Low Carbon
Recent papers in Low Carbon
Around the world there is an increase demand on renewable energies. The care for the environment and quality of life has highlighted the concerns for the world that our children inheritance. On the other side, there is still the inertia... more
The Wales Spatial Plan (WSP), as one of the Welsh Assembly Government’s ‘high-level strategic building blocks’, supporting the delivery of the ‘One Wales’ agreement and the sustainable development scheme and action plan, has a key role to... more
For industrial applications, warm working is very attractive due to certain advantages offered by this plastic deformation process. Heat treating of warm worked steels can lead to a significant improvement of their mechanical properties.... more
This research addresses the interrelation between the culinary supply chain and low carbon menus to support sustainable culinary tourism in Koh Samui with particular consideration being given to the uses of coconut in the supply chain.... more
Denne artikkelen diskuterer hva som må gjøres når pandemien gradvis forsvinner, og livet går tilbake til en mer normal tilstand. Det er er spesifikt fokus på Agder fylkeskommune. Her sitter folk og venter, og det er ingen som tar opp hva... more
An electrogasdynamic (EGD) power converter, a device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy without moving parts, is described. A mathematical model that describes the complex two-phase fluid flow and electric field... more
This research addresses the interrelation between the culinary supply chain and low carbon menus to support sustainable culinary tourism in Koh Samui with particular consideration being given to the uses of coconut in the supply chain.... more