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If music education is to respond to the skills and needs of 21st-century music learners, innovative learning paradigms must be explored. This dissertation reports a research-creation approach for the development of a framework for... more
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      MusicImprovisationEducational TechnologyCreativity
Texto de apresentação dos artigos na temática da Improvisação.
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      Jazz ImprovisationBrasilian popular musicMusic ImprovisationAudiotactile Music
A little handbook on improvisation with keyboard.
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      ImprovisationMusic ImprovisationMusic performance and improvisationMusical Improvisation
PhD dissertation
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      Cognitive PsychologyMusicMusicologyArabic Literature
Resumo Este projeto partiu da ideia de dois docentes das áreas de improvisação e de percepção musical criando juntos situações em que fluxos entre estas áreas pudessem ocorrer e se retroalimentar. Observando estes fluxos intrínsecos entre... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic ImprovisationCognição MusicalProcessos Criativos
The purpose of this capstone project was to incorporate composition and improvisation activities into a pre-existing piano curriculum for adolescent piano beginners. Most piano method books are designed either for children or adults, but... more
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      Musical CompositionPianoImprovisationCreativity
Some "toques" (musical performances) of erkencho (aerophone of the southern Andes) are analyzed to decipher the principles of construction of extemporaneous musical form implemented by the performers in this music subject to improvisation.
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      Latin American StudiesEthnomusicologyMusic Improvisation
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is common among musicians, and varying levels of MPA inevitably occur in performances. The causes of MPA are difficult to define due to different factors in diverse musicians. Minimal research has been... more
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      PercussionClassical ImprovisationJazz ImprovisationClassical Music
An overview of the contents of the book "Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians" (2008, 354 p., GIA Publications)
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      ImprovisationClassical ImprovisationFree ImprovisationPedagogy of Improvisation
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      Music EducationMusic ImprovisationInformal music learning
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    • Music Improvisation
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      ImprovisationMusic CognitionJazz ImprovisationMusic Improvisation
A handy summary of basic rules for making stretto fugas in two and three voices, including examples by Santa Maria and Zarlino.
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      16th Century CounterpointRenaissance musicClaudio MonteverdiMusic Improvisation
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      Musical CompositionMusic EducationImprovisationNotation (Music)
Summary This thesis proposes SPECS: a Standardised Procedure for Evaluating Creative Systems. No methodology has been accepted as standard for evaluating the creativity of a system in the field of computational creativity and the... more
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      CreativityMeasurement and EvaluationEvaluationComputational Creativity
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      Music TheoryImprovisationMusic ImprovisationImprovisação
Sul frontespizio de Il tempio dell'armonia, coro a quattro voci con accompagnamento di pianoforte o arpa di Ferdinando Paër, pubblicato a Parigi verso il 1820, leggiamo che «questo coro è stato improvvisato dal Signor Paer ed eseguito... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyHistory of musicMusic Improvisation
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      Renaissance musicMusic Improvisation
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyComputer Music
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      Grateful DeadMusic Improvisation
Erol Deran'dan Makamdan Makama Geçki Örnekleri kitap tanıtım yazısı.
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      Music ImprovisationMaqamOttoman MusicTurkish Classical Music
Der Text gibt eine Einführung in die Genderforschung innerhalb der Musikpädagogik und richtet dabei den Fokus auf die Populäre Musik. Ziel ist es, die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zu strukturieren und damit eine theoretische Basis für weitere... more
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      Music EducationCommunity MusicJazz ImprovisationMusic Improvisation
Arteleku, 2009 ISBN978-84-7907-622-1 Unlike any other form of music, improvised and noise music, nonetheless exists in capitalism. Since we cannot accept that noise or improvisation is by default anticapitalist music, then we need to... more
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      MusicMusic TheoryPerformance StudiesGender
El presente ensayo del compositor Angelo Sturiale, ha sido publicado en el libro colectivo “La belleza múltiple” (Ediciones Bellaterra) coordinado por el catedrático Lluis X. Álvarez, de la Universidad de Oviedo, y Luis Xavier López... more
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      Musical CompositionContemporary ArtNotation (Music)Music Improvisation
This paper recounts and analyzes a performance of John Zorn's Cobra––a 'game' piece for improvisers––from a first person perspective. I examine the process of rehearsal and performance making reference to relevant literature in music... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyPerforming Arts
La práctica instrumental de la batucada es un recurso a través del cual comprender y vivenciar conceptos del lenguaje musical en el aula de música de la ESO. Nos permite trabajar aspectos como la coordinación rítmico-motriz, la capacidad... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic ImprovisationBatucadas
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      MinimalismOttoman BalkansMusic analysisAnnotation
FREEING MELODY Improvisation and Composition in the work of Lester Young, Lee Konitz, and Ornette Coleman David S. Bond For the past fifty years, I have been... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic EducationMusicology
Exegesis, audio recordings, video footage and video demonstrations submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree:
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      ImprovisationVoice (Music)Contemporary MusicJazz Improvisation
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      ImprovisationBaroque Music16th Century CounterpointJ S Bach
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      ImprovisationMusic ImprovisationTonaliteMakam
Der Mensch ist das improvisierende ›Tier‹ schlechthin. Denn er kann aus mangelnder Vorbereitung Chancen kreieren, sich Situationen anpassen und mit Flexibilität das Beste daraus machen. Improvisation darf dabei nicht mit Stümperei... more
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An overview of the contents of the book of improv games for vocalists and choral groups.
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      ImprovisationJazz ImprovisationPedagogy of ImprovisationMusic Improvisation
La improvisación ha sido consubstancial a la música de baile en los salones de la Venezuela del siglo XIX. Numerosos documentos nos informan sobre esta práctica, que llega hasta nuestros días a través de sus géneros más característicos,... more
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      MusicologyImprovisationLatin American MusicMusic Improvisation
This article outlines the philosophical and pedagogical underpinnings of a masters degree in Transformative Leadership with a specific focus on the role of creativity and self-creation. It uses the design of the degree as a way of address... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Jakob Adlung’s recently rediscovered manuscript treatise, ‘Anweisung zum Fantasiren’ (‘Instruction in improvisation’, c.1725–7), proves definitively that some 18th-century musicians understood improvisation modularly in terms of stock... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic HistoryMusic Theory
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      Music EducationJacques DerridaDiversity & InclusionHospitality
A long unpublished interview with composer/multi-instrumentalist Anthony Braxton conducted December, 2000.
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      SociologyMusicMusic HistoryMusic Theory
[Lecture recital, presented at the 16th biennial conference on baroque music, Salzburg, Austria, July 2014.] Johann Mattheson (1681-1764) is regarded as one of the most important writers on music during the late Baroque. He probably is... more
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    • Music Improvisation
Diploma accademico di I livello in "Jazz, Musiche Improvvisate e Musiche del nostro tempo" Indirizzo compositivo-interpretativo Corso: Chitarra
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      Music TheoryJazz GuitarJazz ImprovisationMusic analysis
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic therapy (Psychology)Music Therapy
El Vademecum musical del IEM es un conjunto de definiciones ordenadas por orden alfabético y trata de ser una herramienta útil al servicio de profesores y alumnos de Conservatorios o centros de enseñanza musical de cualquier nivel, que... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyMusic TheoryImprovisationMusic analysis
In the exhibition book "Und weg mit den Minuten - Dieter Roth und die Musik" (also available in english) an interdisciplinary dialogue between the art historian and curator Matthias Haldemann (Kunsthaus Zug) and the composer and music... more
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      FluxusExperimental MusicConcrete PoetryMusic Improvisation
The close relationship of Victor Assis Brazil and the jazz is widespread among musicians, students and music lovers in general, especially for his eloquence as an improviser. However, the specific knowledge about the musical procedures... more
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      MusicImprovisationJazz ImprovisationMusic Improvisation
Much has been written on jazz, its explosive success at the beginning of its life journey, and its gradual gain of respectability as it aged – in exchange for a noticeable loss of popularity in the land of its birth. But very few... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic EducationPopular Music StudiesPopular Culture
Objetivos de la tesis Brindar herramientas conceptuales, técnicas y puntos de referencia para enriquecer al compositor y al intérprete, presentando un marco teórico en el complejo terreno intertextual de... more
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      Music TheoryFolkloreImprovisationTango
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
ABSTRACT This thesis is a research and development of a study guide in latin song, musical experience in a teaching institution, learning strategies, musical language that develops vocal improvisation in the style Comprises the use of... more
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      Music ImprovisationSinging, Vocal TechniquesVocal TrainingLatin Music Vocal
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      Early Childhood EducationMusic ImprovisationMultimodality, Social Semiotics