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PAOLO DIVIZIA, Orfeo e la potenza dell’arte. La rinascita del teatro e della musica tra Poliziano, Rinuccini e Striggio-Monteverdi, «Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature», 4/2 (2013), pp. 310-34.
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyTextual Criticism
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      ShakespeareHeinrich von KleistRobert MusilThomas Aquinas
This article discusses the concept of ‘Monteverdi’s Vespers’ as represented in contemporary record releases of the composer’s works. This concept refers both to Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine, published in 1610, and to various... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyBaroque MusicMusic Industry
How did Shakespeare’s verses sound, as he and other actors of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men recited them on the stage of the Globe Theatre? New research into the performance practice of seventeenth-century music suggests that this question... more
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      Theatre StudiesHenry PurcellShakespearean Drama17th Century Music
Despite recent scholarly interest in Monteverdi's Selva morale et spirituale (1641), many aspects of this large, complex print remain enigmatic, and the intended context for much of the music in the collection has long been a matter of... more
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      Giovanni Felice SancesClaudio MonteverdiSeventeenth Century MusicMotets
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      Claudio MonteverdiGiovanni Maria ArtusiPoetry and MusicThe Gonzaga of Mantua
Studio sulle modalità seguite dall'Accademico Gian Francesco Busenello (1598-1659) nel rappresentare la figura di Seneca nel libretto della Incoronazione di Poppea, musicato da Claudio Monteverdi, con particolare attenzione all'utilizzo... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistorySenecaClaudio Monteverdi
For all the progress that has been made toward a more sympathetic understanding of Monteverdi’s Marinism, musicologists have yet to conquer their own bias against Marino as anti-Petrarchan poet. Such bias has prevented an understanding of... more
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      Music HistoryItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesBaroque Art and Literature
Un breve ritratto di Poppea Sabina e la recezione della sua figura nella cultura contemporanea.
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      Claudio MonteverdiPoppeaNerone
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      Claudio MonteverdiAdriano BanchieriMasquerades and CarnivalOrazio Vecchi
Review of the Ellen Rosand Festschrift.
Vassilis Vavoulis, Early Music , Vol. 43, No. 4 (Nov., 2015), pp. 690-693
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      Claudio MonteverdiFrancesco CavalliItalian Baroque Opera17th-century Venetian Opera
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studiesOperaWagner Studies
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      MusicMusicologyClaudio MonteverdiBenedetto Ferrari
This article analyses the way of setting lament and the theme of madness to music in the first half of the seventeenth century, on the example of the works of Claudio Monteverdi. At that time the way of expressing states on the verge of... more
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      Gender StudiesCultural MusicologyFeminismHistory Of Madness And Psychiatry
Using historical, analytic, and documentary methodologies this article establishes dates in 1607 for the composition of two madrigals by Monteverdi - “Ohime el bel viso”, and “Zefiro torna e’l bel tempo rimena”, both eventually published... more
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      Baroque MusicClaudio MonteverdiMusical borrowingmusical parody
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      Claudio MonteverdiLettersSeventeenth-Century Italian Music
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      AristotleBaroque MusicAncient Greek MusicClaudio Monteverdi
Recensione di una delle migliori realizzazioni discografiche dell'opera.
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      Baroque operaClaudio MonteverdiGiovanni Francesco BusenelloFrancesco Cavalli
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      MusicMusicologyItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyRenaissance Studies
Claudio Monteverdi constantly paired his musical praxis with a reflection on Arte musica, and in particular on the connection between music and text – although was never able to formalize his theories. This study, which relies heavily on... more
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The lecture is intended primarily to provide a systematic analysis of the genesis of Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, and then, to consider the ways the text was copied and published. The author demonstrates the methodological uncertainties of... more
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      PhilologyTextual CriticismPerformance PracticeClaudio Monteverdi
Dei tempi metronomici e dei toni
Il Vespro della Beata Vergine come opera d’arte figurativa
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    • Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi's works and certainly his operas originated within the realm of pioneering practitioners. For this reason his music is depending to a great extent of the embodiment of performing conventions. This article discusses the... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyEpistemologyMichael Polanyi
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      OperaBaroque MusicInstrumental Music17th Century Music
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      MusicMusic HistoryAestheticsIntermediality
The 1623 publication of Procopius’ Secret History shocked the scholarly world. The ancient historian’s rejection of his official account of the reign of Justinian I forced humanists to reflect on the general reliability of historical... more
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      MusicologyPerformance StudiesClaudio MonteverdiEstetica musicale
Programación artística del XXII Festival de Música Antigua Úbeda y Baeza (2018) [Vnitas et diversitas: estilos nacionales en la música antigua]
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      Early MusicMusicologyEuropean UnionBaroque Music
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      Baroque MusicRenaissance musicClaudio MonteverdiItalian Baroque Music
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      MusicologyClaudio MonteverdiRethoricMadrigals
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      Computational Complexity TheoryHuman Computer InteractionEarly MusicMusic History
The article reads Sigmund Freud and Claudio Monteverdi’s understanding of musicality, its affinity with rhetoric, and the way this relation informs their individual oeuvres. Both Monteverdi and Freud, each in his own way, were condemned... more
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      MusicRhetoricMaterial Culture StudiesDeconstruction
A comienzos del s. XVII, el creciente interés por comunicar emociones a través de la música contribuyó al abandono de la polifonía y al surgimiento de la monodía acompañada. En las obras vocales, este nuevo estilo de composición... more
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      Early MusicPhonologyMusical ExpressionBaroque Music
In the year 1649, Marco Scacchi (1600-1662), Giovanni Francesco Anerio's disciple, publishes a theoretical work called “Breve Discorso Sopra la Musica Moderna” in which he builds important arguments for the defense of his own music... more
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      Plato and PlatonismClaudio MonteverdiRethoricHistorical Musicology
This article examines the temporal structure of L’Orfeo’s prologue. An analysis of the distribution of semibreves per line of text reveals a palindrome, which reinforces long-held perceptions of symmetry in the opera. Adopting the form of... more
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      Claudio MonteverdiL’OrfeoLa MusicaPrologue
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      Music analysisClaudio MonteverdiItalian madrigal
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      Performance PracticeClaudio MonteverdiHistorical MusicologyAccompaniment
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      MusicMusic HistoryBaroque MusicClaudio Monteverdi
O presente artigo trata de questões referentes à linguagem harmônica da obra de Claudio Monteverdi, seus procedimentos harmônicos e decorrentes movimentações melódicas, sua utilização como recurso dramatúrgico e suas possíveis... more
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      AristotleOperaBaroque MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music
Este trabalho propõe um estudo comparativo entre dois estilos musicais separados pelo tempo e pelo espaço: a Seconda Pratica, estilo musical italiano do início do período barroco em música, mais especificamente do início do século XVII; e... more
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      Claudio MonteverdiBossa NovaCanção Popular BrasileiraHistória e Canção
No todos los amantes suplican piedad a sus amados a fin de evitar la muerte que los amenaza si no ven correspondido su amor. Algunos vislumbran una muerte dichosa si se produce una piedad póstuma. Estas páginas intentan explorar distintas... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureClaudio MonteverdiTorquato TassoGarcilaso De La Vega
In Europe, between the years 1575 to 1625, a fundamental change appeared in the approach or underlying assumptions of the strategy to thought regarding the principles, composition, and musical performance. This paradigm shift was a... more
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      Baroque MusicRenaissance musicClaudio MonteverdiPolyphonic
While Monteverdi didn’t create the operatic form (that credit belonging to Peri and Caccini) , he was the first widely renowned composer for the form, and pioneered many of the forms traits we recognise today. Between 1607 and 1643, he... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryOperaClaudio Monteverdi
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      MelancholyClaudio Monteverdi (Music)Claudio MonteverdiMusic and Melancholy
When compared with the chaconne of Monteverdi's Zefiro torna, e di soavi accenti, Frescobaldi's Cento partite sopra passacagli reveals a completely different notion of the genre. Like Frescobaldi's other chaconnes and passacaglias, this... more
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      Claudio MonteverdiGirolamo Frescobaldi
Il contributo affronta due argomenti interconnessi: l’idea di meraviglioso nell’opera secentesca, e come essa si rifletta sull’Orfeo di Monteverdi nella regìa di Ronconi.
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      Claudio MonteverdiLuca Ronconi
¿Quién no conoce la romántica y dramática historia del enamorado Orfeo que perdió a su esposa Eurídice el día de su enlace? Desolado, el que fuera considerado como el señor de la música, hasta inventor de la lira, sedujo con su canto a... more
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      MusicMythologyClaudio MonteverdiPeter Paul Rubens
Il presente lavoro è estratto dello studio per il progetto di audience development “FOTOGRAMMI MONTEVERDIANI”, commissionato dalla Fondazione Paolo Grassi e dalla 43˚ Festival della Valle d’Itria, per il ciclo d'incontri "Mettiamoci... more
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      Music EducationCinemaClaudio MonteverdiCinema Studies