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      Visual StudiesNarrative MethodsJews in Italian RenaissanceIconografy of Last Supper
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance ArtHistory of Art and Architecture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiorgio VasariMannerismFrancesco Salviati
La giornata di studio mira a tracciare un punto fermo nella conoscenza del ciclo affrescato, proponendosi di indagare sui numerosi punti di contatto fra gli artisti attivi a Gambatesa e le botteghe pittoriche presenti sia a Napoli che a... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPatronage (History)Patronage and collectingGiorgio Vasari
Il contributo analizza il ciclo affrescato da Domenico Ghirlandaio e bottega nella Chiesa di Santa Trinita a Firenze successivamente al complessivo restauro eseguito dal 2004 al 2007. Nello studio sono stati identificati molti volti di... more
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      Renaissance HumanismRenaissance ArtHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art
Paper published in: T. Weddigen, S. de Blaauw, B. Kempers & A. Roth (eds.), Functions and Decorations: Art and Ritual at the Vatican Palace in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Capellae Apostolicae Sixtinaeque Collectanea Acta... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPope Paul IIIPapal HistoryMannerism
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
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      ArchitecturePlatoArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtTheory of ornamentHistory of Ornament
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      ParagoneMichelangelo BuonarrotiGiorgio VasariSebastiano Luciani detto Sebastiano del Piombo
Primeiro ensaio de caracterização, estudo evolutivo, linhas de contextuselização e definição estilística do Maneirismo português no campo da produção pictórica. Acentuam-se as potencialidades desse esquecido 'tempo' artístico (antes, só,... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingIconography and IconologyLate Mannerism
The technology of the mechanical clock was in all probability developed in Italy during the last quarter of the 13th century and one of the two oldest surviving specimens of mechanical clock (doc. 1386) is in Serravalle di Vittorio... more
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      AutomataItalian Renaissance ArtBellsItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      Giorgio VasariJacopo ZucchiPius V, popeItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtItalian Humanism
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      16th Century Italian ArtMannerismGenoaItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
Et si le paysage n'était pas seulement un genre pictural, mais aussi une construction culturelle et sociale... Des décors peints aux jardins, des parcs de chasse aux cartes géographiques, les formes changeantes du paysage révèlent les... more
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      ArchitectureItalian StudiesLandscape ArchitectureUrban Planning
Neste ensaio, analisa-se de modo sustentado a obra da fachada do Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa, uma das obras-primas da arquitectura civil portuguesa da Idade Moderna, assumindo-se que a sua traça se deve ao arquitecto régio Nicolau de Frias,... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMannerismItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      Art HistoryLibrary ScienceRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Se a Charola de Tomar foi sempre estudada, em termos artísticos, à luz da campanha gótico-manuelina, defende-se que também a campanha ordenada por Filipe I e pelos freires de Tomar (sempre injustamente menorizada) foi deveras grandiosa,... more
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      PinturaManeirismoGiulio Romano, Maneirism, ManeirismoItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
The critical judgment of Vasari (the"maniera disforme") on Sebastiano's style in the fresco cycle in the Loggia della Galatea (Rome, Villa Farnesina), is analysed in the light of the impact of the Venetian taste in the Roman milieu, and... more
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      GiorgioneVenetian Renaissance artSebastiano Luciani detto Sebastiano del PiomboItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
Newly Identified 16th-century Italian drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeCollecting and Collections
This article studies the mature career of the Florentine painter Alessandro Fei del Barbiere (1537-1592), beginning with the rediscovery of the 'Ascension' altarpiece formerly in the Albizi Chapel in the destroyed church of San Pier... more
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      Florentine ArtCounter-Reformation artMannerismCounter-Reformation
from the exhibition catalogue 'Greco", Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 2019-20
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      DrawingItalian Renaissance ArtTheory and Practice of Visual ArtsSpanish Art
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      Ecclesiastical PatronageMannerismpatronage Baroque RomeItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
This book provides the first comprehensive study of the representation of Alexander the Great in Renaissance Italian art, exploring a fundamental turning point in the tradition: the transition from the medieval imagery of Alexander as a... more
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      Art HistoryReception StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance Art
Giovanni Andrea Carlone rappresenta una presenza atipica tra gli artisti genovese del secondo Seicento: lontano dalla patria infatti seppe riscuotere, eguagliato solo dal Merano nelle sortite emiliane, un grande successo sia a Roma che a... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryArtItalian art
