Recent papers in Sophistique
The aim of this paper is to show that in the Sophist falsity is closely linked to mimesis. This is not because every mimesis is false, but because all falsity is mimetic. That not every mimesis is false is shown at 235c– 236c. The crucial... more
Учебное пособие призвано познакомить читателей с одной из уникальных областей историко-философского знания античности – эпохой софистики и наиболее ярким и сложным ее представителем Горгием Леонтийским. В пособии подробно представлены:... more
The proposed book is dedicated to the theme of love, which was first and completely sung by the ancient Greeks and Romans in different genres of prose. The book considers not only conjugal, sexual love, but also friendship and love... more
RESUMEN: Los filósofos operaron como agentes político-intelectuales en el mundo griego antiguo. Además de la imagen transmitida por la doxografía antigua, tenemos testimonios respecto de la imagen con-struida por la comedia. La edición de... more
(= Atti del Seminario ‘Politica e filosofia nel mondo antico’, organizzato nel periodo febbraio-maggio 2014 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità dell’Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, a cura di P. Vannicelli, J. Thornton, F... more
La relation entre l'éthique et la rhétorique, largement débattue par les philosophes et les rhétoriciens de l'Antiquité classique, est aussi l'un des thèmes principaux de la littérature égyptienne antique, particulièrement dans les... more
La théorie des genres et la loi naturelle. La théorie des genres ou « gender theory » est apparue dans les milieux féministes américains à la fin des années soixante. Il s'agit d'une forme radicale de féminisme, influencée par le... more
В статье на примере античных, средневековых и современных представлений сопоставляются аргументация и софистика. Центральный вывод исследования заключается в том, что для современного этапа характерно негативное оценочное понимание... more
Aristotle's Protrepticus shows traces of a long-standing dispute concerning the hierarchy of different technai. In this paper I argue that the Protrepticus stages an agon between philosophy and medicine, both of which strove for the... more
La Collection hippocratique présente ce trait remarquable que des textes médicaux techniques y sont parsemés de préceptes éthiques sans articulation apparente entre les deux registres. L’essai que je soumets soutient l’hypothèse suivante... more
Neste número apresentamos um dossiê dedicado aos sofistas, em especial a Górgias e Alcidamante. O dossiê conta com os artigos: “As faces do sofista de Eléia” de Lúcio Lauro Salles e “Górgias e Sócrates quanto à educação: oposição e... more
Fonds Ricœur/ CRAL-EHESS, Institute Protestante de Théologie, FR In their ongoing debate, Alain Badiou and Barbara Cassin have raised equally substantial, yet opposing objections to philosophy’s rapprochement with rhetoric in the 20th... more
Durante mucho tiempo los Hipias permanecieron relegados entre las obras menos relevantes de la producción de Platón. Las líneas hermenéuticas desarrolladas en los últimos tiempos, más permeables al tipo de problemas que proponen estas... more
8 - Joaquin E Meabe - Materiales de estudio para revisar y aprender con Paideia de Werner W. Jaeger 8 – Los sofistas. El hilo conductor de la segunda parte de Paideia está clara y decididamente marcado por una impronta sesgada hacia lo... more
The ancient sophists, such as Gorgias of Leontini and Protagoras of Abdera, are generally-and often superficially-connected to relativism, immoralism, skepticism, and opportunism. Their historical and intellectual identity was recovered... more
Quatrième de couverture. Par une analyse minutieuse du texte de Platon, l'auteur s’efforce de dégager la cohérence et la liberté du parcours suivi par le philosophe grec. Cette enquête sur le sophiste, qui met en oeuvre pour la... more
Sophists and rhetoricians like Gorgias are often accused of disregarding truth and rationality: their speeches seem to aim only at effective persuasion, and be constrained by nothing but persuasiveness itself. In his extant texts Gorgias... more
The article analyzes the sophistic production from the singular case of Antiphon, by virtue of the problem of his identity. It is accepted that the orator and the sophist are the same person, which alters the configuration of the corpus... more
Euthydemus is included neither in Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker by Diels–Kranz nor in Sofisti. Testimonianze e frammenti by Untersteiner nor in Early Greek Philosophy by Laks and Most. Likewise, the great twentieth century works on the... more
This is a draft of published paper on how the sophists in Philostratus' Vitae Sophistarum actually earned their livings. It appeared in a festschrift for Martin Camargo that may be ordered from Brepols:... more
L’article analyse le problème du développement de la politique selon la manière dont cette question est présentée dans le mythe du Protagoras de Platon. La perspective sur les dieux dans ce dialogue est comparée avec celle du fragment du... more
The concepts of νόμος and φύσις were key to sophistical thinking. The sophistical opposition between the two concepts exerted a great influence in the fifth century BC. The objective of this contribution is to identify the presence of... more
"Псевдо-Аристотелев анонимный трактат De Melisso Xenophane Gorgia, наряду с хорошо известным свидетельством Секста Эмпирика (Adv. Math. 7.65–87), интересует исследователей как важное свидетельство о трактате Горгия «О не-сущем, или О... more
Plato's usage of the term phantasma bears clear signs of its pre-philosophic meaning ('phantom'). The more technical meaning emerges in connection with Protagoras, who, while being lampooned as a ludicrous phantom (i.e. as the false image... more
O modo platônico de apresentar a relação entre a poesia – Hesíodo sendo um seu representante – e a sofística é bastante complexo. Por um lado, no diálogo Protágoras, o sofista apresenta os poetas como sofistas, por outro, na República,... more
L'éristique demeure un sujet de controverse. Dès l'Antiquité, les experts ne s'entendaient pas sur son statut épistémologique. Estelle une forme de sophistique, comme le suggère Platon, ou une propédeutique à la philosophie, comme le... more