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J. Pope, "The Historicity of Pediese, Son of Ankhsheshonq," Revue d'Égyptologie 66 (2015), 199-225 and pls. XVIII-XXV. Nous publions ici la statue Stockholm NME 81 qui appartenait à un homme nommé Padiaset, fils d'Ânkhchechonq, prêtre de... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyDemoticNubian-Egyptian Relations
Publication of the stela of Seshen-Nefertem, dated to the end of XXX dynasty or to the beginning of the Ptolemaic Period. The stele, found in the tomb of Sheshonq (Dyn. XXVI), high steward of the god's wife, in the Asasif (TT 27), bears... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyLate PeriodSaite Period
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyThird Intermediate PeriodLate PeriodPtolemaic Period
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyKushLate Period
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      EgyptologyBorder StudiesLate PeriodSaite Period
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      Late PeriodHatshepsutThutmose IIIProcession
The article features the results of a study of the late period of the Ananyino cultural and historical region (ACHR), outlines the range of monuments dating back to this historical period, and substantiates their chronological sequence.... more
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      ArchaeologyLate PeriodEarly Iron AgeChronology
In der ersten Hälfte des 7. Jahrhunderts v.u.Z. ließ sich Monthemhet, Vierter Gottesdiener des Amun in Karnak und Bür­ger­meister von Theben, seine Grabanlage im nördlichen ʿAsāsīf auf dem Westufer der Stadt errichten. Es entstand eines... more
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      EgyptologyFunerary Belief (Egyptology)Late PeriodBook of the Dead
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      Cultural Transfer StudiesEgyptLate PeriodFigurines
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptologyRitual and Performance (Egyptology)
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyLate PeriodSaqqara
Presentamos los primeros resultados sobre la naturaleza de los pigmentos utilizados en la decoración de las diferentes manifestaciones cerámicas de la Tambería de Guandacol, oeste de la Provincia de La Rioja. La muestra analizada,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyArchaeometry
This paper highlights several issues regarding the Kushite presence in Twenty-fifth Dynasty Thebes. The Nubian influence in the iconography of the chapel of Osiris Heqa-Djet is discussed, as well as problems related to the identification... more
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      EgyptologyWomen's HistoryEgyptian ArchaeologyLate Period
More than 30 years after of the publication of Le Geste et la Parole, Leroi-Gourhan´s theoretical and methodological approach still continues enriching the debate on technological studies in archaeology, especially related to the chaîne... more
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      Late PeriodNorthwestern ArgentinaArchaeology southern AndesChaîne Opératoire
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyLate Period
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian ArchaeologyThird Intermediate PeriodLate Period
A small group of portable cult objects, furniture and minor architectural models and fragments were found in Naukratis, most of them from Greek and possibly Egyptian sanctuaries as well as Egyptian houses. They are treated in four... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionGraeco-Roman EgyptAncient Greek ReligionPhoenician Punic Archaeology
This paper is a revised version of a study of three Akhmimic coffins belonging to the Buffalo Museum of Science. The original study was performed in 1996 and is on file at the Museum. The coffins in question are BMS 654.137, a... more
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      EgyptologyLate PeriodAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian Magical Texts
Im Frühjahr 1969 wurde bei Ausgrabungen der Universität Bonn unter Leitung von Elmar Edel auf der Qubbet el-Hawa ein außergewöhnliches Depot mit Materialien einer antiken Gusswerkstatt gefunden. Im Zuge der Fundteilung gelangten die... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyMaterials ScienceComputed Tomography
This work presents the historic phenomenon of the employment of Greek and Carian mercenaries in Egypt under the Saite Dynasty, from a perspective unifying the Egyptian and Oriental sources and the Greek ones, since until now this topic... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian HistoryArchaic Greek historyLate Period
Nel V secolo a.C., Erodoto menzionava nelle sue Storie l’esistenza a Menfi del famoso Τυρίων στρατόπεδον, un quartiere abitato da genti originarie della città di Tiro, in cui sorgeva un tempio dedicato ad Afrodite straniera. Nonostante la... more
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      PhoeniciansAncient Mediterranean ReligionsPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyThird Intermediate Period
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      EgyptologyEgyptian religionEgyptian Ritual TextsEgyptian Texts
In 2016 the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences resumed the work of the Russian Archaeological Mission to Kom Tuman (Memphis). This season the work of the mission was mainly focused on studying the workshop... more
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      Ptolemaic Egyptian HistoryLate PeriodPtolemaic EgyptMemphis
