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Among the many innovations that mark Frege's Begriffsschrift as a revolutionary work, perhaps the most important is its presentation of the first formal system of logic. Frege believed that the introduction of a new notation, especially... more
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Only one traditional objection to Pascal's wager is telling: Pascal assumes a particular theology, but without justification. We produce two new objections that go deeper. We show that even if Pascal's theology is assumed to be probable,... more
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Der Gegenstand meiner Dissertation ist die aristotelische Intellektlehre im Gesamtbefund des Corpus Aristotelicum, insbesondere aber in der Schrift De anima. Die Kapitel vier und fünf des dritten Buches sind notorisch dunkel und haben vor... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyMedieval Philosophy
Like Swinburne's other books, Providence and the Problem of Evil is clearly written and meticulously argued. It is also very ambitious. Swinburne's goal is to specify, for every single evil in the world, goods that would justify God's... more
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      Philosophy of MindAristotleRenaissance PhilosophyRenaissance Platonism
The two most important arguments concerning freedom, moral responsibility, and determinism during the last quarter century are the so-called "modal argument", articulated independently by Ginet and van Inwagen for the thesis that the... more
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This essay refers to 'attributes' of the Absolute and shows how they are reflected in specific facets of contemplative asceticism and renunciation and that this is the way to embody the Absolute in this world. It attempts to establish... more
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Here are some comprehensive notes breaking down Plotinus' philosophy of temporality and eternity in Ennead III.vii. They aim to situate Plotinus' work within the context of ancient and late ancient philosophy more broadly. Some special... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
Anaxágoras goza de una posición histórica excepcional. Se trata del primer filósofo de renombre establecido en Atenas. Su itinerario filosófico se inserta en el ambiente de los últimos presocráticos del siglo V a. C., pero su procedencia... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPresocratic PhilosophyCosmology (Physics)
and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK. 386
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The purpose of the present investigation is to determine the role of nous in the context of the defense of a particular conception of the gods on which the law against impiety is based, a conception whose exposition constitutes the... more
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Poiché questi principi (potenza e atto) si trovano, alcuni negli esseri inanimati, altri, invece, negli esseri animati, nell'anima e nella parte razionale dell'anima (en psyche\ i kai te\ s psyche\ s en to\ i logon), è evidente che anche... more
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      PsychologyAristotleNoeticsAncient Greek Philosophy / Aristotle
Frege's own ideas are lost in the struggle with larger issues. Reading Currie, by contrast, one is likely to feel occasional impatience. As the discussion veers towards some unresolved question of contemporary interestthe semantics for... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy and Religious StudiesNous
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Die Intellektlehre des Aristoteles ist seit der Antike kontrovers. Insbesondere in der Frage nach dem aktiven Intellekt herrscht keine Einigkeit: Ist er Teil der Seele oder von ihr getrennt? Wie verhält er sich zum passiven Intellekt? Ist... more
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      Philosophy of MindMysticismPlato and PlatonismAncient Greek Philosophy
"This study analyses Hermetic literature and focuses on the seventeen treatises of the so-called Corpus Hermeticum, with support of other philosophical Hermetica as well. As will be demonstrated, Hermetic literature helps our... more
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      GnosticismCultural IdentityTheurgyClassical philology
Aristotle on the Self and Self-Love §0. Abstract/Overview. In this essay, I make the following claims:
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      AristotleThe SelfFriendshipNous
Tres momentos de gran valor jalonan la historiografía sobre el hermetismo, la corriente iniciática de la Tardoantigüedad que recibió ideas de diversas religiones, y que influyó en el renacimiento florentino: la traducción efectuada por... more
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Giriş Tüm disiplinlerin kendilerine özgü bir dili ve de terminolojisi vardır. Bir disiplini anlamanın yolu hiç kuşkusuz, o disiplinin dilini bir başka deyişle kavramlarını tanımaktan ve bilmekten geçer. Bir disiplin olarak felsefenin de... more
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¿Cuál es el origen de todas las cosas? A pesar de su gran diversidad, ¿tienen una raíz común? ¿Tuvo el mundo un comienzo? ¿Cómo surgió la vida en la tierra? Tales preguntas, que aún provocan a los científicos, fueron formuladas por vez... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPresocratic Philosophy
