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A new Chinese translation of Haack's internationally acclaimed book, this time of the new, expanded edition, containing much new material.
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      EpistemologyPhilosophical ScepticismVirtue EpistemologyGettier Problem
According to traditional epistemology, a truthful judgment needs a rational justification, at least potentially. Antonio Livi's "alethic logic" follows this principle, which is compatible with some fallibilism, since the available... more
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      EpistemologyTruthJustification and evidenceGettier Problem
An exploration of the umbrella-concept of knowledge and related notions.
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The traditional argument for skepticism relies on a comparison between a normal subject and a subject in a skeptical scenario: because there is no relevant difference between them, neither has knowledge. Externalists respond by arguing... more
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      EpistemologyInternalism/ExternalismGettier ProblemSkepticism
• of skill to conceptual knowledge that something is a way of doing something
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      Practice theoryGettier ProblemKnowledge-HowPractical knowledge
This paper offers a resolution to the Gettier paradoxes. Knowledge is a categorical concept; justification, however, comes in degrees. The mismatch between the two means that there can be no definition of "x knows that p" that doesn't... more
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      EpistemologyBertrand RussellPhilosophical skepticismGettier Problem
This is a collection of nineteen essays in the tradition of critical rationalism (as advocated by Karl Popper). All but one of the essays is previously unpublished and the one previously published paper has undergone significant... more
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The relationship between contextualism and Gettier cases is controversial. Yet, David Lewis, in his influential " Elusive Knowledge " , links his contextualist thoughts to the discussion of some standard Gettier cases. This chapter... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyContextualismGettier Problem
O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a resposta de Platão no Menon para as questões sobre a natureza e o valor do conhecimento, criticando a interpretação tradicional que confere à justificação um papel proeminente na determinação do... more
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      SocratesGettier ProblemKnowledge Value
Felsefe, bilgiye ve onunla ilgili konulara daima büyük bir önem vermiştir. Hatta bilgi üzerine yapılan çalışmalar kendi içerisinde ayrı bir alan oluşturmuş ve epistemoloji dalının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bilgi felsefesinin ele... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyGettier Problem
W. V. Quine is one of the most prominent advocates of the naturalistic approach to epistemology and he argues that epistemology should be naturalized and transformed into a sub-discipline of psychology and hence a chapter in science. In... more
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      EpistemologyNormativityNaturalismGettier Problem
Setelah terbitnya paper sebesar tiga halaman berjudul Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? Pada tahun 1963, Edmund Gettier telah menggoncangkan dunia epistemologi filsafat yang selama ini jarang disentuh untuh dijadikan sebagai kajian... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyEpistemologyGettier ProblemLogika
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemTruthmakingKnowledge
The "Gettier problem", which has become a central problem of analytic epistemology, is not only epistemological. Since it is often formulated as a "conceptual analysis problem", it has also turned into a significant metaphilosophical... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
Virtually every epistemological theory that is currently a live option is committed to two theses: fallibilism and attributabilism. A new argument for skepticism is advanced, which is grounded in the incompatibility of these two theses.... more
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      EpistemologyEpistemic JustificationVirtue EpistemologyInternalism/Externalism
İÇİNDEKİLER BAŞLANGIÇ 7 GİRİŞ: BİLGİ VE İNANÇ KAVRAMLARININ ANALİZİ [Ferit Uslu] 15 1. Bilginin Türleri 15 1.1. Önermesel Bilgi 15 1.2. Tanıma Yoluyla Bilgi 17 1.3. Tasvir Yoluyla Bilgi 21 1.4. Nasılın Bilgisi 23 2. İnancın... more
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      Epistemic LuckGettier ProblemSkepticismProblema Gettier
In this paper, I hope to solve a problem that’s as old as the hills: the problem of contingency for religious belief. Paradigmatic examples of this argument begin with a counterfactual premise: had we been born at a different time or in a... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy Of ReligionAtheismReligious Pluralism
One of the guiding ideas of virtue epistemology is to look at epistemological issue through the lens of practical philosophy. The Gettier Problem is a case in point. Virtue epistemologists, like Sosa and Greco, see the shortcoming in a... more
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      EpistemologyVirtue EpistemologyGettier Problem
This paper argues that for someone to know proposition p inferentially it is not enough that his belief in p and his justification for believing p covary with the truth of p through a sphere of possibilities. A further condition on... more
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    • Gettier Problem
Although recent epistemology has been marked by several prominent disagreements – e.g., between foundationalists and coherentists, internalists and externalists – there has been widespread agreement that some form of fallibilism must be... more
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      Epistemic JustificationGettier ProblemSkepticismKnowledge
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyScepticismPhilosophical Scepticism
Desde que la definición de conocimiento como creencia verdadera y justificada fue puesta en cuestión por Gettier, se han hecho varios intentos por proporcionar una nueva definición. En este artículo, sostengo que lo único necesario para... more
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      Gettier ProblemEpistemologiaArgumentacion
(short). The Gettier problem is conceived as the difficulty of offering an informative Gettier-proof analysis of knowledge. A solution is offered to this problem via anti-luck virtue epistemology. This proposal is then motivated and... more
