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      Renaissance StudiesArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Architecture
Tafuri published L’architettura del manierismo (1966) in a moment of disciplinary uncertainty in which the historian’s responsibilities to knowledge and society were by no means regarded with clarity. At Venice, Bruno Zevi had until 1963... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtModern Architecture
Manfredo Tafuri’s 1966 book L’architettura del Manierismo nel Cinquecento europeo is an early and oft-overlooked instance of his decades-long inquiry into the architectural history of early modern Italy. Read today, it comes across as... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistoriographyArchitectural History
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      Renaissance ArtEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArtBaroque art and architecture
Intensa y abstracta, ornada y esencial, la «Alegoría con Venus y Cupido», de Bronzino, transforma el deseo y el miedo, el deleite y el sufrimiento, en una refinada experiencia estética en la que los valores morales han sido subyugados por... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryIntermedialityAbstract Art
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      Early Modern History16th Century Netherlandish ArtLandscapePrints and Drawings
This essay examines one aspect of Giuseppe Arcimboldo's portraiture: His genre depictions where he expands the art of illusionism or magic visualization into grilli (intellectual whims) and teste composte (composite heads). These images... more
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      MythologyItalian StudiesMagicEmblem studies
Resumo: O Maneirismo artístico se destaca como uma revisão estética do Renascimento em suas décadas finais. O ideal de equilíbrio e simetria do período foi substituído por uma visão deturpada e dramática da realidade. De forma específica... more
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      RenascimentoMannerismCarlo GesualdoItalian madrigal
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      Art Theory16th Century Italian ArtRenaissance antiquarianismUt Pictura Poesis
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      Hungarian LiteratureMannerismEarly Modern Hungarian Literature
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiorgio VasariMannerismFrancesco Salviati
“Power and Privilege,” 50th anniversary review of Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture by Robert Venturi, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 75:4 (December): 497-498. "To the extent that we do keep rereading... more
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      ArchitecturePostmodernismArt CriticismIntersectionality
HR Rad analizira inventorski opus šibenskog bakroresca Martina Rote Kolunića, čije je razdoblje umjetničkog stvaralaštva trajalo od dolaska u Veneciju 1565. godine do smrti u Pragu 1583. Rasprava o odnosu protureformacijske misli i... more
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      MannerismEngravingCounter-ReformationGraphic Arts
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      Mythology16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtMannerism
Although his celebrated pupils, Guido Reni, Francesco Albani and Domenichino, flourished in the Eternal City, during his lifetime the Antwerp-born painter and draughtsman Denys Calvaert (c.1540–1619) probably visited Rome only once,... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesTraining and DevelopmentRenaissance Art
Uno degli eventi artistici più importanti ed emozionanti della storia dell'architettura rinascimentale fu sicuramente il concorso del 1518 per la costruzione di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in Roma, indetto da Papa Leone X. Tale... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance HumanismRenaissance ArtArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
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      PrintmakingCollecting and Collections16th century EuropeHistory of architecture
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      ErasmusEarly Modern LiteratureHungarian LiteratureMannerism
Anna Licia Gagliardo affronta con acume nel suo studio l'analisi comparativa tra i differenti modi impiegati da Castello e da Tempesta nel comporre le scene raffiguranti gli episodi del poema; individuando nel primo una generale tendenza... more
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      Italian LiteratureHistory of ArtTorquato TassoMannerism
The first section of this essay deals with an iconographical analysis of Lavinia Fontana's (1552-1614) Prudence or Personification of Wisdom of 1590, while the second part provides an iconological interpretation, demonstrating Fontana's... more
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      AestheticsWomen's StudiesItalian StudiesMysticism
Paper published in: T. Weddigen, S. de Blaauw, B. Kempers & A. Roth (eds.), Functions and Decorations: Art and Ritual at the Vatican Palace in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Capellae Apostolicae Sixtinaeque Collectanea Acta... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPope Paul IIIPapal HistoryMannerism
The first part of this essay deals with Giorgio Vasari's conception of architecture in sixteenth-century Italy, and the second part examines Vasari's practical application of one of his constructions, the loggia (open gallery or arcade)... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtIconography and Iconology
