Landscape and Culture
Recent papers in Landscape and Culture
This paper draws on articles published in the New Zealand Herald between 1914 and 1933 by the writer and journalist Elsie K. Morton to demonstrate how nostalgia for childhood experiences in the forest, or the bush, as it is labelled... more
Gennem årene er der indkommet mange fund fra bronzealderen i Blistrup sogn i Nordøstsjælland, hvor de mange gravhøje stadig sætter deres monumentale præg på landskabet. Sognet ligger helt ud til Kattegatkysten, og det er mod land... more
Oplà 2016 raccoglie i contributi, le riflessioni e i progetti più significativi presentati alla terza edizione di OPEN SESSION ON LANDSCAPE, il ciclo di seminari internazionali promosso dal curriculum in Architettura del Paesaggio del... more
In the wake of the much discussed phenomenon of so-called ‘Nordic Noir’, the significance of landscape in relation to the police procedural has had something of a small-screen renaissance. In this paper, I discuss this with specific... more
Preservation of existing cultural heritage and the need for new facilities is a struggle that characterizes the development of a city. In Denpasar City, Bali Province there is a Subak cultural landscape in the form of an agricultural... more
Herkese açık konuşma ve soru-cevap - 13. İstanbul Bienali / Open lecture - 13. İstanbul Biennale Bahçeler politik anlamlar taşıyan ve politik gücün ortaya konulmasına olanak sağlayan mekanlardır. İstanbul bahçeleri yüzyıllar boyunca... more
Trees are living monument of nature and worshipping them is probably the oldest form of religion, documented in ancient societies all over the World, because of their shear magnificence, antiquity and benefits to humankind on earth. The... more
Марина ГРИМИЧ УКРАЇНСЬКЕ ЖИТТЯ ПІД ПІНЬОРАМИ Культурний ландшафт українських колоній Бразилії ЗМІСТ ВСТУП: МЕТОДИКА ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ КУЛЬТУРИ АГРАРНИХ МІГРАЦІЙ А. Специфіка дослідження аграрних міграцій Б. Тюнінг: прості способи... more