Kleopatra VII
Recent papers in Kleopatra VII
The main aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the socio-political similarities between the Amarna and Hellenistic periods have had a (partially) similar impact on the portrait sculptures that emerged from each period. Despite... more
Now in paperback: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-courts-and-elites-in-the-hellenistic-empires.html. During the Hellenistic Period (c. 330-30 BCE), Alexander the Great and his successors reshaped their Persian and... more
By comparing the plaster casts of the two portraits of Cleopatra VII in the Vatican and in Berlin, we can deduce information on the quality, dating and reconstruction of both marbles. Presumably, they were sculpted during the Caesarian... more
In 48 BCE a fateful event took place when Cleopatra, the ruler of one of the last more or less independent realms in the Eastern Mediterranean, and Iulius Caesar, the ambitious Roman, met in Alexandria. Both were representatives of... more
This paper, written for a volume dedicated to client kingdoms in the Roman Near East, focuses on the Hellenistic background of the Roman system of client kingdoms. It is argued that the Roman system was essentially an adaptation of the... more
Geus, Klaus; Günther, Sven; Sørensen, Søren Lund: Serer im Carmen de bello Actiaco. In: Marburger Beiträge zur Antiken Handels-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 39 (2021), 149–158.
If you want the book as pdf, please send me an email or message. Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes Caesarion veranlasste Kleopatra VII. in der oberägyptischen Stadt Hermonthis den Bau und die Dekoration eines prachtvollen Geburtshauses, das... more
Auf der Suche nach der Wirklichkeit - Realismen in der griechischen Plastik
Rođena sam kao žena, ali sam delima dokazala da nisam nimalo slabija od najboljih među muškarcima. (Polijen, Stratageme, VIII, 26) Oduvek su muškarci odlučivali o ratu, miru i odbrani zajednice. Pokušaji žena da zađu u taj isključivo... more
Publication of a Demotic account by the undertakers of the village of Hawara, written in 30 BC.
Tarixdə az-az simalar ola bilər ki, onun qədər nifrətə tuş gəlsin. Ona yönəlmiş ittihamların heç biri kimsəyə qeyri-adi görünmür və tarixçilər də dedi-qoduları fakt kimi yazırlar". Bu fikir müasir biblioqraflardan birinə məxsusdur. Şərqlə... more
Baroque opera is entirely plurimedial. Like no other medium, it offers unique possibilities to create, transform and reinterpret common historical images and figures, using different but closely intertwined semantic levels (drama, music,... more
By comparing the plaster casts of the two portraits of Cleopatra VII in the Vatican and in Berlin, we can deduce information on the quality, dating and reconstruction of both marbles. Presumably, they were sculpted during the Caesarian... more
Until the twentieth century, there has been no period in history in which women were so powerful in monarchical states on so regular a basis as the Hellenistic period: Olympias, Arsinoe Philadelphus, Laodice, Cleopatra Thea, Cleopatra... more
Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes Ptolemaios XV. Caesar (Caesarion) ließ Kleopatra VII. bei der oberägyptischen Stadt Hermonthis ein prachtvolles Geburtshaus (Mammisi) errichten, das der Sonnengöttin Rat-taui und dem Kindgott Harpre geweiht... more
Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes Ptolemaios XV. Caesar (Caesarion) ließ Kleopatra VII. bei der oberägyptischen Stadt Hermonthis ein prachtvolles Geburtshaus (Mammisi) errichten, das der Sonnengöttin Rat-taui und dem Kindgott Harpre geweiht... more
Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes Ptolemaios XV. Caesar (Caesarion) ließ Kleopatra VII. bei der oberägyptischen Stadt Hermonthis ein prachtvolles Geburtshaus (Mammisi) errichten, das der Sonnengöttin Rat-taui und dem Kindgott Harpre geweiht... more
Autorka analizuje wybrane dzieła autorów tworzących w Europie w XIX wieku przedstawiające królową Kleopatrę VII, żeby pokazać, że ówczesne portrety władczyni stały się nadal aktualnym a zdeformowanym obrazem tej starożytnej postaci... more