Après la guerre civile qui a précipité la fin du Nouvel Empire, la Troisième Période intermédiaire (XXIe-XXIVe dynasties) est marquée par une crise économique, politique et morale. Deux pôles politiques, économiques et religieux émergent... more
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      EgyptologyThird Intermediate PeriodLate PeriodThe Libyan Period
"Global Egyptology: Negotiations in the Production of Knowledges on Ancient Egypt in Global Contexts" brings together contributions by young Egyptologists from all over the world. The volume overall stresses the interconnection of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryJapanese StudiesRussian Studies
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      EgyptologyIconographyMuseum StudiesLate Period
An unparalleled group of casting moulds is housed at the Egyptian Museum of Bonn University (Germany). They were discovered in 1969 by Bonn Egyptologists under Elmar Edel in rock-cut tomb Qubbet el-Hawa (QH) 207. This tomb, dating back to... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyMaterials ScienceComputed Tomography
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFunerary Belief (Egyptology)Late Period
In the 2013/2014 season, a Polish team from the University of Wrocław started work in the northern part of the Asasif necropolis, near the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari. An archaeological survey was carried out on the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
Theoretical essay on the late period of Fahrelnissa Zeid.
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      Theodor AdornoPortraitureModern Arab ArtEdward Said
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyGraeco-Roman EgyptOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      EgyptologyLate PeriodSaite Period26th Dynasty (Egyptology)
This paper focuses on a little-known Late Period/Ptolemaic necropolis located at Tell el-Moqdam, which was previously thought to have been excavated by Auguste Mariette in 1860. It takes into consideration its sacred location, form and... more
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      EgyptologyLandscape ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyHistory of Egyptology
Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archeologists. Abstracts of Papers. - Krakow 2006
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyLate Period
Preliminary results of the multidisciplinary works carried out in the necropolis of QUbbet el-Hawa (Aswan) during 20120 season are detailed in the presernt paper. A brief account of major archaeological results from works carried out in... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyCoptic StudiesMiddle Kingdom necropoleis (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)
El desarrollo de las tecnologías informáticas empleadas en la Arqueología ha recibido un gran impulso en las últimas décadas. El objetivo de la actual comunicación es presentar una experimentación computarizada de reconstrucción 3D y... more
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      Andean Archaeology3D ReconstructionCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Late Period
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      EgyptologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Third Intermediate PeriodLate Period
ABSTRACT: This video contains a re-enactment of various events recorded at Teudjoi (el-Hibeh) in Middle Egypt in the mid-7th century BCE (temp. Dynasties 22-23), including the initial suppression of corrupt priests of Amun in this town by... more
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      EgyptologyConflictDocumentary FilmLate Period
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      EgyptologyLate PeriodSaite PeriodArchaism
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary Belief (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)Late Period
The season 2019 of the Qubbet el-Hawa project has been developed during the months of October and November. On this occasion, the excavation of the QH32 tomb and the exterior area of the QH34aa and QH34bb tombs has continued. As a result... more
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      EgyptologyLate PeriodAncient Egyptian HistoryMiddle Kingdom
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian ArchaeologyThird Intermediate PeriodLate Period
Société française d'égyptologie (https://sfe-egyptologie.website/), Paris.
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      Graffiti in historyGraffitiOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)
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      EgyptologyLanguages and LinguisticsLate PeriodAncient Egyptian History
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      EgyptologyLate PeriodSaqqaraShabtis
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      EgyptologyComputed TomographyArchaeometryArchaeometallurgy
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      Funerary Belief (Egyptology)Late Period
Se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis petrográfico de secciones delgadas de alfarería del estilo Sanagasta/Angualasto del sitio Tambería de Guandacol, ubicado al oeste de la Provincia de La Rioja, y cronológicamente asociado... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyArchaeometryCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyLate Period
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      Late PeriodThebesEmbalming caches