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After presenting the reasons for undertaking an analysis of the Symposium and the Apology with regard to emotions, I focus on the groups of pleasure/joy and love/friendship and discuss relevant contexts. They provide us with a complex... more
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      Philosophy of the EmotionsSocratesXenophonAncient Greek Language
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      Presocratic PhilosophyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Philosophy
The fragment reflects the Aristotelian thought in a way that cannot be used to the reconstruction of Plato's philosophy of history, which can be found in the dialogues and do not exists any base to consider that Plato has reserved it to... more
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      ClassicsHistory of IdeasPlatoAristotle
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      EthicsSophistsProtagorashistory of ancient Greek philosophy
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      history of ancient Greek philosophyHistory of Philosophy
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAristotleDoxographyPresocratics
This paper focuses on one of the major criticisms made to Aristotle's virtue ethics, namely that it lacks explicit moral action guidance. The same criticism has been addressed to later developments of virtue ethics. There have been... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of ActionMoral Psychology
Resumen: L'Economico di Senofonte contiene un interessante trattato sulla vita matrimoniale: al centro di questo trattato si colloca la figura della moglie di Iscomaco, così come viene delineata da quanto quest'ultimo narra a Socrate. Una... more
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      XenophonAncient Greek HistoryHerodotushistory of ancient Greek philosophy
"Thaletas of Creta in Sparta A. V. Zaikov (А. В. Зайков ) The ancient tradition names Thaletas “the man expert in the legislation” because he was the carrier of ancient secret knowledge allowed him to act in Sparta as a re-organizer of... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologySpartaAncient Greek ReligionSpartan/Messenian history
Reconstruction of Ferecides' theology
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      ClassicsPresocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyGreek Myth
It is widely believed that the ancient Greeks thought that Thales was the first philosopher, and that they therefore maintained that philosophy had a Greek origin. This paper challenges these assumptions, arguing that most ancient Greek... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyHellenistic PhilosophyAristotleRace and Racism
Il Protagora presenta una struttura complessa per forma e contenuto ed è l’elaborata mise en scène di un dialogo tra Socrate e il sofista di Abdera. Uno dei temi di questo dialogo è il dialogo stesso come forma di comunicazione opposta... more
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      PhilosophyRhetoricPlatoAncient Philosophy
There is a long and successful scholarly tradition of commenting on Nietzsche's deep affinity for the philosophy of Heraclitus. But scholars remain puzzled as to why he suggested at the end of his career, in Ecce Homo, that the doctrine... more
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      Nineteenth-Century Continental PhilosophyEternal Recurrence and IdentityNietzscheHeraclitus
نهضت ترجمه: سرگذشت ترجمه در فرهنگ اسلامی، از سده نخست هجری تا دوره معاصر/ نوشته سیداحمد هاشمی و دیگران، تهران: نشر کتاب مرجع، ۱۳۸۹ ش موضوع کتاب حاضر بررسی سرگذشت ترجمه در فرهنگ اسلامی از سده‌ی نخست هجری تا دوره‌ی معاصر است. کتاب در دو... more
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      Intellectual HistoryTranslation StudiesHistory of ScienceIranian Studies
Lo studio esamina l'influenza esercitata dalla scoperta dell'incommensurabilità da parte dei tardo pitagorici sull'intera filosofia greca dalla dottrina delle idee di Platone alla logica di Aristotele.
