Kinetic Monte Carlo
Recent papers in Kinetic Monte Carlo
The problem of plasma-wall interaction requires multiscale methods (molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo) for both the material and the plasma. One possible concept for such multiscale modelling is presented, including validation... more
We present a kinetic Monte Carlo model for boron diffusion, clustering and activation in i o n implanted silicon. The input to the model is based on a combination o f experimental data and ab i n i t i o calculations. The model shows that... more
The authors investigate quantitatively the self-organization of step bunching instability during epitaxy of Si on vicinal Si(001). They show that growth instability evolution can be fitted by power laws L~tα and A~tβ (where L is the... more
The efficiency of different technological processes where nanoporous carbons are used depends on their storage capacity and an appropriate gas transport. Different experimental and theoretical works that relate storage to global... more
The microscopic spatial kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method has been employed extensively in materials modeling. In this review paper, we focus on different traditional and multiscale KMC algorithms, challenges associated with their... more
We present an algorithm for the simulation of vicinal surface growth. It combines a lattice gas anisotropic Ising model with a phase-field model. The molecular behavior of individual adatoms is described by the lattice gas model. The... more
The reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels used in current nuclear power plants embrittle as a consequence of the continuous irradiation with neutrons. Among other radiation effects, the experimentally observed formation of copper-rich... more
Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived synthesis gas to ethanol and other C2+ oxygenates has received considerable attention recently due to the strong demands for alternative, renewable energy sources. Combining experimental... more
The growth of hydrocarbon molecules up to sizes of incipient soot is computed in premixed laminar flames using kinetic Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic methodologies (AMPI code). This approach is designed to preserve atomistic scale... more
We present here a summary of some recent techniques used for atomistic studies of thin film growth and morphological evolution. Specific attention is given to a new kinetic Monte Carlo technique in which the usage of unique labeling... more
A hybrid algorithm that combines a phase-field model and a lattice gas model evolving according to a kinetic Monte-Carlo (KMC) simulation scheme is used to investigate the dynamics of vicinal surface growth during vapor phase epitaxy. The... more
The coupling of a new radiation transport (RT) solver with an existing multimaterial fluid dynamics code (ARWEN) using Adaptive Mesh Refinement named DAFNE, has been completed. In addition, improvements were made to ARWEN in order to work... more
This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since changes may be made before publication, this preprint is made available with the understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the... more
Vacancy migration energies as functions of the local atomic configuration (LAC) in Fe-Cu alloys have been systematically tabulated using an appropriate interatomic potential for the alloy of interest. Subsets of these tabulations have... more
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a popular growth method, which has been successfully used for fabricating thin films. Compared to continuous deposition (like molecular beam epitaxy) the pulse intensity can be used as an additional... more
Atoms and molecules adsorbed on metals affect each other indirectly even over considerable distances. Via systematic density-functional calculations, we establish the nature and strength of such interactions, and explain for what... more
We present some recent applications of the atomistic diffusion model and of the kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithm to systems of industrial interest, i.e. Al-Zr-Sc and Fe-Nb-C alloys, or to model systems. These applications include study... more
This paper reviews our recent studies of the fundamentals of growth morphology evolution in Pulsed Laser Deposition in two prototypical growth modes: metal-oninsulator island growth and semiconductor homoepitaxy. By comparing morphology... more
We present here a summary of some recent techniques used for atomistic studies of thin film growth and morphological evolution. Specific attention is given to a new kinetic Monte Carlo technique in which the usage of unique labeling... more
Nanoscience is an area with increasing interest both in the physicochemical phenomena involved and the potential applications such as silicon carbide films, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, MEMS etc. These materials exhibit very... more
Simulations of displacement cascade annealing were carried out using object kinetic Monte Carlo based on an extensive MD database including various primary knock-on atom energies and directions. The sensitivity of the results to a broad... more
ABSTRACT An atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC) method has been applied to study the stability and mobility of copper–vacancy clusters in Fe. This information, which cannot be obtained directly from experimental measurements, is needed... more
The kinetic Monte Carlo method and its variants are powerful tools for modeling materials at the mesoscale, meaning at length and time scales in between the atomic and continuum. We have completed a 3 year LDRD project with the goal of... more
Groups of displacement cascades calculated independently with different simulation models and computer codes are compared on a statistical basis. The parameters used for this comparison are the number of Frenkel pairs (FP) produced, the... more
Changes in microstructure and mechanical properties of nuclear materials are governed by the kinetics of defects produced by irradiation. The population of vacancies, interstitials and their clusters can however be followed only... more
We introduce a discrete event kinetic Monte Carlo ( KMC ) simulation program that is capable of reproducing thermal desorption data. The KMC program is suitable for the analysis of both, desorption in 2D quasi-equilibrium and desorption... more
Recently there has been interest in developing efficient ways to model heterogeneous surface reactions with hybrid computational models that couple a kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) model for a surface to a finite-difference model for bulk... more
This paper gives a summary of basic concepts of density-functional theory (DFT) and its use in state-of-the-art computations of complex processes in condensed matter physics and materials science. In particular we discuss how microscopic... more
Cement hydration kinetics is a complex problem involving dissolution, nucleation and growth and is still not well understood, particularly in a quantitative way. While cement systems are unique in certain aspects, they are also comparable... more
We present a novel application of the Zobrist hashing method, known in the computer chess literature, to simulation of diffusional phase transformations in metal alloys. A history of previously visited states can be easily maintained,... more
We present a detailed description of the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (k-ART), an off-lattice, self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithm with on-the-fly event search. Combining a topological classification for local... more
We have developed a two-band model of Fe-Cr, fitted to properties of the ferro-magnetic alloy. Fitting many-body functionals to the calculated mixing enthalpy of the alloy and the mixed interstitial binding energy in iron, our potential... more
The influence of a static scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip on the diffusion of xenon atoms adsorbed on a Cu(1 1 0) stepped surface is studied. Semi-empirical potentials for the Xe-surface interaction and a N-body energy based... more
The surface diffusion of Cu adatoms in the presence of an adisland at FCC or HCP sites on Cu(111) is studied using the EAM potential derived by Mishin et al. (Phys. Rev. B 63 224106 (2001)). The diffusion rates along straight (with... more
The EAM potential set up by Mishin et al. [Phys. Rev. B 63 224106 (2001)] is used to study some elementary processes in the homoepitaxy of Cu on Cu͑111͒. After having checked its ability to reproduce surface physical quantities, this... more
Low energy (<100 keV) helium implantation of tungsten has been shown to result in the formation of unusual surface morphologies over a large temperature range (700-2100 °C). Simulation of these macroscopic phenomena requires a multiscale... more
The selective deposition of GaAs and InP was investigated using a multiscale approach. Local gas phase composition, temperature, and flow fields were calculated solving mass, energy and momentum conservation equations at the reactor scale... more
In studies of island nucleation and growth, the distribution of capture zones, essentially proximity cells, can give more insight than island-size distributions. In contrast to the complicated expressions, ad hoc or derived from rate... more
Recent advances in analytical and computational modelling frameworks to describe the mechanics of materials on scales ranging from the atomistic, through the microstructure or transitional, and up to the continuum are reviewed. It is... more
An accelerated atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) approach for evolving complex atomistic structures has been developed. The method incorporates on-the-fly calculations of transition states (TSs) with a scheme for defining active volumes... more
We present results from kinetic Monte Carlo ͑KMC͒ simulations of diffusion in a model glass former. We find that the diffusion constants obtained from KMC simulations have Arrhenius temperature dependence, while the correct behavior,... more
An extension of the synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo (pkMC) algorithm developed by Martinez et al [J. Comp. Phys. 227 (2008) 3804] to discrete lattices is presented. The method solves the master equation synchronously by recourse... more