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      NaplesSack of RomeMannerismMessina
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      MannerismRenaissance tragedy
This paper explores the contradictory discourses on manners, safety and emotion that arose with mass motorization in Japan in the 1960s and which continue through the present. It documents the way in which multiple government entities end... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesSocial AnthropologyMobility/Mobilities
This essay does not strive to give a comprehensive review of literature on Antwerp Mannerism, but rather to summarize the focal points of discussions and to outline key roadmaps for further studies. The majority of scholars... more
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      Art HistoryHistoriography (in Art History)MannerismAntwerp Mannerism
Paper published in: Visual Resources. An International Journal of Documentation XIX (December 2003), nr 4. Special Issue: ‘Describing Depictions vs. Depicting Descriptions’, Guest Editor: Jan L. de Jong, 259 – 281
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      Italian Renaissance ArtClassical Reception StudiesMannerismAndrea Mantegna
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      IconographyPaintingCult of SaintsHistory of Art
This paper aims at questioning the concept of exercise as it is understood in the mannerist treaties of art in the late Cinquecento. It relies on a thorough investigation on the philosophical sources (such as Aristotelism and... more
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      Self and IdentityArt TheoryMarsilio FicinoEsthetics
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      Cuban StudiesBaroque to NeobaroqueNeo baroqueMetanarratives In Neo Baroque Latin American Fiction
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      Visual And Material RhetoricBaroque to NeobaroqueNew CriticismMannerism
The author discusses the importance of sociobiology or evolutionary psychology for explaining supranormal models throughout the history of art.
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      Evolutionary PsychologySociobiologyPeter Paul RubensJohann Joachim Winckelmann
The first part of this essay deals with Giorgio Vasari's conception of architecture in sixteenth-century Italy, and the second part examines Vasari's practical application of one of his constructions, the loggia (open gallery or arcade)... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtIconography and Iconology
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      Print CultureSociology of the BodyNorthern RenaissanceAnatomical illustration
Paper published in: H. Walter and H.-J. Horn (ed.), Die Rezeption der ‘Metamorphosen’ des Ovid in der Neuzeit: der antike Mythos in Text und Bild (Ikonographische Repertorien zur Rezeption des antiken Mythos in Europa. Beihefte 1), Berlin... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtClassical Reception StudiesClassical MythologyVenus
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      Landscape paintingMannerismGirolamo Muziano
The author considers the phenomenon of mannerism and (the similar phenomenon) snobbery of language behaviour in the social communication. The analysis of empiric material is based on a model of linguistic communication, which includes... more
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      PragmaticsStylisticsManipulation in DiscourseInterpersonal Communication / Persuasion / Social Influence / Language and Message Variables
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      Italian Renaissance literatureTragedyMannerismItalian Mannerism
Thomas Bernhards letzter umfangreicherer Prosatext, der Roman „Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall“ (1986), erweist sich als in seinem Redegestus grundlegend von Verfahren der Bildpraxis strukturiert, die auf die Ästhetik des Manierismus verweisen.... more
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      German LiteratureArt History20th Century German LiteratureAustrian Literature
Der Beitrag versucht sich ästhetischen Dimensionen und Praktiken im Leben europäischer Unterschichten anzunähern. Er verfolgt Suche und Streben nach Schönheit vom Mittelalter bis zum "proletarischen Chic" der Jugendsubkulturen des 20.... more
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      Popular CultureEveryday AestheticsYouth SubculturesStyle
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      Reception StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtMannerismTrento
The research conducted by this paper has been largely updated and elaborated in my MA-thesis "Senses and Passions of Benvenuto Cellini"; you are more than welcome to check it out. // The article aims to rethink the several stereotypes of... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGender Studies
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      Renaissance ArtSocratesAllegoryMichelangelo Buonarroti
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      HomerArt HistoryMimesisRenaissance Studies
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
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      ArchitecturePlatoArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
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      AestheticsIntermedialitySpiritualityPhilosophy of Art
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      Renaissance StudiesShakespeareRenaissance dramaRenaissance literature
The attached thesis is a reformatted and slightly edited version of the original on file in the libraries of Southern Methodist University. It does not include the original illustrations. However, images of these works can be found in... more
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      Erotic artItalian Renaissance ArtParmigianinoMannerism
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      AestheticsTelevision StudiesIntermedialityVideo Art
Abstract: In 1862, Myles Birket Foster, an English illustrator, commissioned the Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company to design ceramic tiles for his new house at The Hill in Witley, Under Morris’ guidance, Edward Burne-Jones composed... more
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      IconographySymbolismNeoplatonismPre-Raphaelite Painting