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceHistory of LogicDemocritus
L'interpretazione di Platone elaborata da Leo Strauss
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      Political Philosophyhistory of ancient Greek philosophyHistory of Philosophy
L'autore passa in rassegna le classiche fonti storiche sulla vita e le opere di Talete e sulla cultura dell’antico Egitto. Espone un metodo per la misurazione delle altezze delle piramidi che potrebbe essere stato usato dal grande saggio... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceThaleshistory of ancient Greek philosophy
The essay deals with the issue of not-being in Aristotle against a background constituted, on one hand, by the distinction of the various senses of being and not-being, and, on the other hand, by the analysis of the proposition and the... more
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
Aristotle maintains a coherent conception of happiness in the Nicomachean Ethics and in the Politics. It is a dominant one, namely that happiness in its fullest sense consists in the activity of contemplation and that it is to this goal... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsClassicsHistory of Ideas
Kondylis quoted on Marx and Ancient Greece. Abstract of the International Bygosz University December 2012
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      Karl Marxhistory of ancient Greek philosophyPanajotis Kondylis
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      PlatoSocratesHistory of HistoriographyGiovanni Gentile
Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση στοχεύει στο να βοηθήσει τους πανεπιστημιακούς διδάσκοντες στο να προσεγγίσουν διδακτικά τη σκέψη των Προσωκρατικών φιλοσόφων, σε ένα μάθημα αρχαίας φιλοσοφίας ή κλασικής φιλολογίας στο πανεπιστήμιο, δίνοντας... more
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityAncient PhilosophyNeoplatonism
Seminario sobre Heráclito en nuestro Extremo Occidente Curso de Filosofía Antigua. Heráclito de Efeso Su pensamiento, su historia y su recepción en Argentina Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto 26 y 27 de mayo de 2016 Departamento de... more
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      Classical philologyHeraclitushistory of ancient Greek philosophyFilosofía Argentina
Comincia con questo volume la pubblicazione del mio manuale di storia della filosofia presso la casa editrice Aracne in Roma. Il contenuto di questo primo volume riguarda la filosofia dei Presocratici, dalle origini del pensiero greco... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPresocraticshistory of ancient Greek philosophyStoria della Filosofia
I discuss the issue whether the calculus of pleasures which is introduced by Socrates towards the end of the dialogue reflects a position that actually is attributed to him by Plato (as it is often assumed by interpreters) or (as I... more
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
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      Intellectual HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Urban PlanningAncient Greek Historyhistory of ancient Greek philosophy
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsCalculusPhilosophyMetaphysics
A CREATIVE translation from the best English source, notably faithful to thought but not character.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPresocratic PhilosophyRomanticism
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      Platohistory of ancient Greek philosophy
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      Plato and PlatonismAncient Greek Philosophyhistory of ancient Greek philosophyPlato's Late Dialectic Sophist Metaphysics Predication
This essay examines Giannantoni’s historiographical production regarding ancient logic. In particular, two works are considered: the first one, on Aristotle’s modal logic, published in 1964; the second one, appeared in 1981, concerning... more
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      Aristotelian LogicAncient Greek PhilosophyAristoteleshistory of ancient Greek philosophy
Plato's notorius criticism of Gorgianic rhetoric does not prevent him from adopting a conception of the influence of discourse on the emotions which is close to that propounded by Gorgias.
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
A general interpretation of Aristotle's "Politics", from the point of view of the approach adopted (e.g. there are points of contact with biology) and the status which is attributed to politics.
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
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      HomerAncient Greek PhilosophyParmenidesHesiod
The starting-question is whether, as it is often admitted, Plato's critical attitude to poetry and the fine arts reflects a position of lack of awareness of aethetic values - a position common to him and other ancient thinkers (e.g.... more
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
Les dix-huit études, dont deux inédites, rassemblées dans le présent ouvrage sont le résultat de quarante années de recherche sur le cynisme ancien. Elles complètent les trois monographies que l’auteur a consacrées à ce mouvement:... more
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      Cynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)history of ancient Greek philosophy
A través de una interpretación integral del diálogo y su relación con la denominada "doctrina no escrita", el trabajo muestra la relación entre la ontología y la política en el pensamiento del pensador ateniense. Su ideal ético consiste... more
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      ClassicsHistory of EthicsPlatoClassical Political Thought
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      History of ReligionHistory of Science and ReligionPhenomenology of ReligionMircea Eliade
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      PhilosophyPlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionGerman Idealism
This paper is chiefly aimed at individuating some deep,
but as yet almost unnoticed, similarities between Aristotle’s syllo-
gistic and the Stoic doctrine of conditionals,
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      Aristotle's underlying logicStoicism (Philosophy)History of Informal LogicAristoteles
The hero-cult of Hippolytus in Troezen is well documented in the archaeological, epigraphic and literary record. This paper focuses on the social function of the cult of Hippolytus in Troezen. After discussing the archaeological evidence... more
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      Greek TragedyArchaeology of ReligionAncient Greek ReligionEuripides
La Collection hippocratique présente ce trait remarquable que des textes médicaux techniques y sont parsemés de préceptes éthiques sans articulation apparente entre les deux registres. L’essai que je soumets soutient l’hypothèse suivante... more
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      PlatoAristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient Medicine
An interpretation of Parmenide's theory of being as expounded in the central part of his poem
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    • history of ancient Greek philosophy
This essay explicates the primary interpretative import of B1: 31-32 in Parmenides poem (On Nature)—lines which have radical implications for the overall argument, and which the traditional arrangement forces into an irreconcilable... more
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      ClassicsPresocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Il contributo descrive le principali ragioni culturali che indussero Gabriele Giannantoni a fondare il Centro di Studio del Pensiero Antico, presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, di cui fu direttore dal 1979 al 1998. Tra queste... more
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      history of ancient Greek philosophyHistory of Ancient Philosophy
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      AristotlePhenomenologyEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger