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In 1963, Frank Brown carried out an excavation in the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. He never published it, and it has remained little known. This article presents the evidence of the excavation that it has been possible to find.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Medieval PotteryRoman Pottery
A lo largo de los siglos Roma se ha constituido como un mito, un referente al que han acudido todos los poderes hegemónicos –o que aspiraban a serlo– de cada periodo histórico. El ideal romano se ha configurado como paradigma de potestas... more
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      Roman HistoryHistory and Classical tradition studiesRome, City ofPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Nel 1976 Elsa Morante dedica a Pier Paolo Pasolini, scomparso tragicamente tre mesi prima, un lungo componimento di addio che ristabilisce idealmente quel dialogo interrotto nei primi anni ’70 a causa di dissidi e incomprensioni.... more
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      Elsa MorantePier Paolo PasoliniArthur RimbaudAracoeli
"Aracoeli" (1982) was the last novel written by Elsa Morante (1912-85), one of the most significant Italian writers of the twentieth century. The journey, both geographical and memorial, of a homosexual son in search of his dead mother is... more
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      Elsa MoranteAracoeli
Jeroen Reyniers, 'The Iconography of Emperor Augustus with the Tiburtine Sibyl in the Low Countries. An Overview', in: Marco Cavalieri, Pierre Assenmaker, Mattia Cavagna, David Engels (ed.), Augustus Through the Ages: Receptions, Readings... more
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      The Low CountriesMedieval Low Countries15th Century Netherlandish ArtAugustus
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      Fascism and Classical AntiquityReception of AntiquityAracoeliSanta Maria in Aracoeli
Studie van de iconografie van Keizer Augustus met de Tiburtijnse sibille in Berghse kroniekenhandschrift. Analysis of the Emperor Augustus with the Tiburtine Sibil iconography in the Chronicle manuscript Castle Bergh. Jeroen Reyniers,... more
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      IconographyMedieval Low Countries15th Century Netherlandish ArtAugustus
The Mattei family chapel in the church of the Aracoeli in Rome was commissioned by Alessandro Mattei in 1564. Its pictorial decoration, painted by Girolamo Muziano in the 1580s at the behest of Ciriaco Mattei, is considered a source of... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtOld Master drawingsAracoeliMannerism
Resumen: Durante la Edad Media los relatos referidos a personajes de la Antigüedad clásica fueron frecuentes. En la ciudad de Roma surgió durante el siglo VI la leyenda de Aracoeli que relacionaba al emperador Augusto con Cristo... more
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      History and Classical tradition studiesReligious SyncretismChristianity and RomeSuetonius
Michelangelo Cianti, frate minore, fu tra i pittori dell’Ordine più attivi: produsse infatti una quantità notevole di dipinti tra i quali alcuni destinati alla basilica e al convento di Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Mentre era in vita la sua... more
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      OttocentoAracoeliArte ModernaFrancescanesimo