Recent papers in Geografie
The objective of this article is to summarize, or rather to emphasize, important findings from selected research projects carried out in Czechia regarding international migration and the integration of foreigners. The primary topics of... more
Aceasta lucrare își propune să analizeze opțiunile comunităților rurale din Regiunea Nord-Est privind tranziția către o bioeconomie circulară în acord cu politicile de mediu ale UE. Sistemul liniar bazat pe colectarea în amestec a... more
Prachtig artikel over mijn scriptieonderwerp 'hooiwegen' in de Leeuwarder Courant en in het Dagblad van het Noorden, geschreven door journalist Paul Straatsma. Gepubliceerd op 03 juni 2017.
Tabel unitati de relief pentru Bacalaureatul la geografie.
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Dit onderzoek is gedaan als bachelorscriptie vanuit de studie Sociale Geografië en Planologie, faculteit Geowetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Het onderzoek heeft betrekking op de geomorfologische en bodemkundige elementen die een... more
Sarău, Gheorghe 2021, Turnu Măgurele – Mon amour, mon Paris. Dicționar cu embleme turnu-măgurelene, Târgu-Mureș: Editura Vatra veche, 216 p., ISBN: 978-606-9014-63-9.
Dit prachtige artikel (pp.12-20) is geschreven door Nico Bakker en verschenen in het tijdschrift "Oes Eigen Streek" (maart 2019). Het gaat over de hooiwegen naar het Sleenerstroomgebied, in de omgeving van Emmen, Drenthe. Het artikel is... more
The title in English: "The truth regimes of the past. An enquiry into the historiography and history of geography" - this 370 pp. treatise was written in Romanian and published in 2002 with "Aurel Vlaicu" University Press. The full text... more
Auch als reich bebilderter Vortrag buchbar! Sprechen Sie mich gerne an. Verschwundene Dörfer, untergegangene Siedlungen, verlassene Orte – in der Krisenzeit des Spätmittelalters entstanden zahllose Wüstungen. Ganze 40 000 sollen es... more
En un encuentro al que me invitaron los compañeros de Geografía, recientemente, introduje un concepto, el de “topología del Estado”, para estudiar cómo es que el estado, a lo largo de los siglos, ha construido la significación y la... more
The article informs readers of the monothematic issue of Geografie journal devoted to the 150th anniversary of geography at Charles University in Prague about historical roots of geography at Prague University in the context of its... more
The road to our past. Research into hayfield roads in the north of the Netherlands since the 18th century. Contains English summary. Het Nederlandse platteland kende in het verleden een stelsel van hooiwegen, beschreven als... more
2012): Qualitative methods, is there something new to learn for Czech geography? Geografie, 117, No. 3, pp. 308–328. – This article aims to provide the first geographical account on case studies as a tool of nomothetic science in the... more
Jadi ini salah satu tugas geografi kelas XI semester 2 tentang keberadaan budaya di Indonesia. Di makalah ini saya menjelaskan tentang kebudayaan yg dimiliki oleh Sumba, NTT. Semoga membantu:)
Článek je věnován vztahu jedince k místu, ale i tomu, jak místo ovlivňuje jedince. Rozebírán je vzájemný vztah jedince a místa, ve kterém jedinec ije, má svůj domov, pracuje, tvoří, relaxuje, identifikuje se s místem, setkává se v něm s... more
The aim of the article is to analyze the territorial identity of the inhabitants of Czechia and Slovakia with an emphasis on interregional disparities. The territorial identity of the inhabitants represents their territorial... more
Refugee protection and humanitarianism have evolved hand in hand in the post- World War 2 era despite shortcomings. Since the 1980s however, we have witnessed a weakening of the international protection regime and a restrictive and... more
Our understanding of gentrification outside of the Anglo-Saxon core is relatively undeveloped. In order to contribute to a more de-centered approach, we ask who are the gentrifiers and how do they change central city neighbourhoods in a... more
The study analyzes the number of light, moderate and severe spring and autumn frosts and occurrence of the last spring and the first autumn frost in the Pannonian Basin in Serbia, over the period 1961–2010. Only the average number of... more
A diversidade de perspectivas teórico-metodológicas à disposição da análise geográfica na atualidade tem encorajado a disciplina a explorar novas temáticas de pesquisa, bem como colocar as questões e problemas teóricos mais convencionais... more
This article presents current issues related with the relationship between tourism and environment. It gives a brief overview of various definitions, aspects and approaches to the tourism sustain ability. The article summarizes the... more
The aim of this study is to find out the contributions of geography courses to the spatial belonging development and identity construction of Turkish-origin students from different types of schools located in North Rhine-Westphalia... more
Protected mountain areas are attractive tourist destinations, and the number of visitors to these areas is increasing. 'e extension of cable car operations into the summer season is a challenge for some protected areas. Our study... more