There has long been a debate on the possible similarity between some forms of Indian and Greek idealistic monism (Advaita and Neoplatonism). After a basic historical introduction to the debate, the text proposes that Paramādvaita, also... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyIdealismPlotinusProclus
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Over the last century, the intermittent but seemingly interminable debates over Plato's theology-and in several respects the overlapping parts of his cosmology and later metaphysics, too-have primarily turned upon scholars' efforts to... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionPlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
Questo volume esamina uno dei temi più controversi e attuali della filosofia di Aristotele: le sue riflessioni sulla natura del pensiero e sulla sua relazione con il corpo. L’unità inscindibile di anima e corpo si riflette sulle analisi... more
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      PhysiologyEmotionPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
Platons später Dialog Philebos kann als locus classicus einer Philosophie gelten, welche die Relevanz der Lust für die eudaimonia, die gelungene oder glückende Lebensführung, untersucht. Der Dialog liefert Elemente sowohl zur... more
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      PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)ParadoxesMetaphysics of Causation
On where the Cutting Edge of the Western Tradition might be found with respect to the development of Fundamental Ontology within Continental Philosophy -- Key Words: Continental Philosophy, Ways of Being, Fragmentation of Being, Time,... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
Aesthetic Formalism has fallen on hard times. At best it receives unsympathetic discussion and swift rejection. At worst it is the object of abuse and derision. But I think that there is something to be said for it. In this paper, I shall... more
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Abstract: Many personalists have argued that an adequate account of the human person must include an account of subjectivity as irreducible to anything objectively definable. The personalists contend that Aristotle lacks such an account,... more
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      Max SchelerAristotlePhenomenologyPhilosophy Of Friendship
Introduction. Nancy Cartwright's newest book, The Dappled World, seeks to extend the project begun in her first, How the Laws of Physics Lie.~1983! The first book provided a much needed wake-up call. Attention to how science actually... more
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This paper asks what it is about 'intelligence' (νοῦς) that, in Aristotle's view, makes 'insight' (νοεῖν) its proprietary work. It argues that the answer lies in the peculiar clarity and distinctness of its activity, 'insight' (νόησις).... more
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      NousAristotle's De anima
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I reconstruct Aristotle’s reasons for thinking that the intellect cannot have a bodily organ. I present Aristotle’s account of the aboutness or intentionality of cognitive states, both perceptual and intellectual. On my interpretation,... more
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      Philosophy of MindPerceptionIntentionalityIntellect
I examine Aristotle’s account of nous, the intellect or power of understanding, in the De Anima (DA) and the implications this account has for Aristotle’s conception of the human being. At the beginning of the DA, Aristotle presents what... more
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      Philosophy of MindAristotleIntentionalitySoul (Humanities)
I Workshop of Researchers in Ancient Philosophy (February 2, 2015, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain), entitled "Opposed Theories".

Conference Title: "La Estela de Platón en Proclo"
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      PhilosophyPlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory Of Platonic Tradition
U radu razmatramo uticaj neoplatonizma (pre svega Plotina) na Avgustinovo mišljenje, fokusirajući se na deveto poglavlje sedme knjige Avgustinovih Ispovesti. Najpre se razmatra Avgustinova interpretacija Plotina. Prikazuju se paralelno... more
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What next? We are forever making decisions. Typically, when unsure, we try to identify, then compare, our options. We weigh pros and cons. Occasionally, we make the weighing explicit, listing pros and cons and assigning numerical weights.... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical IssuesNousCost Benefit Analysis
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      PhilosophySymbolic LogicNous
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      Medieval PhilosophyKantPhilosophy Of ReligionContinental Philosophy
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Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce | LIV • 2014 one of them, but not the privileged one. These three types of interpretations will hopefully provide us with an imagery that will help us somewhat come to terms with Aristotle's succinctness.
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      AristotleFranz BrentanoThomas AquinasNous
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