Plato's Sophist
Recent papers in Plato's Sophist
Сажетак. У овом раду ауторка настоји да преиспита утемељеност и ваљаност Платонове критике Парменидове симплификоване монистичке онтологије, као и његов појам небића. За разлику од Парменида, Платон уводи сложенију онтологију највиших... more
Chapter 1 (Introduction) of 'Being and Structure in Plato's' Sophist, dissertation, University of Kentucky (2019)
In this paper, I discuss Plato’s account of mimetic production in the Sophist, and use this account to draw some potentially interesting insights about Plato’s conception of the role and nature of philosophy. In Sections I and II, I... more
Usually it is best to translate ‘genos’ as ‘kind’ and ‘eidos’ as ‘form’, differing in meaning as much as ‘herd’ and ‘brand’ do. But there are hard passages where ‘genos’ and ‘eidos’ have appeared to be synonyms, usually given the meaning... more
This paper addresses the vexed question of the outcome of the second horn of the dilemma of participation in Plato’s Parmenides bringing in Sophist 257c7-d5 where the Eleatic Stranger accepts what he seems to reject in the Parmenides,... more
El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la interpretación del Sofista, de Platón, desarrollada por Heidegger en las lecciones del semestre de invierno de 1924/25 en la Universidad de Marburgo, recogidas en el volumen 19 de la... more
There are only two places in which Plato explicitly offers a critique of the sort of theory of forms presented in the Phaedo and Republic: at the beginning of the Parmenides and in the argument against the Friends of the Forms in the... more
The aim of this paper is to show that in the Sophist falsity is closely linked to mimesis. This is not because every mimesis is false, but because all falsity is mimetic. That not every mimesis is false is shown at 235c– 236c. The crucial... more
Yayımlanmamış Taslak Makale
In the Parmenides, Plato delivered a series of devastating critiques that demonstrated how even our most basic semantic formulations of the perfect paradigms must be mired in a medley of contradictions. In the Sophist, Plato dissolved all... more
Timaeus starts his long narrative about the creation of the cosmos and all the living beings in it by describing the steps through which the divine craftsman created the world's body. He tells his friends on the basis of what reasons the... more
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography of the recent studies in English
This paper explores the relation of the Sophist to the Parmenides: in what ways the Sophist responds to the questions, aporias and demands raised in the Parmenides. It aims to show how the problems encountered in the first part and the... more
Simplicius reports that Xenocrates and Andronicus reproached Aristotle for positing an excessive number of categories, which can conveniently be reduced to two: τὰ καθ᾽αὑτά and τὰ πρός τι. Simplicius, followed by several modern... more
Η εργασία αυτή εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο των σεμιναρίων για το Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών 2017-2019 του τμήματος Φιλοσοφίας του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών· συγκεκριμένα στο χειμερινό εξάμηνο του ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2017-2018 πάνω στο μάθημα... more
This paper examines the prologue of Plato's Sophist in light of interpretive claims by Proclus, and revived by Myles Burnyeat, that Plato imaged in the opening scene of his dialogues the main philosophical themes of the work. This paper... more
The Sophist and Statesman are late Platonic dialogues, whose relative dates are established by their stylistic similarity to the Laws, a work that was apparently still “on the wax” at the time of Plato’s death (Diogenes Laertius 3.37).... more
This paper is a commentary of Cordero’s reading of Plato’s Sophist 240. In the Sophist the Stranger is astounded by the existence of not being. The keyword of the debate is eidolon (image). The existence of the image, in fact, involves... more
Extracts from Seth Benardete's discussion of the theoretical high point of Plato's Sophist, with reference to the Strauss-Kojeve debate concerning the "community of ideas" (Strauss and Benardete had discussed the Sophist in depth in the... more
At a crucial juncture in Plato's Sophist, when the interlocutors have reached their deepest confusion about being and not-being, the Eleatic Visitor proclaims that there is yet hope. Insofar as they clarify one, he maintains, they will... more
“Vi è un’antica discordia tra filosofia e poesia”: così si esprime Socrate nel X libro della Repubblica e possiamo convenire che tale controversia certamente antica sia, almeno per Platone. Lungo l’intero arco della sua vita da filosofo e... more
This text presents a reading of Paolo Virno’s /Essay on Negation/, at the time of writing (May 2018) due to appear in an English rendition by Lorenzo Chiesa. I attempt to clarify the place of this work and its problematic within the... more
What should we make of the passage in the Sophist at 247d-e, in which the Eleatic Stranger declares that being is whatever has the power (du-namis) to act or be affected, even if only once, in the smallest way? Does this proposal about... more
draft, με αρκετά τυπογραφικά σφάλματα
Abstract: At Sophist 260e3-261a2, the Eleatic Stranger claims that in order to demonstrate that falsehood is, he and Theaetetus must first track down what speech (logos), opinion (doxa), and appearance (phantasia) are, and then observe... more
This paper argues that the so-called 6th definition of the sophist found in the outer part of Plato's "Sophist" is a methodological passage meant to point out how the sophist is to be pursued properly if he is to be distinguished from the... more
Quatrième de couverture. Par une analyse minutieuse du texte de Platon, l'auteur s’efforce de dégager la cohérence et la liberté du parcours suivi par le philosophe grec. Cette enquête sur le sophiste, qui met en oeuvre pour la... more
Published in: D. Koch/I. Männlein-Robert/N. Weidtmann (Hrsg.): Platon und die Sprache (Antike-Studien, Bd. 4). Tübingen: Attempto 2016, 157–180.
According to what is commonly believed, Parmenides conceived the absolute Not-Being, in order to deny it by highlighting its being unthinkable. Plato, in turn, refused Parmenides’ position by pointing out a way according to which a... more
The logos of the Sophist. Image and language in Plato’s Sophist. The logos' question, one of the most important among the subjects that traverse the Plato's Sophist, has in fact some different aspects: the criticism of father Parmenides'... more
The Sophist and Statesman are late Platonic dialogues, whose relative dates are established by their stylistic similarity to the Laws, a work that was apparently still "on the wax" at the time of Plato's death (Diogenes Laertius 3.37).... more
Comentário Artigos / Articles Comentário a "PressuPosto étiCo da alteridade na hermenêutiCa filosófiCa à luz do sofista de Platão": Platonismo militante
This edited volume brings together contributions from prominent scholars to discuss new approaches to Plato’s philosophy, especially in the burgeoning fields of Platonic ontology and psychology. Topics such as the relationship between... more
This is the second part of my thesis (handed in in 2010). At some point I hope to re-write at least the part on the "Sophist", so comments, critique etc. are very welcome.
In this paper I defend a new reading of the final argument of the Gigantomachia passage of Plato’s Sophist (249b5–249c9), according to which it is an argument for a two-kind ontology, based on the distinction between the changing beings... more
In Plato's Sophist (247e), the Eleatic Stranger seems to propose to define being by means of the notion of dynamis. Although some recent papers have claimed that his dynamis-proposal should be taken seriously (at least as an explication... more
Plato's usage of the term phantasma bears clear signs of its pre-philosophic meaning ('phantom'). The more technical meaning emerges in connection with Protagoras, who, while being lampooned as a ludicrous phantom (i.e. as the false image... more