Maniërisme en naturalisme in de Veneto Bachelorscriptie, Radboud Universiteit, 2003 Onder begeleiding van Prof. dr. Bernard Aikema INHOUDSOPGAVE Inleiding — 5 I HET THEORETISCHE KADER VAN DE MANIERA Maniërisme en bella maniera —... more
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      Art TheoryVenetian art and architectural historyNaturalism (Philosophy)Titian
Villa Grimani Molin, today Avezzù, is a prestigious noble rural residence adorned with a precious, yet peculiar fresco program. Many attempts have been made to decipher these frescoes, though with very meagre results, mainly because of... more
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian HumanismMicrohistoryRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empires
Giulia Romano’s Sleeping Polyphemus, a fresco painting on the northeast lunette of the Garden Loggia in the Villa Madama at Rome, is currently in a bad state of conservation. However, it is possible to examine the work and its iconography... more
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      DrawingRenaissance RomeGreek mythologyGiulio Romano
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      IconographyArt HistoryPaintingMannerism
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      Italian frescoes of the High Renaissance and MannerismClaude d'UrféTrinità Dei MontiMarciac
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      Art HistoryLandscape ArchitectureArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtGardens
The graphic oeuvre of Giulio Mazzoni is currently composed of only one unanimously accepted work, a drawing of "Truth Unveiled by Time" in the British Museum, identified by Philip Pouncey in 1955. In 1968, Peter Dreyer ascribed a further... more
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      DrawingMannerismPainted Stucco DecorationStuccowork
The Troy apartment in the Ducal Palace in Mantua was commissioned by Federico the II Gonzaga to Giulio Romano, who completed it in 1536-1539; the Apartment is an important exemplum in understanding how Pippi’s laboratory worked. Its wall... more
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      Renaissance HumanismDiagnosticsRinascimentoMannerism
Giorgio Vasari racchiude entro la cornice dell’«introduzzione» alle «Vite» una solida e documentata trattazione tecnica, in cui l’attività dei rappresentanti delle tre arti viene descritta in una prosa caratterizzata dall’andamento... more
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      Italian (European History)Italian StudiesTerminologyArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
À la Renaissance, la peinture n'est plus simplement l'affaire des artistes. Les princes et les mécènes engagent souvent des érudits qui fournissent aux peintres ce que l'on nomme habituellement une invenzione (autrement dit un sujet) ou... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art
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      Italian WarsFlorentine ArtMannerismItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      Decorative ArtsMichelangelo BuonarrotiMannerismPainted Stucco Decoration
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance Ferrara
Over the course of the Sixteenth century, stucco became a widely used decorative technique in the palaces of the nobility in Rome. In its evocation of the art of antiquity stucco was a medium that enabled the expression of the kind of... more
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      MannerismItalian Renaissance sculptureItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and MannerismStucco
The piazza of Vigevano, from the later fifteenth century, bears 76 painted roundels of Sforza dynastic imagery, two painted triumphal arches, and plaques lauding the Sforza family's deeds. The article seeks to explain how the architecture... more
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      ArchitectureLeonardo da VinciSforza familyItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      AcquaspartaCoriolanusMannerismItalian frescoes of the High Renaissance and Mannerism
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      DrawingPrints and DrawingsOld Master drawingsDrawings
Seminario di studi a cura di Valentina Balzarotti (Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte), Serena Quagliaroli (Archivio del Moderno, Università della Svizzera italiana), Giulia Spoltore (Archivio del Moderno,... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art16th Century Italian ArtItalian Renaissance ArchitectureMannerism
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      Art HistoryMannerismHistory of GenoaLeone Leoni
This paper presents the results of an ongoing research on the survey of vaulted structures of important Italian monumental buildings belonging to UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Ravenna, Rome and Florence). The three case studies deal with... more
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      3D Laser scanning (Architecture)3D Modelling (Architecture)Reverse ModelingCupola
A set of about 70 fresco samples made with pigments and binders typical of the Renaissance period in Rome has been characterized by LIBS, LIF and colorimetric measurements in order to build an as much as possible complete database. Aiming... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageColorimetryRenaissance Studies
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFramingFrame AnalysisFilippino Lippi
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      FrescoBernardino LuiniMannerismRenaissance Milan
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      Italian Renaissance Art16th Century Italian ArtItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryItalian Renaissance Architecture