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Matsumoto, Naomi. 'The Operatic Mad Scene: Its Origins and Early Development up to c. 1700' (PhD Dissertation, University of London, 2005). This thesis investigates the origins of the operatic mad scene, its development up to c.1700,... more
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      AestheticsHistory of MedicineOperaHenry Purcell
A comparative study of the transcriptions and editions of Monteverdi's Orfeo within the 20th century.
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      Music HistoryMusicologyOperaClaudio Monteverdi
While Matthias Weckmann's music is much admired by those familiar with his works, compared to that of other seventeenth-century masters it has received relatively little attention. This paper suggest a possible explanation, within the... more
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      Reception StudiesClaudio MonteverdiHeinrich SchutzMatthias Weckmann
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      ArtClaudio Monteverdi
Note di sala.
Teatro Ponchielli. Cremona, 14 giugno 2021
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      MusicologyBaroque MusicClaudio Monteverdi
A compendious exposition of the author's theory of musical patronage in the Renaissance and Baroque complemented by a discussion testing its tenets against the lifelong relationship of Monteverdi with the Gonzaga family ( English... more
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      Music HistorySociology of MusicClaudio MonteverdiMusical Patronage
The article offers a comparative analysis of three madrigals: Baciator dubbioso by Giambattista Marino, Irresoluto by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn (the paraphrase/translation of Marino’s text) and Vorrei baciarti o Filli... by Claudio Monteverdi... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricClaudio MonteverdiGiambattista Marino
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      Claudio MonteverdiLuca MarenzioMusic and PoetryItalian madrigal
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      Claudio MonteverdiValère NovarinaOrphée
Music for the 'Iron Era': Rubens, Seneca and Monteverdi's Eighth Book of Madrigals - In the preface to his Libro ottavo, Monteverdi presents an aesthetic and genre-theoretical concept that involves, on the hand, a new composing style -... more
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      Music TheoryMusicologyMusic and PoliticsSeneca
A handy summary of basic rules for making stretto fugas in two and three voices, including examples by Santa Maria and Zarlino.
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      16th Century CounterpointRenaissance musicClaudio MonteverdiMusic Improvisation
Journal ed. 2018. Published: 2019. Abstract: The construction of character on the early operatic stage by means of musical gestures is an arresting achievement of Italian master Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), a practice first evident in... more
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      Claudio Monteverdi (Music)17th Century MusicClaudio MonteverdiEarly Opera
Baroque opera was invented on a deathly premise: reviving a tradition of sung ancient tragedy that had in fact never existed. Modern historiography has struggled with the notion of origins, focusing on relationships among the surviving... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicMusicologyRoman History
No, these first steps will not make you a master of Baroque Gesture. But they will create the conditions in which you can study and practise further. So, whilst you are putting in the time to internalise the collected wisdom of... more
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      ShakespeareBaroque operaHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Claudio Monteverdi
As construções musicais utilizadas por Claudio Monteverdi, mais do que uma maneira de organizar o discurso musical, refletem uma proposta dramatúrgica do compositor, no que concerne ao re-significado do texto. O texto poético, com seu... more
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      Choral ConductingMusical dramaturgyClaudio MonteverdiCanto Coral
Orpheus and Eurydice’s myth has inspired many composers and librettists since Renaissance until present times, and was at the birth of one of the first known operas, the Euridice by J. Peri and G. Caccini. In this paper the author studies... more
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      Music HistoryOperaAncient myth and religionChristoph Willibald Gluck
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      The Classical TraditionIntellectual History of the Baroque PeriodBaroque MusicBaroque music theatre
Notas de Programa para a Temporada de Música Gulbenkian (2012-2013).
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      OperaBaroque MusicClaudio MonteverdiMonteverdi
Girolamo Frescobaldi Se l’aura spira (1613-1643) Cosi mi disprezzate Michel Lambert Vos mépris chaque jour (1610-1696) Par mes chants tristes et... more
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      French Baroque MusicBaroque MusicClaudio MonteverdiBaroque Vocal Music
This study presents the oeuvre of Adriano Banchieri, a Bolognese monk whose lifetime spanned the late Renaissance and early Baroque. Although the catalogue of his works lists no more than some fifty extant items, these are of an... more
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      Italian LiteratureHistory of Music TheoryCommedia dell'arteClaudio Monteverdi
Rappresentata per la prima volta a Venezia durante la stagione di car-nevale del 1643, L'incoronazione di Poppea è l'ultima opera attribuibile, del tutto o in parte, a Claudio Monteverdi. Oltre a essere una delle poche opere, forse... more
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      Baroque operaClaudio MonteverdiGian Francesco Busenello17th-century Venetian Opera
The paper focuses on the sources of and existing links between the Aristotelian rhetoric and monodic music in late Renaissance and first Baroque in Italy. It describes a practice well know as "Recitar cantando", practice which will soon... more
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      AristotleBaroque MusicClaudio MonteverdiHistorical Sources
questa dovrebbe essere una lezione che si svolgerà a Viterbo martedì 13 ottobre 2015...
ma academia.edu non prevede più la possibilità di inserire eventi...
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      Baroque MusicAngelo PolizianoClaudio MonteverdiRinascimento
Today’s concert takes its point of departure from Tasso’s epic La Gerusalemme liberata: from its tales of Erminia amongst the shepherds, and her tears over what she believes to be the body of Tancredi; the pagan warrior Clorinda, who... more
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      MusicMusicologyClaudio MonteverdiTorquato Tasso
Pryer, Anthony J.. November 2012. Claudio Monteverdi: Sacrae Cantiunculae; Madrigali Spirituali; Canzonette a 3 Voci. Cremona (Italy): Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi. ISBN 9788886288361. This edition brings together the three earliest... more
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      Baroque MusicEarly Modern ItalyHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Claudio Monteverdi
Over the past hundred years, the operas of Claudio Monteverdi have become iconic symbols of the early music movement and have entered the canon of so-called great operas. The conventional explanation for their iconicity is that they are... more
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      Early MusicOperaHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Claudio Monteverdi
Santa Maria Gloriosa de’ Frari is one of the best-loved and most celebrated churches in Venice, renowned for its imposing Gothic architecture and its rich display of works of art, but it is in no sense a museum. Founded as the principal... more
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      IconographyFranciscan StudiesRestorationRelics (Religion)
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      MusicFilm Music And SoundSynaesthesiaMultimedia
La ricchezza e la precisione delle indicazioni strumentali nell'Orfeo di Monteverdi ci mostrano un uso degli strumenti che segue da un lato gli affetti, dall'altro l'idea drammaturgica, oltre a una funzione imitativa ricca di madrigalismi... more
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      Early Modern ItalyLeon Battista AlbertiClaudio MonteverdiFresco
The myth of Orpheus, the ancient hero who could enchant nature with his music and tried to bring back his beloved Eurydice from Hades, consists of many different elements. There is no single original Orpheus myth, but the story gradually... more
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      MythologyColuccio SalutatiClassical Reception StudiesBoccaccio
A busca de mais de um século chegou ao termo quando, em 24 de fevereiro de 1607, os convidados do Conde Vicenzo de Gonzaga, um tanto apertados devido às dimensões modestas da Galleria delle Specchi, a Sala dos Espelhos, no palácio ducal... more
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      OperaClaudio MonteverdiMarsilio FicinoEstética
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    • Claudio Monteverdi
Like many kinds of popular entertainment, the opera of seventeenth-century Venice relied heavily on formulae. From the lamenting queen to the comic servant, creators had numerous stock characters and plot elements to draw upon, recombine,... more
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      Baroque MusicGreek MythBaroque operaClaudio Monteverdi (Music)
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureEarly Modern CatholicismClaudio MonteverdiHistory of Biblical Interpretation (Theology)
Attraverso un percorso ermeneutico, frutto di una vasta campagna di ricerche archivistiche e di puntuali ricognizioni bibliografiche capaci di rivelare in filigrana prospettive sotto molti punti di vista sorprendenti, questo studio indaga... more
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryVenetian HistoryBaroque Music
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      Music HistoryMusicologyRenaissance HumanismHistory of Music Theory
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      History of Music TheoryBaroque MusicClaudio MonteverdiCounterpoint
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      Claudio MonteverdiDonatelloRaffaelloΑναγέννηση
The Plot Vincenzo Gonzaga II, reigning Duke of Mantua from 1587-1612, desires that his musical establishment be one of the finest in Italy. Hearing of an extraordinary singer in Naples who accompanies herself on the harp (on which... more
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      Claudio MonteverdiSigismondo D'IndiaAdriana BasileFerdinando Gonzaga
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      Sacred MusicClaudio MonteverdiPalestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi daGonzaga family
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      Claudio Monteverdi (Music)Claudio MonteverdiHistory of VenicePoppea
Ese trabajo se propone a investigar las influencias estéticas que formaron el concepto de seconda prattica en la ópera Orfeo, una favola in musica (1607), de Claudio Monteverdi. El Orfeo nació de conceptos y tradiciones que, venidas desde... more
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      OperaClaudio MonteverdiMúsicaRenascimento
How could we manage the Orpheus’ heritage? How to handle a voice that charms the wild beasts and the gods, moving the rocks and silencing the mermaids? Apparently it’s easy: it’s enough turning back to look and deal with one’s own... more
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      MusicMusicologyMythologyOperations Research
Claudio Monteverdi’s Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria (1640) constitutes a unique source for understanding Venetian norms concerning the nature of marriage, love, and the emergence of public opera as a popular form of entertainment in... more
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    • Claudio Monteverdi
An investigation of the changes to rhythmic notation and rate of tactus from the Renaissance into the Baroque period, particularly how these changes reflect larger philosophical changes in the Baroque and Enlightenment.
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      RhythmEnlightenmentBaroque MusicRenaissance music
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      Claudio Monteverdi (Music)Claudio Monteverdi
The activities we subsume under the single term 'improvisation' comprise a complex and varied field of musical behaviour, not all elements of which are quite as spontaneous or 'in the moment' as they might appear. This paper argues that... more
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      Claudio MonteverdiMusic ImprovisationGiulio Caccini
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      Claudio MonteverdiClaudio MeruloCarlo GesualdoSigismondo D'India