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Much attention has been given to the challenge posed by the covid-19 pandemic to people’s health, to public health systems and to the global economy. Insufficient attention has been given to the challenge posed by the 2019 novel... more
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      Israel StudiesSociology of RiskLegislative PoliticsParliamentary Studies
Est-il légitime de comparer le sort dramatique des Ukrainiens à celui des Juifs victimes de la Shoah ? Parmi les nombreuses réactions juives, peinées ou courroucées, au discours adressé le 20 mars 2022, par le président ukrainien W.... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisShoahKnessetCOMPARAISONS
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      ReligionLawConstitutional LawPolitical Science
On 21 May 2013, I was bestowed the Heart at East Lifetime Achievement Plaque in Tel Aviv's Cinematheque. “Heart at East” is a coalition of 20 NGOs dedicated to promote community consciousness as it exposes and defies Israel’s folkloric... more
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      Ethnic StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalismSocial Anthropology
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalism
Millet Meclisi, bir ülkenin sosyolojik yapısının aynasıdır. Seçimlerde vatandaşlar, kendilerini temsil edenleri seçmek için oy kullanırlar. Barajın düşük olması, toplumun geniş kitlelerine yayılma imkanı bulmamış gruplar için temsil... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceIsrael/PalestineIsrael
סקר בציבור הערבי מצביע על מצוקה כלכלית קשה בעקבות משבר הקורונה, רצון בהקמתה של מפלגה ערבית-יהודית חדשה, חילוקי דעות ביחס לתפקודם של חברי הכנסת מהרשימה המשותפת, צפי לשיעור הצבעה לא גבוה (55.6%) בבחירות הבאות, שביעות רצון רבה מתוצאות... more
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      LGBT IssuesArabian GulfElections and Voting BehaviorPalestinians in Israel
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      Political ScienceElectionsIsraelElectoral Studies
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      Political ScienceFunctionalismSocialismHegemony
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      Israel StudiesMemory StudiesHolocaust StudiesArmenian History
המאמר בוחן את דפוסי הצבעת הדרוזים לכנסת ה-20, ה--21 וה-22. המחקר השוואתי ובוחן את מניעי ההצבעה והתפלגותה לפי מפלגות ויישובים
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      ElectionsMinorities in TurkeyKnowledge Representation and ReasoningDruzes
This article presents the findings of an extensive multi-method empirical study that explored the relationship between temporary legislation, better regulation, and experimentalist governance. Temporary (or “sunset”) legislation,... more
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      Legislative PoliticsBetter RegulationParliamentary StudiesLegislatures
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      Israel StudiesParty SwitchingAnti Defection LawKnesset
El pasado 11 de diciembre la Knéset aprobaba –por segunda vez en 2019– su autodisolución. Ni las elecciones celebradas en abril, ni las celebradas en septiembre han servido para conformar una mayoría suficiente (61 diputados) sobre la que... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesParliamentary StudiesNetanyahu
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      Political PartiesElectionsArab citizens IsraelKnesset
Israel's party system has been characterized by the bipolar rivalry between the left-wing and right-wing blocks since the late 1970s. In recent years we could have seen at least two trends that seem to diverge from this model. For the... more
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      Political ScienceIsrael/PalestineIsraelBenjamin Netanyahu
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      ReligionConstitutional LawInternational LawIsrael
This Article explores the "law of lawmaking" – the body of rules that govern the legislative process in Parliament. It argues that this body of law, which received very little attention in legal scholarship, has great practical and... more
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      Judicial reviewParliamentary StudiesLegislaturesLegislative Studies
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      IsraelJudaismoHaredimOriente Médio
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      Israel StudiesReligion and PoliticsCognitive DissonanceKabbalah
Expected Arab voter turnout – 59.7% • The Joint List (Hadash-Balad-Ta’al) will receive 8.3 seats from the Arab community while the United Arab List (Ra’am) will receive 4 and the Likud will receive 1.6 • The most qualified candidate for... more
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      PoliticsElectionsArab citizens IsraelKnesset
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      Yad VashemThe Hebrew UniversityGenius lociMonumental Architecture
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      Israel StudiesParty SwitchingAnti Defection LawKnesset
La victoria de Benjamín Netanyahu le brindará la posibilidad de hacerse con la cuarta gestión como Primer Ministro del país; el tercero de forma consecutiva, si cumple el período completo de 4 años le ganará en tiempo a David Ben Gurión... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael/PalestineNetanyahuKnesset
In its six sections, this Article examines the role of Speakers, the nexus between their many duties and powers, possible points of conflict among their different duties, as well as the connection between their official duties and... more
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      Constitutional LawIsrael StudiesParliamentary StudiesKnesset
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      TalmudBaruch SpinozaAmos OzRuth Calderon
תקציר בעברית: מאמר זה עוסק ב"דיני החקיקה" מערכת הדינים אשר מסדירים את הליך חקיקתו של —חוק בפרלמנט. המאמר טוען שלדינים אלו, אשר זכו למעט מאד תשומת לב במחקר המשפטי, חשיבות פרקטית ונורמטיבית רבה. המאמר מבקש לפתח את החשיבה התיאורטית... more
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      Political ScienceJudicial reviewLegislaturesLegislative Studies
Between 2009 and 2015, three early parliamentary elections have been held in Israel, which have led Likud party with Binjamin Netanyahu as the leader to the power. The role of this article is to analyze the election campaigns in these... more
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      European StudiesIsrael StudiesPolitical ScienceEuropean Union
A survey of Israel’s Arab community reveals severe economic distress as a result of the Corona crisis; a desire to see the creation of a new Arab-Jewish party; divisions of opinion with regard to the performance of the MKs in the Joint... more
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      LGBT IssuesElections and Voting BehaviorPalestinians in IsraelKnesset
Kategoria demokracji ma niewątpliwie wieloaspektowy oraz kompleksowy charakter. Nie zagłębiając się w jej teoretyczne zawiłości, przyjmujemy, iż interesować nas będzie zarówno wymiar proceduralny (instytucje i mechanizmy sprawowania... more
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      Political PartiesForeign Policy AnalysisIsrael StudiesDemocracy
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      Welfare StatePovertyHousingHegemony
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      Welfare StatePovertyIsraelMilitary