This book is a translation of Ibn ʿAqīl al-Ḥanbalī’s (d. 513/1119) essay on Islamic manners, Fuṣūl al-ādāb wa makārim al-akhlāq al-mashrūʿa. It presents a significant number of commendable etiquettes Muslims are required to observe for... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EducationIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Estudo de uma crónica agostiniana da autoria de Fr. Diogo de Sant'Ana, bem como de outras fontes inéditas dedicadas ao Mosteiro de freiras agostinhas de Santa Mónica, em Goa, analisando-se a partir dessa base manuscrita as campanhas... more
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      Art HistoryIndo-Portuguese ArtMannerism
Much information about, and even the canon of Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński’s works (? – 1580) still remain probable but not fully ascertained. The little book published twenty years after his death, Rytmy, a single copy of which survives – it... more
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      SonnetsPolish LiteratureRenaissance Lyric PoetryOld Polish literature
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesPaintingHysteria
Con questo elaborato si intende presentare una visione sul madrigale (con un sommario excursus evolutivo) in una prospettiva dedicata in particolare a quelle modalità rappresentative specifiche chiamate madrigalismi. I madrigalismi... more
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      Musical AnalysisMannerismLuca MarenzioMadrigal
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      IconographyPaintingCult of SaintsHistory of Art
Druhý svazek nové edice představuje další výběr malířských a sochařských děl od středověku k manýrismu z fondů hradů a zámků, které jsou ve správě Národního památkového ústavu. Úvodní studie knihy se zabývá problematikou záchrany... more
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      Cultural HeritageRenaissance StudiesPaintingProvenance
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    • Mannerism
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      Early Modern LiteratureHungarian LiteratureMannerism
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HumanismEarly Modern LiteratureHungarian Literature
The aim of the article is to organize the current state of research and attribution to carry out a new formal and genetic analysis. In the case of the palace in Kielce we can reconstruct the constructing works and determine the names of... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
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      IconographyTheologyModern ArtBiblical Studies
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
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      ArchitecturePlatoArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
O antigo mosteiro cisterciense de N.ª Senhora do Desterro, apesar das vicissitudes que sofreu e da obscuridade em que permaneceu a história da sua construção permanece, ainda hoje, como um marco arquitectónico fundamental na imagem da... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This is a threefold transcription of Baude Cordier's "circle canon," two versions in rondeau form and one in perpetual canon. Included with the music transcriptions are full translations from Medieval French to English of all the... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic HistoryMusic TheoryMusicology
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      NaplesSack of RomeMannerismMessina
Here we evaluate the reception of Michelangelo's genius as a matter of sacred behavior on the part of numerous contemporaries, who treated Michelangelo's drawings as relics belonging to the entirety of his work. Just as a relic confirmed... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HistoryHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art
An iconographical and iconological study of Giorgio Vasari and hist assistants of the Medicean Tesoretto in Palazzo Vecchio
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      MythologyItalian StudiesAstrologySymbolism
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      Theatre StudiesArchitectureItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
There are conspicuous parallelisms —and symmetries— between the scholarly fates of Walter Benjamin and Arnold Hauser. While the first failed to attain any sort of success during his lifetime, the latter’s instant widespread diffusion went... more
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      PsychoanalysisSocial Research Methods and MethodologyTheodor AdornoMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious content
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtSienaMannerism
This essay does not strive to give a comprehensive review of literature on Antwerp Mannerism, but rather to summarize the focal points of discussions and to outline key roadmaps for further studies. The majority of scholars... more
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      Art HistoryHistoriography (in Art History)MannerismAntwerp Mannerism
By deliberately numbering sonnets 12, 60 and 126 of his sequence Shakespeare emphasised his repeated poetic stands against the destructive effects of Time. In doing so he displayed characteristics which had been displayed in Renaissance,... more
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      ShakespeareNumerologyMannerismShakespeare's Sonnets
Il 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑜 di Cellini è una celebre opera d'arte, commissionata all'autore dal duca (poi granduca) Cosimo de' Medici per celebrare il suo trionfo a Firenze contro le fazioni nemiche. Strumento di questo trionfo è l'harpe, arma della... more
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      Benvenuto CelliniArms and ArmourSword MakingMannerism
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
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      Renaissance ArtArt Theory and CriticismMannerismGiorgio Vasari and art historiography