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemKnowledgeAnti-Luck Epistemology
The value of knowledge has always been a central topic within epistemology. Going all the way back to Plato’s Meno, philosophers have asked, why is knowledge more valuable than mere true belief? Interest in this question has grown in... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyAxiologyEpistemic Luck
According to the traditional analysis of propositional knowledge (which derives from Plato's account in the Meno and Theaetetus), knowledge is justified true belief. This chapter develops the traditional analysis, introduces the famous... more
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemKnowledgeTeaching Philosophy
The project of the analysis of knowledge in terms of "justified true belief" is an essential part of both traditional and contemporary epistemology. Mario Bunge has gone beyond Gettier's famous counterexamples and has maintained that the... more
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemNaturalized EpistemologyTheory of Knowledge
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      EpistemologyFeminist EpistemologySocial EpistemologyGettier Problem
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemSkepticismKnowledge
Articles Jon ALTSCHUL, Epistemic Deontologism and Role-Oughts Benoit GAULTIER, An Argument Against the Possibility of Gettiered Beliefs Michael S. PERRY, Externalism, Skepticism, and Belief Pierre UZAN, Logique quantique et... more
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      EpistemologyScepticismEpistemic JustificationVirtue Epistemology
It is the consideration of two epistemic lacunas concerning mathematics provides some amount of serenity for a mathematician who likes to believe in the objectivity of his knowledge. Even if mathematics is vulnerable for the skeptical... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyScepticismPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyGettier ProblemTruthmaking
The contribution deals with knowledge of what to do, and how, where, when and why to do it, as it is found in a multitude of plans, rules, procedures, maxims, and other instructions. It is argued that while this knowledge is conceptual... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of Action
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A paper that argues against the possibility of "knowledge" in the strict sense.
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyEpistemic JustificationGettier Problem
The "epistemology industry today," Haack begins, is often preoccupied with skepticism and the analysis of knowledge. She explains the so-called "Gettier paradoxes," and asks for students' responses ... as a way of leading into her own... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyHistorical EpistemologyGettier Problem
Three classic distinctions specify that truths can be necessary versus contingent, analytic versus synthetic, and a priori versus a posteriori. The philosopher reading this article knows very well both how useful and ordinary such... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLogic And Foundations Of Mathematics
Philosophy’s role is typically a reflective one. Yet this stance is in peril of being corrupted. Because it is being driven to specialized inquiries, the subdisciplines of which it is comprised may develop into separate fields, whose... more
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      PhilosophyAnalytic PhilosophyApplied PhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Research Articles Mihai HÎNCU, Games of Partial Information and Predicates of Personal Taste Moti MIZRAHI, Why Gettier Cases Are Misleading Alexander R. PRUSS, Being Sure and Being Confident That You Won’t Lose Confidence Michael J.... more
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      EpistemologyGettier ProblemDefeasibilityKnowledge
Haack teaches epistemology in not-quite-the-usual way. first, her approach is historical; second, it is classical-pragmatist in tone and tenor. nonetheless she also covers most of the topics in contemporary analytic epistemology (context,... more
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Spunti teoretici e didattici dal paradosso di Gettier 1. Platone: la conoscenza come credenza vera e giustificata Che cos'è la conoscenza? Platone aveva già una risposta che si può considerare a grandi linee completa e corretta: una... more
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      PlatoEpistemic JustificationGettier ProblemKnowledge
Articles Rodrigo BORGES, How to Moore a Gettier: Notes on the Dark Side of Knowledge Thomas HALL, In Defense of the Compossibility of Presentism and Time Travel Ned MARKOSIAN, Do You Know That You Are Not a Brain In a Vat? Rinat M.... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceEpistemic JustificationMoore's Paradox
Nel Teeteto Platone si chiede cosa sia la conoscenza, e giunge a sostenere che è (i) una credenza, (ii) vera, e (iii) "con ragioni", ossia, come comunemente si dice, e diremo anche qui, giustificata . Dev'essere una credenza, e non una... more
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      Epistemic JustificationInternalism/ExternalismGettier ProblemTheory of Knowledge
In recent years, there has been a lot of debate in philosophical methodology about the best rational reconstruction of philosophical thought experiments. Concerning this debate, I argue against the current consensus that our intuitive... more
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      Experimental philosophyThought-ExperimentsThought ExperimentsGettier Problem
This inquiry aims at exploring the complex relationships between the basic epistemological concepts found in the “traditional analysis of knowledge”, namely: truth, belief and justification. After having clarified what is left aside by... more
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      Moore's ParadoxGettier ProblemEpistemic FallibilismThe Gettier Problem
Research Articles Mark J. BOONE, Inferential, Coherential, and Foundational Warrant: An Eclectic Account of the Sources of Warrant T. Ryan BYERLY, A Dispositional Internalist Evidentialist Virtue Epistemology Tjerk GAUDERIS, On... more
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      EpistemologyEpistemic JustificationVirtue EpistemologyMoore's Paradox
A conceptual exploration of the umbrella notion Wisdom, as well as dimensions, characteristics and components of the idea of wisdom as suggested by experimental philosophy, neurosciences and other studies and a comparison of the notion of... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeWisdomUnderstandingWisdom Traditions