the phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax, and the social situation of the Mayan Kaqchikel Language. I've tried to standardize sound inventories for appropriate contrasts across all dialects. Kaqchikel is spoken in... more
The December 13, 1977 New York Times article by Laurie Johnson giving a brief history on the whereabouts of the Grolier Codex since its exhibition at the Grolier Club in New York City in 1971. This article has been posted on... more
En este trabajo se examina la relación entre la tradición oral y las repre-sentaciones de la historia y la coyuntura social entre los k'iche's del altiplano de Guatemala. Se muestra que la tradición oral consta de una gran diversidad de... more
Based on the study of the recent development of the K'iche' Facebook platform and Microsoft Windows' K'iche' version, I discuss the conflict between Western and Maya language ideologies embodied in current translation practices in... more
Informe presented to the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture for the 2004 field season at Chocolá, Guatemala
INTRODUCCIÓN A LA TESIS. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es indagar en la relación que tenían los eventos de nacimiento, toma de poder y muerte de los gobernantes de la ciudad clásica de Palenque con determinadas fechas de la cuenta... more
In this language we have a lot more than Montgomery says. This language was spoken for many thousand years before it was written and the writing system that we can follow in its evolution must have taken millennia to become fully... more
Since the first serious attempts to reconstruct the history of the Postclassic Highland Maya of Guatemala, scholars have located their origins at the Gulf Coast (Carmack 1981, Fox 1987). In this view Maya groups like K’iche’, Kaqchikel or... more
Drawing on modern ethnography, scholars often characterize ancient Maya religion as "covenants" involving human beings generating merit through ritual activity in order to repay a primordial debt to the gods. However, models based on... more
Very little is known about the mass murders committed in the 1980s in Guatemala against the Maya people; even worse, the main perpetrators, including Efraín Ríos Montt, have escaped justice. Some sequences of these massacres, clearly... more
Rewriting Maya Religion examines the earliest religious documents composed by missionaries and native authors in the Americas, including a reconstruction of the first original, explicit Christian theology written in the Americas—the... more
Los avances en el estudio de la escritura jeroglífica maya constituyen un componente dinámico del movimiento maya en Guatemala y ofrecen una gran oportunidad de observar la recuperación de una escritura dormida. Este estudio analiza el... more
Este artículo presenta una investigación del estado actual del bilingüismo k'iche'-español y las actitudes hacia ello en dos municipios guatemaltecos: uno ubicado cerca de un centro urbano de habla hispana y otro más alejado. El análisis... more
Research on documents composed by Maya communities during the mid-sixteenth to seventeenth centuries has been largely limited to basic transcriptions, translations, and ethnohistorical analysis, particularly for those whose textual... more