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The article offers a comparative analysis of three madrigals: Baciator dubbioso by Giambattista Marino, Irresoluto by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn (the paraphrase/translation of Marino’s text) and Vorrei baciarti o Filli... by Claudio Monteverdi... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricClaudio MonteverdiGiambattista Marino
The present research aimed the better understanding of the melodic thinking in contemporary music. Through descriptive and comparative analysis of the melodic structure of four important plays of the post-1945 repertoire, it was verified... more
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      ClarinetContemporary MusicFlute Music20th Century Music
Notes for the concert of La Reverdie "Viaje a Italia en la época de Fra Angelico", performed at the Museo del Prado on 18th May 2019, in connection with the exhibition "Fra Angelico y los inicios del Renacimiento en Florencia"
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance musicMotetFra Angelico
Con questo elaborato si intende presentare una visione sul madrigale (con un sommario excursus evolutivo) in una prospettiva dedicata in particolare a quelle modalità rappresentative specifiche chiamate madrigalismi. I madrigalismi... more
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      Musical AnalysisMannerismLuca MarenzioMadrigal
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      Anton Francesco DoniMadrigalPhilippe VerdelotMadrigale
Frescobaldi's toccatas resemble madrigals in their succession of phrases of irregular length and unpredictable, often startling content. The overall continuity is not a musical one, but that of an impassioned speech, designed to carry the... more
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      MadrigalToccataGirolamo FrescobaldiKeyboard Intabulations
ARTÍCULO COMPLETO DESCARGABLE EN https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01501208 RESUMEN Artículo incluido en el número monográfico de la revista 'Calíope' sobre «Artes hermanas: Poesía, música y pintura en el Siglo de Oro» ("Fall 2015",... more
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      Spanish LiteratureMusicEarly MusicMusic History
See https://sites.google.com/view/frommadrigaltoopera/home for resources. "This pathbreaking study links two traditionally separate genres as their stars crossed to explore the emergence of multiple selves in early modern Italian... more
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      MusicologyMedia StudiesItalian StudiesPerformance Studies
Keywords: Poesía lírica del Siglo de Oro en España y en la península ibérica – métrica y versificación – estudios de las formas y géneros poéticos clásicos – poésie lyrique ibérique de la première modernité – early modern poetry in... more
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      Early Modern/Siglo de OroMiguel de CervantesCervantesLope de Vega
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia madrygału i stylu madrygałowego w traktacie włoskiego teoretyka XVII-wiecznego, Giovanniego Battisty Doniego. Tekst zawiera rekonstrukcję poglądów na istotę i formalny kształt madrygału w jego literackiej i... more
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      Italian MusicOrlando di LassoClaudio MonteverdiPhilippe de Monte
Communication sur l’hapax des madrigaux tétra-octosyllabes de la ‘Fuente de Aganipe’ VI (inédite, ca. 1645) et la stratégie de légitimation et de visibilité littéraire mise au point par son auteur, Manuel de Faria e Sousa. * * * * * * *... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesBaroque Art and LiteratureIntellectual History of the Baroque Period
A structured teaching proposal on a Renaissance madrigal becomes the opportunity to reflect on the qualities of methodological actions performed. The article shows some procedural steps and pulls out some pedagogical principles. Here are... more
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      Listening (Music)MadrigalTeaching Methodology In Music
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicMadrigal
Una serie de madrigales ecfrásticos a estatuas y pinturas compuestos por Giambattista Marino atrajeron la atención del pintor Pacheco y de su entorno, posiblemente en la década 1620. Dio lugar a unas traducciones ad verbum manuscritas y... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureEkphrasisEarly Modern/Siglo de Oro
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      MusicologyTheatre HistoryRenaissance musicCultural History of Music
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicClaudio Monteverdi
The label ‘Ars Nova’ is not easily applicable to Italian 14th-century music, since its main characteristics, such as isorhythm, diminution, pre-existing tenors, and so on, are practically absent, with a few exceptions, from Italian... more
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      PetrarchTrecento MusicMadrigal
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      Baroque MusicBaroque operaBaroque ViolinRome (Baroque)
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicMadrigal
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicMadrigal
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      MusicTranscriptionPhilippe de MonteItalian madrigal of late 16th century
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicMadrigal