Recent papers in Thought-Experiments
Ich übergebe euch dieses Büchelchen als einen Spiegel um hinein nach euch und nicht als eine Lorgnette um dadurch und nach andern zu sehen. » Lichtenberg, D 617 « Ich soll nur der Spiegel sein, in welchem mein Leser sein eigenes Denken... more
ÖZ: Düşünce deneyleri araç gereç kullanmadan belli bir amaç doğrultusunda zihinde hayali bir senaryo işletilerek bir probleme çözüm üretmek, bir iddiaya delil getirmek, bir kavramı netleştirmek, bir teoriyi güçlendirmek ya da çürütmek... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate various concerns which appear in Isaac Asimov's Fantastic Voyage II : Destination Brain . I will disregard his fijirst voyage inside a human body in Fantastic Voyage I , which the author disavows as... more
Robert Nozick famously asks us whether we would plug in to an experience machine, or whether we would insist upon ‘living in contact with reality’. Felipe De Brigard, after conducting a series of empirical ‘inverted’ experience machine... more
This paper attempts to argue for a defense of Frank Jackson's seminal Knowledge Argument against metaphysical materialism. By first presenting the argument and then directly responding to notable objections from philosophical academia, I... more
Sentence by sentence, works of fiction are not beholden to norms of truth. However, many who appreciate literature agree that it has things to teach us, and not just to the extent that it approximates journalism. This essay offers a... more
ABSTRACT The introduction presents merely roughly (as they undergo change all the time) the contemporary, insular, Anglo-Phone speculations (supposedly by means of the discourse of philosophy and the socio-cultural practice of... more
THOUGHT or Imaginary EXPERIMENTS and METAPHORS (volume 3) I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume, but as certain sections or chapters are very long, like chapter 1, THEORIZING AND... more
Much literature portrays characters negotiating moral obstacles. Some of these processes make these characters better persons; others worse. As readers we can learn from these characters’ successes and failures. Because such learning is... more
Prima facie, there seems to be a tension between Wittgenstein's Kantianism in the philosophy of mathematics (especially the view according to which a proposition p is logically necessary if we are not able to conceive of not-p) and... more
A critical discussion of Ludwig Wittgenstein's writing on the topic of inverted spectrum thought experiments in both his manuscripts from the mid-1930s and section 272 of Philosophical Investigations, and the subsequent reception of those... more
The philosophical relevance of experimental psychology is hard to dispute. Much more controversial is some experimental philosophers’ critique of armchair philosophical methodology, in particular the reliance on ‘intuitions’ about thought... more
Philosophical conceptual analysis is an experimental method. Focusing on this helps to justify it from the skepticism of experimental philosophers who follow Weinberg, Nichols & Stich (2001). To explore the experimental aspect of... more
In recent years, there has been a lot of debate in philosophical methodology about the best rational reconstruction of philosophical thought experiments. Concerning this debate, I argue against the current consensus that our intuitive... more
In this talk I start exploring a project in philosophical methodology. I'm interested in the following question: What kinds of mental faculties besides discursive reasoning play an essential role in philosophy. Intuition? Intuitive... more
In this paper, I shall sketch a preliminary ground for a cognitivist theory of fiction and argue that theories which align fiction-making with (aesthetically valuable) story-telling consider the act of fiction-making too narrowly. As a... more
In her essay, “People and their Bodies,” Judith Thomson writes an evaluation of several formulations of the psychological criterion for personal identity and attempts a strategy of criticizing each formulation of the psychological theory.... more
In this paper I suggest that many thought experiments, imaginary examples and counterexamples, used widely in analytic philosophy as forms of argument, rely on an old fashioned appeal to what one would say. Appealing to ordinary language... more
Imagination, Cognitive Aim and Plato's Cave In the review of 100 myšlenkových experimentů ve filozofii (2013) Jakub Mácha raises several questions concerning our approach to thought experiment analysis. We address all his remarks;... more
More than some other fields of ethics, climate ethics is related to pressing real-world problems. Climate ethicists have a responsibility to be precise about the status of the problems they discuss. The non-identity problem (NIP) plays... more
There are such things as white lies in philosophy, but they go by different names. And like all white lies, these philosophical anomalies serve useful, practical purposes in particular situations. They are methodological tools,... more
Brins d'éternité, numéro 35 (printemps 2013), p. 96-104.
Abstract: The paper aims to offer an account of the cognitive capacities involved in judgements about thought experiments, without appealing to the notions of analyticity or intuition. I suggest that we employ a competence in the... more
Texto da coluna de Opinião do jornal Folha de Boa Vista, publicado em 28-03-2022.
Experimental restrictionists have challenged philosophers' reliance on intuitions about thought experiment cases based on experimental findings. According to the expertise defense, only the intuitions of philosophical experts count—yet... more
What sorts of things are the intuitions generated via thought experiment? Timothy Williamson has responded to naturalistic skeptics by arguing that thought-experiment intuitions are judgments of ordinary counterfactuals. On this view, the... more
Thought experiments have been widely used in virtually all sciences and humanities. Law is no exception. We can find countless of instances of such experiments in both the legal practice and the legal theory. However, this method has... more
ÖZ: Düşünce deneyleri araç gereç kullanmadan belli bir amaç doğrultusunda zihinde hayali bir senaryo işletilerek bir probleme çözüm üretmek, bir iddiaya delil getirmek, bir kavramı netleştirmek, bir teoriyi güçlendirmek ya da çürütmek... more
Imagination seems to play an epistemic role in philosophical and scientific thought experiments, mindreading, and ordinary practical deliberations insofar as it generates new knowledge of contingent facts about the world. However, it also... more
Raising the persistence question about architectural entities consists in asking what is necessary and sufficient for a past or future architectural entity, like a building, to exist now. In this paper I investigate how the persistence... more
In this paper, I defend the view that any good account of the logical form of thought experiments should contain a conditional. Moreover, there are some reasons to think it should be a counterfactual conditional. In the first section, I... more
Thought experiments (henceforth TEs) de facto play many different roles in biology: economical, ethical, technical and so forth. This paper, however, is interested in whether there are any distinctive features of biological TEs as such.... more
Descriptions of Gettier cases can be interpreted in ways that are incompatible with the standard judgment that they are cases of justified true belief without knowledge. Timothy Williamson claims that this problem cannot be avoided by... more
On the question of precisely what role common sense (or related datum like folk psychology, trust in pre-theoretic/intuitive judgments, etc.) should have in reigning in the possible excesses of our philosophical methods, the so-called... more
Martha Nussbaum has argued in support of the view (supposedly that of Aristotle) that we can, through thought-experiments involving personal identity, find an objective foundation for moral thought without having to appeal to any... more
Most philosophers, it seems, like things neat and tidy; many hold on to the ideal that we should aim at revealing the deep structures of reality by performing clean cuts that -to use Plato's oft-quoted metaphor -»carve nature at its... more
Marya Schechtman has raised a series of worries for the Psychological Continuity Theory of personal identity stemming out of what Derek Parfit called the ‘Extreme Claim’. This is roughly the claim that theories like it are unable to... more
In this paper, I am going to offer a reconstruction of a challenge to intuition-based armchair philosophy that has been put forward by experimental philosophers of a restrictionist stripe, which I will call the ‘master argument’. I will... more
Tese/Relatório apresentada em 12 de Dezembro de 2013, no Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho. O recurso a experiências de pensamento é um clássico da história da filosofia. Na verdade, a filosofia é uma extensa galeria de... more
Paul Thagard has recently argued that thought experiments are dangerous and misleading when we try to use them as evidence for claims. This paper refutes his skepticism. Building on Thagard’s own work in cognitive science, I suggest that... more