In 1564, in honor of the death of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), an artistic extravaganza was invented by the Benedictine monk Vincenzo Borghini (1515-1580)-prior of the hospital of the innocents, humanist, and administrator of the... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtSymbolism (Art History)Pre-Raphaelite PaintingIconology
The article examines and discusses some drawings by Giulio Pippi, known as Romano (c.1495–1546). One sheet is unpublished, while a few others are already known, although their exact destination is unknown. All of them concern the Mantuan... more
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      Italian Renaissance Art16th Century Italian ArtOld Master drawingsMannerism
A combined special issue, including articles on the historiography of architectural mannerism by Luke Morgan, Tiffany Lynn Hunt, and Matthew Critchley; and on the Covid 19 moment (Covid--Quid Tum?), with reflections by Christophe Van... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryMannerismArchitectural Criticism
Insight into the early spread of coffee culture is hampered due to limited sources and uncertainty if they refer to coffea, or another plant. A playful source for debate in coffeaology (the study of coffea) is Arcimboldo's 1590... more
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      Art HistoryCoffeeHistory of ArtCoffeehouse
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      16th Century Italian ArtMannerismPerino Del Vaga16th Century Rome
Il contributo presenta disegni inediti e altri già pubblicati, dei quali viene rivelata la destinazione; i fogli presi in considerazione appartengono a numerose collezioni pubbliche italiane e europee o sono comparsi sul mercato; sono qui... more
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      Old Master drawingsMannerismCesare NebbiaItalian Drawings
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      MannerismGiulio RomanoGianfrancesco PenniRenaissance courtesans
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      16th Century Italian ArtMannerismPerino Del Vaga
In the cultural system of the Renaissance, music was never conceived of only as a practical discipline or a simple form of entertainment. It was a deeply intellectual activity able to connect a single individual to the universe and to... more
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      IconographyRenaissance HistoryRenaissance HumanismPainting
The Mattei family chapel in the church of the Aracoeli in Rome was commissioned by Alessandro Mattei in 1564. Its pictorial decoration, painted by Girolamo Muziano in the 1580s at the behest of Ciriaco Mattei, is considered a source of... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtOld Master drawingsAracoeliMannerism
À partir de l’examen des notes et traces de lectures présentes dans certains livres de la bibliothèque de Giorgio Manganelli conservée auprès du Centre manuscrits de l’Université de Pavie, on se propose d’analyser comment l’écriture... more
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      Letteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaGiorgio ManganelliMannerism
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      Art TheoryModern ArtMannerismWerner Hofmann
Mannerism was the bridge between late Renaissance and the Baroque between 1520 and the 1600s. This movement was characterized by the destabilization of compositional elements through repetition and expressiveness, regardless of their... more
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      EcologySustainable Architecture- Architecture historyMannerism
Jacopo Pontormo’s artistic production has already been classified both as part of Mannerism and as the expression of an anticlassical experimentalism. Throughout the 20th century, several art historians tried to link Mannerism to a... more
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      Art HistoryArtistic LiteratureMannerismPontormo
The article tries to reconstruct some circumstances related to the counts of Quirra (Sardinia) during the 16th century, starting with Guglielmo Ramón de Carroz (Centelles), author of a bequest for the commission of an altarpiece in the... more
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      Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and PeruMannerismItalian Counter MannerismTardo Manierismo Romano
Die Magisterarbeit beleuchtet einen zentralen Aspekt der persuasiven Kunst Caravaggios: Detailliert wird aufgezeigt, wie die Antithese, ein Kunstgriff der antiken Rhetorik zur Spannungserzeugung, das Wesen seiner Malerei bestimmt. Die... more
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      RhetoricHistory of ArtItalian Baroque artCaravaggio
HR Rad analizira inventorski opus šibenskog bakroresca Martina Rote Kolunića, čije je razdoblje umjetničkog stvaralaštva trajalo od dolaska u Veneciju 1565. godine do smrti u Pragu 1583. Rasprava o odnosu protureformacijske misli i... more
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      MannerismEngravingCounter-ReformationGraphic Arts
 This study elaborates on the decoration of the ceiling in the refectory of the former Monteoliveto monastery in Naples, today part of the church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi. It consists of three parts: an explanation of the ceiling design... more
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      AlchemyHistory of AstrologyItalian Renaissance ArtSymbolism (Art History)
Pollastra. The Virgin Mary is depicted as a victorious symbol of grace and salvation, triumphing over evil. Rejoicing angels surround her with scrolls containing Latin inscriptions, QUOS EVE CULPA DANAVIT and MARIE GRATIA SOLVIT. These... more
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      ReligionChristianityCultural StudiesIconography and Iconology
There are conspicuous parallelisms —and symmetries— between the scholarly fates of Walter Benjamin and Arnold Hauser. While the first failed to attain any sort of success during his lifetime, the latter’s instant widespread diffusion went... more
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      PsychoanalysisSocial Research Methods and MethodologyTheodor AdornoMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious content
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel The Work in Black provides descriptions of artwork. Fingerprints artistic figurations in his novel become both a text and materiality of Intermediality Ut Pictura poesis. How is formed the symbiosis of the... more
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      EkphrasisUt Pictura PoesisMannerismMarguerite Yourcenar